matti422 Member


  • It's super pricey, but I decided to give it a try for a few months since I had access to disposable income. There's a lot more psychological tips on how to recognize food or overeating triggers and respond to them. That said, there's nothing really new in the tips - its kind of like getting a daily update from Psychology…
  • I have celiac disease and can give you tips, but - as noted by Igfrie - it is a non-trivial diet. You have to be prepared to read every label, refuse to eat non-labeled food (including things friends make for you, even if they insist they gluten fee), and to carry stacks of "safe" food with you whenever you travel or are…
  • I'm kind of in the same boat. Not a move, but a new job, an injury and a lot of "life" upsetting normal routines. I need to get back on track - really hard around the holidays - and am looking for that extra support to hold me accountable.
  • I don't eat gluten free processed food. Either I make it myself (cookies, breads) or just go without. Of course, I'm only really successful losing weight when I don't drink or eat sugar, but sometimes. I don't eat a lot of meat, either, so my diet is a lot of eggs, vegetables, protein smoothies (summer), soups (winter). I…
  • (will make you want to move to Canada)
  • Get tested for celiac disease before you go gluten free. Hashimoto's and celiac frequently occur together (don't know why... My doctor told me...i have both), and celiac blood tests will come back with false negative if you're not consuming gluten.
  • I like Banza chickpea pasta, and Amazon runs great deals on it ever once in a while. My local Costco (Seattle area) also carries it. Schar is definitely good for all their products. Hope you can find it.
  • I really like Banza chickpea pasta - high protein and fiber. I'll bake a large pasta dish with it and eat leftovers, super easy. Other good dishes for this are shepherd's pie (can do with lentils or Beyond Meat crumbles in vegetarian - both GF). Chia pudding for breakfast is good, as is My New Roots Life Changing Bread…
  • I've also done that recipe with salmon instead of chicken - it's excellent! I've also really liked "Caulitamale Pie" and spinach-artichoke stuffed peppers from and Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Casserole from Both easy and tasty.
  • I count, but primarily to ensure I eat enough. I'm keto due to celiac disease and not necessarily trying to lose weight. I also due endurance athletics (triathlon) and often find myself not hungry but with a huge calorie deficit - which will bite me in the butt on a long training effort. So, I count calories to make sure I…
  • A lot depends on your base metabolic rate, which is influenced by muscle mass as well as overall weight. I wasn't loosing weight on 1500 calories a day when I signed up for a seminar at my gym where they did some fancy body composition measurement. That info told me I had a BMR of 2200 calories a day (I'm muscular…
  • Core stability exercises like planks, side planks, bridges will help a lot. Working with a trainer to make sure your form is correct would also be a good investment.
  • Spaghetti squash shrimp scampi. Google it. Amazing. I'm celiac, so I can't even cheat with pasta. :)
  • Get a kitchen scale an weigh food for accurate recording. And do some weight training in addition to the cardio. But also consider investing in a scale that measures muscle mass, body fat, and estimated base metabolic rate. I was gaining weight on 1200 calories a day, and started losing when I upped my intake to 1800 after…
  • I got an impromptu chi running clinic once and didn't realize it until after. I with with a coach now, and almost all of the form advice she gives me was also taught by chi running. It sounds gimmick-y, but is honestly really helpful.
  • Ha! Lake Alice Road. I know it from the section that goes up. :). I also know that the "official" bike path is I-90. Trust me, you chose wisely.
  • I'm not sure anyone really knows what the question is here, other than something to do with calorie burn calculated by MFP. Given that the OP is "Expert" (and swimming at paces that rival competitive Olympians), I suggest he work with his coach on proper nutrition for training. Professional advice will be more useful,…
  • I have thyroid disorder, too, and would encourage him to get his hormone levels checked - thyroid as well as cortisol. He should also get checked for celiac, as many with autoimmune thyroid disorder also have celiac (or other autoimmune disorders). If he's celiac, and not gluten-free, his synthetic thyroid medicine may not…
  • Garmin sports watches have this functionality. I have the XT950 and it had this function.
  • Sautee in butter, olive oil, or bacon fat, then drizzle with pure grade B maple syrup. S&P.
  • Same boat: Hashimotos and CD. Triathlete, runner, skier. I love to cook, which is a blessing with celiac, as I can't eat almost anything prepared by others.
  • I think any time one partner has a hobby the other doesn't, it will take some work to educate the other about why this is important to you. But that's just standard "people change over time, relationships take work" stuff. Philandering or control (ffs - emotional abuse!) issues are not /caused/ by someone working out,…
  • I've always preferred vegetables to meat, and started eating pescatarian as a New Year's resolution this year and have been pretty good. I did it because of the environmental impact of meat production. I still eat local eggs (my neighbor has chickens) and cheese, and most of my fish is local, too - living in the pacific…
  • I do kale, Vega Sport protein powder, and unsweetened almond milk and 1-2 dates in my Nutribullet, and it's pretty darn tasty.
  • Substitute cooked lentils and/or Beyond Meat Beefy Crumbles for the ground meat, liquid aminos (or vegan version) for the Worcestershire sauce, mushroom broth for beef broth, and omit the dairy or use nut-based substitutes.…