clcmfp Member


  • I know people blame the anesthesia and the surgery, but honestly, it’s the rapid weight loss that causes it and it will stop and regrow when your weight loss stops. I know this because I lost a ton of hair with my sleeve, and sleeve surgery was absolutely nothing compared to my post-wls plastics which were 11+ hours and…
    in Hair Loss Comment by clcmfp October 2018
  • I had my first post weight loss plastic surgery in May (lower body lift medial thigh lift, lipo, fat transfer) and had a lot of complications! Pneumonia, wound dehiscence, slow healing, and then a huge pulmonary embolism. I still have one opening that will take a while to close, but otherwise am finally making good…
    in Check In Comment by clcmfp July 2018
  • I think it’s a workout personality thing. I have to physically leave my house because otherwise, I make excuses not to exercise and my couch is too easy to get to. So I hike. My treadmill is gathering dust. I can’t get myself to do it.
    in Peloton? Comment by clcmfp June 2018
  • I do better with Thanksgiving and Christmas than I do with the summer. Those are individual events for me. With summer, we have a lake house and there are near daily get togethers with friends - cocktail parties with appetizers, barbecues, dinners out... so much entertaining that lasts all summer. And I am next door to my…
  • Down to feeling about 82 years old now after 16 days. I have some wound dehiscence, a common complication of thigh lifts, but it’s a huge bummer nevertheless. Still in my recliner which has become the center of my sad world. I am so looking forward to full healing. I’m afraid it’s going to be a long while. Mental…
  • Oh wow. A lower body lift and a medial thigh lift together is absolutely no joke. I am a fast healer, but this was like nothing I’ve ever been through. I’m on Day 12 post-op now and am finally able to do most things by myself. (God forbid) I drop something though as bending is not possible. Nor is stair climbing, showering…
  • I agree, you may have developed an intolerance to foods you’re used to eating. An elimination diet to see if you can isolate something that’s causing your bloat like dairy or gluten might be helpful. Also, I know quite a few people who have had weight loss surgery and I am endlessly fascinated by how many calories each…
  • You didn’t scare me at all. Thank you so much, this is really helpful. I do way better with the truth than rainbows! Somehow preparing for the worst helps calm my anxiety, but the only thing that will really make it go away is just to be on the other side of this and experience it for myself. But the more stories I gather,…
  • Welcome!
    in Can I join? Comment by clcmfp May 2018
  • What do you eat generally? How many calories? Some programs/plans are better than others and that’s not your fault, but maybe people hee can give you advice. On the plus side, you’re down 61 pounds! That’s a huge benefit to your health and nothing to feel down about!
  • People who are judgmental about WLS likely see being obese as a sign of weakness/laziness/lack of self-control i.e. a moral failure. It’s not. And WLS isn’t the easy way, a shortcut, or a cop out. It’s the only way medical science has today of giving you a fighting chance of keeping the weight off. Currently only 2-4% of…
    in New member Comment by clcmfp April 2018
  • It depends on what part of eating is fun for you! I can still eat everything I ate before, just not nearly as much. I had pizza yesterday and managed two slices. It was delish. Before I could have eaten a large pizza alone and had room for more. Now whether pizza was a good choice is another question...
  • Not directly, but I’ve read comments to that effect. I’m sorry to those who have had it said directly to them. I have lost over 100 and up to 170 pounds “the hard way” 3 times in my life and once “the easy way”. I speak from experience when I say it’s all hard. But with diet and exercise alone, maintenance goes from “hard”…
  • I hiked and walked a lot throughout my weight loss period and lost 120 lbs to my goal in 8 months. I don’t buy it!
  • I’m scheduled for my first of two skin removal surgeries on 5/8 (28 days, ack!). My plastic surgeon wants people to be maintaining their weight for at least 3 months before surgery. I will have been in maintenance for 6 months on the day of my surgery. It’s so hard to know when you’ve lost “enough” because loose skins…
  • I needed long naps for the first 3 weeks. A combination of the surgery and not getting many calories wiped me out completely. Best of luck to you!
  • I’m scheduled for my first plastics on 5/8 (lower body lift, medial thigh lift (half way down thighs), lipo and fat transfer to butt. I’m nervous as a cat!
  • No, but I share your surgery day! My one year VSG surgiversary is 2/22. I’m so glad I did it and hope you will be too! I’ve been at goal since November 9th.
  • A good thing to remember is not every odd symptom will be related to your surgery or weight loss. My nails got like this and my doctor found I had an overactive thyroid. They are fine now that I’m medicated for it.
  • I was under 1000 the whole time I was losing. Usually closer to 800.
  • Yup, just walking.
  • Good luck with your knee surgery!
  • I am not a doctor, but a quick googling found a few medical journal articles referencing successful gastric bypasses on patients with intestinal malrotation. So I would not say you can’t have the surgery, but that your surgeons were just not confident in performing it on you given their experience. Disappointing as that…
  • I stay in this group at MFP and spend most of my time at It’s a WLS support site. The support is much better than BariatricPal where it’s mostly the blind leading the blind. Though OH members have some strong opinions about Lap Bands as so many folks there have had to have them removed/revised due to…
  • I’m sorry you need a conversion! I also developed GERD after my VSG and will be having a hiatal hernia fixed for the second time next month (it was fixed during my VSG but didn’t hold) in hopes of getting rid of the GERD.
  • My surgeon said drink right up until you eat, but wait 30 minutes after. Works for me.
  • I know that therapy isn't a big thing in the UK, but I wish it was. Because I don't think I would have been in the right headspace for this effort without it. And I think you would really benefit from working with someone to get to the issues underneath not being able to stick to an eating plan for a few weeks when it’s…
  • I had to be on antibiotics while I was still under orders to crush anything larger than a baby aspirin. Crushed antibiotics taste like hell. The worst 5 days of the whole experience!