kmcc144 Member


  • Looking for new friends! I've hit my goal weight but I'm trying to tone up and add muscle now. I don't have a TON of free time as I'm a single mom and full time student, but I could really use some friends to help motivate me and keep me going!
  • So although the Master's degree is online, it's through a major university and set up for teachers trying to get their counseling. Although, the University I am at now does offer one on campus if I could swing it.. it will just depend on timing! Basically, I go to the University of Texas right now, and one of their sister…
  • I've thought about school administration as well! My main thoughts right now are to begin with teaching and get in the school system and decide which direction to take from there.
  • That sounds amazing! I love hearing about jobs that aren't so mainstream :-)
  • I love this! Nutrition seems to be a growing field right now, or it seems that way anyway. I love music, and am kind of kicking myself for not pursuing music therapy before I had kids.. There's no schools near me that offer it and that ship sailed many years ago. haha It's okay though. I love hearing everyone's perspective…
  • Your post offered a lot of insight! This is kind of my "problem." I just can't be stretched that thin.. I have 3 wonderful kiddos all under school age, though my first will start kindergarten this fall. Right now I'm a psychology major. I am leaning towards being a school counselor because I love being around kids. I just…
  • I have an underactive thyroid and take synthroid daily. It has been hard, and I've had to be very consistent.. but over the last 3 years I've managed to lose 60lbs! I just have to be careful with my carb intake because if I slip up and don't get enough protein for a few days and have too many carbs, it really screws me up.…
  • I honestly eat a cheeseburger wrapped in lettuce the first or second day to up my iron and it's been helping me to keep from feeling like I'm crazy ravenous. I keep some pieces of dark chocolate in the house for when I want something sweet- and occasionally some reduced fat oreos.
  • Thanks for all of these responses! I have actually been measuring so I can assure you that I have fluctuated between a loss of .5"-1" in the past year. It's frustrating it's the last to go because I want it to be the first to go! Lol I have 3 kids ages 3, 2, and 1- so I imagine 3 pregnancies so close to each other play…
  • I'm just now getting into making the rounds of doctors. I've been to a neurologist, endocrinologist, and soon to be cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and dermatologist. Will get there eventually... Thanks for your reply. Makes me think there's at least a tiny chance it could be my thyroid.
  • I am so sorry to hear about your husband. Some people eat when they're bored, as a distraction. It seems like maybe you're eating to distract yourself from everything. My advice is to find something else to do when you feel like eating. If you aren't there quite yet- then find something low calorie you can snack on while…
  • I'm a full time student and single mom of a 3, 2, and 1 year old. I am exhausted at the end of the day. I've lost 45lbs since I had my daughter in April 2014- but still have about 25lbs to go. I've been slacking lately and really need to get my head back in the game.
  • Thank you both. I am overeating a LOT lately. I used to have a cheat meal one day, and eat light the next and had a really good system. Lately I am overeating and the next day I can tell my body doesn't want me to eat much, but I do anyway. I feel terrible. I log my first 2 meals and it's great.. Then i'm tired in the…
  • I usually have a light english muffin with preserves and a cup of coffee. Can't forget the coffee! Lol
  • For those wondering: I started taking yaz (really the generic which is gianvi? I believe) and have actually had an easier time losing weight. I am sure that is likely because my hormones have been way off from having 3 kids in the past 3 years. I admittedly finally feel pretty normal and feel like everything has finally…
  • Thanks ladies, my husband and I had decided we didn't want anymore kids and he was going to get a vasectomy. And then we got a divorce.. So.. Now I am where I definitely don't want anymore kids but am afraid I will change my mind if I ever get married again. I'm really torn between getting an iud and just taking birth…
  • Stress and lack of sleep can really dwindle your willpower. Maybe the better plan of action would be finding a way to manage your stress and increase your rest/sleep time. I know that when I am tired (which is really frequently with a baby) I tend to eat more. It's like I eat to stay awake. I've started chewing gum like…
  • My advice is to find a substitute for your cravings. If you want ice cream, have fat free frozen yogurt or skinny cow ice cream. My examples are: When I want chocolate I eat 7 dark chocolate covered almonds (108 cals). Or a fiber one brownie (90 cals). I crave pizza a lot, so I still have it but have a big salad before and…
  • I just had my third a year ago (recently stopped bfing) and seriously.. My periods are TERRIBLE! I totally relate with feeling like my uterus is going to fall out!! It hurts so bad! It is just this crazy heaviness feeling. I am definitely thinking that I want no more kids now! Lol I have found that Motrin helps some.. But…
  • For what it's worth- I have terrible anxiety and I feel like I HAVE to be eating something or crunching on something. It just calms my nerves. Lately I just grab a piece of gum and go for a walk. It's helped wonders! I'm a little tired of gum... LOL But this has been one of my better eating weeks. Another big help to me…
    in My story! Comment by kmcc144 May 2015
  • I like this! I think an important thing to add is reward your gains (or losses I suppose) with something other than food! This is what I struggle with. I finally lose and I decide to reward myself with food. It makes no sense and makes me yo-yo frequently. So make sure you have a specific reward in mind to focus on, like a…
  • I weigh once a week also. I choose the day of the week that I am able to get the most rest, which for me is Friday or Saturday depending on the week. I just stopped breastfeeding so am just getting back into the swing of hormone fluctuations. I've noticed that there is really just once a month when my weight goes down…
  • Thanks everyone! Today is my weekend without the kids again and I am focusing on all of the things I can do. This is the first weekend I don't pick my daughter up until Saturday evening instead of morning. So my silver lining this weekend is I get to sleep late!! I haven't gotten to sleep late or uninterrupted in.... 2…
  • This weekend is my weekend without my kids and that is always my hardest! All I want to do is eat pizza, watch movies, and drink wine. I always blow my week on the friday night without my kids. Not this time! I am determined to enjoy my day/night without totally killing my progress. I am focusing on the fact that I get to…
  • You're just getting started, hang in there! The beginning is always the hardest. You just had a baby, so remember that your body is recovering. Lack of sleep is terrible. I'm going to be honest, my daughter just turned 1 (I also have a 3 and 2 year old) and although we get more sleep now- I still have days like today where…
  • My kids are at their dad's this weekend. I did my elliptical and some strength training, and then... I had 2 glasses of sparkling wine and a whole digorno pizza.. So roughly 1400 calories which is typically my normal goal for the day. Really trying not to hate myself right now. It's only about 8:30pm and I keep eyeing my…
  • I am a SAHM and full time student (primarily online). I have a 3 year old, 2 year old, and 1 year old. Needless to say, I stay pretty busy! I have an inexpensive elliptical, but it's in my room and lately my oldest has been napping on my bed. So I look at pinterest for workouts and also Nap time is my…
  • Do you weigh your food? I stopped losing weight for months and couldn't figure out why until I started weighing my food. You'd be surprised the difference it makes!
  • My kitchen scale definitely changed my life! I am so grateful to my friend on here that suggested I buy one. I had hit a plateau and didn't lose weight for months until I started weighing my food. Now the food I am logging is accurate! I am definitely all about lifestyle change. I still eat the things I love like pizza and…
  • I love PiYo! I occasionally meet my brother at the gym and we take a piyo class together. I didn't realize there was a system out like that- I think that is something I will look into!
    in Piyo Comment by kmcc144 April 2015