I have a few bikinis for times when I am just with my husband and feeling confident but honestly I LOVE tankinis. There are so many cute ones around right now. I just got one from a little online boutique called Janela Bay (look them up) and another one from another online site called hush and salt. You don't sound…
Yes!! I love this. There are worse things in the world than cellulite I guess :)
Wow you guys are awesome, thank you so much! ❤️
Girl, I am struggling with this same thing right now! Ya, making sure you're getting enough nutrients, especially protein, is important. I have been learning that as I've been trying to live off off a bunch of low-calorie, low-nutrient foods like popcorn and I find that I am hungry all the time! Also, if you're like me,…
It is so tricky!! I come from a family that drinks soda non-stop...literally. My mom probably drinks 3 diet dr. Peppers a day. I was like that, but I recently started training for a marathon and decided to stop. I have and I love the way I feel. I suggest substituting other drinks in. I LOVE the crystal light packets that…
I'll add you! Trying to get back into the swing of things! I got a food scale this weekend and am starting to use it!
So eye-opening! Thank you!
Thank you!!
Oh no, that actually is very helpful. I'll try and find the video. Thank you!!
No I don't...I try to keep track accurately but I probably don't think that could explain almost 20 lbs?
Oh wow, I didn't think of that...thank you!
I tried it a few months ago. Obviously I didn't expect it to be some kind of magic thing to make me skinny, I was like you and just wanted a little boost. However, on day one I felt sooo weird. My heart wouldn't stop pounding, even when I was resting. I couldn't sleep that ENTIRE night and I constantly just felt so…
I am looking to loose 20 lbs and was wondering the same thing...I already am fairly tone and I feel like I have a lot of muscle but I still want to loose 20 often should I be doing the weights?
I have seen the polar bracelets that track your workouts and say how many calories are burned...I would only use it when I workout (run, lift, bike, etc) :)
@ivylaurenvd :)
I am doing that too! Thought I was the only one who thought like that, haha :)
Okay, interesting. Thanks guys!
Thank you! Yes I still wear all of the same clothes and they fit exactly the same, and like I said, I eat better (and probably less) than I did before...definitely not enough to gain 20 lbs, so maybe some of it is muscle. But I'll keep working out and logging my calories and see what will happen, thanks
I am a full time student and I work, I know that's no excuse, but I make chicken on most days, but some days I probably just don't get enough protein
I am around 145 right now, when about a year ago I was 128. I am not sure what happened! I exercise a lot more than I used to, and I don't feel like I look any different, clothes still fit the same. But I'd like to get back down, and tone up some flabbier areas. Feel free to add :)
Because it is just a bad habit...I am kind of an emotional eater
Loved reading all your opinions everyone! Totally going to try the 100 calorie bags like some of you said. Of course, moderation is still very important. But yay! Popcorn!
I do this a lot :( but it's ok! Just like one good day won't make you 100 lbs skinnier, one bad day won't make you gain 100 lbs :) it's all about not giving up!
Of course I want to be fit but if I'm being honest, I would like to be skinny. I feel like I have a lot of muscle, is it bad that I almost feel like I want to loose some muscle? Also, how do you get your body fat % checked?
Last night I made homemade Oreos for a family dinner. Told myself I wouldn't eat any, ended up having 3 :neutral:
I'd love to! I'm 20, and I have a hard staying motivated 100% of the time :) added you!
So it's fine if I do the elliptical for like an hour 4x a week? It will still be effective if I do it a ton?
Ya, I know they don't do anything for weight loss, I just wanted to know if I should be taking them for overall health, especially since I don't get as much fish as I should. Thank you! :)
YUM! These all sound awesome. Thanks guys!