Happy Friday
7 am video conference on Thanksgiving never sleeps
Since I'm bed/couch ridden (grade 2 calf strain) hanging with my boys
Not where I wanna be but puttin in the work
Throwback selfie
So basically you are determined to keep a commitment to yourself..that's motivation to keep your own promise. Definitely semantics haha. No matter what car you drive as long as you get to the right destination it doesn't matter
"Train like your ex is going to see you tomorrow. That way if/when that happens, they KNOW that they f***ed up." One of the many things I tell myself when I'm too lazy to get to the gym
1) I would make sure that your form with your exercises is clean. Most likely your body is telling you bad form and bad posture 2) make sure you do warm up sets for these movements. Stretching "cold muscles" does more harm than good so while the stretches I saw in the above posts are important, do these after warming up.…
Awesome job! Keep it up!
1.5 pounds a week is roughly 750 a day caloric deficit, so I don't doubt that it may be accurate to say it could still be under 2000 depending on age and activity level. I have my own calculator on my computer at work to cross check mine and usually it's like 50-100 calories different than MFP.
Congrats! Keep it goin!
Odds are, if you are properly counting calories you are looking at macros and micros and back to my original statement you have to see what works for you...but then again I am on the forums so I need to stop being so general... Oh mylanta smh
Just sent an invite! Keep it going you are doing awesome!
For a runner the protein seems super high and like everyone else is saying calories seem low as well.
Had a response to this, I suggest you read it. "Just consume less" means you lose fat but also more likely than not muscle as well if you are not counting. So yes a lose weight without counting, yes my bad but is it the best thing to do to just lose weight without realizing what's actually happening to you body...not so…
Yes and many people who do the small changes who look in the mirror after a long time of doing that still look in the mirror and are depressed that even though they are lighter, they don't like themselves. Hence the fix your mind first then do the work. Everyone is different so yes some people are good with "average" and…
^ this may come off a little harsh but you cant lose weight without counting and analyzing first and seeing how your body responds first...period. On top of that if you are worried about your mental issues when doing a diet, then don't diet! Get right with yourself first and fix your mind before you even attempt to fix…
I just cook 2 variations of what I eat during lunch so one is "lunch" and the other is "snack" rice, steak, veggies.
Waiting on the team to finish
Too cute, I'd let you win
Beating yesterday's me. Everyday I wake up is a chance for me to do what I couldn't do before, to beat personal records that I thought I couldn't do before and to continue to be the best version of me. "They say beauty's in the eye of the beholder That's why I look in the mirror every morning and realize how fly I am!"
No but seems like he'd be a good bro, bromance? Maybe
Stylish and sexy
Add me, I'm always active and good for some trying to keep my friends going