JessikaJacobs87 Member


  • Yea, I had a lot of carbs that day. It was accidental. But honestly, if you look at my saturdays, they are always high carb. Normally wine, and I dont gain an ounce. Ah well, lesson learned! No biggie, dropped 5lbs of it already. It was just shocking.
  • Weekends I eat more carbs than during the week. But never pasta, bread, chips, etc except today where I had a slice of cake at a retirement party. You wont miss them once theor gone, and if you get a craving, have a small portion of whatever it is. Its not about taking it all away and suffering. You habe to do whats good…
  • Out of a 7 day period, I did LCHF every other day, and on the days inbetween I ate up to 150g of GOOD carbs, not nasty ones. And I reduced fat intake on those high days as well. Made my body wprk a little bit.
  • Thanks everyone ^.^ im 210 after weighing myself right when I get up after using the bathroom. Im back to prepregnancy weight!
  • Also, my husband and roomie do not eat like me. so I know what its like to still have junk in the house. I know temptation. Im sorry your family doesnt support you. Add me if you like, ive found things people would consider 'bad for you' that actually works with this LCHF. Maybe that would help?
  • Sugar is an addiction, as others have said. In order to break that, you need to stop eating them. I quit cold turkey, but not everyone can do that. Now that ive been doing this for a bit iver a month, I find that if im out with my husband and he wants, say, a slice of pie, I can split it with him without feeling guilty and…
  • Question; I am having a hard time finding CO here, every store I have gone to does not carry it. Can I make BPC with just HWC? Is that ok? With it froth the way it is supposed to?
  • Thanks! That actually helps a lot. Ill add bacon fat to my diary and see how it comes out. I just wanted to make sure I was doing this right. Ill look into some low carb nuts and peanut butter. Any suggestions for brand of PB?
    in Fats Comment by JessikaJacobs87 May 2015
  • I dont really drink coffee. Whats bulletproof? Also, I just started adding heavy cream to my eggs in the morning. If you look at my diary, ive been eating ribeye and fatty pork. I bought chicken legs with skin, just havent cooked them yet, and the fattiest hamburger my grocery carried, just havent had that either. I fry…
    in Fats Comment by JessikaJacobs87 May 2015
  • I dont normally eat back my exercise calories. Today im at 880/1300, but I will prolly only make it to 1100. I am not ever hungry, actually. I dont like Avacado or mayo, any other suggestions? I am trying to get a handle on this being new and all, I just dont know what to add that I like.
    in Fats Comment by JessikaJacobs87 May 2015
  • No problem. I really liked reading them. They have good information, even if they were posted last year.
  • Honestly, the scale only tells you so much. I weigh in once a week, but I also take all of my measurements as well, because sometimes the scale just doesnt more. And that's ok. You're not always going to see it go anywhere. I go more by how my clothes fit, my measurements, and how I feel. I just weigh in because it is nice…
  • As someone who has been in the system, and not ashamed of it at all, let me tell you how my days went. Got up at 5:30am, waited in day room, served breakfast 6:30-7:30 weight room/yard time (one or the other, never both) 7:30-Noon day room where I played cards, watched tv, used the phone and walked up and down the stairs…
  • They would only agree because they are addicted to carbs :) If I wanted to add carbs, all I would need is a bowl of cerial. BOOM. 26g right there. Lol. It's really not that hard, as I am sure you know.
  • Thanks everyone, I really like the pin up style, if you cant tell from my profile pic
  • Lol, thank you! I have an hour glass figure that I like very much
  • This one is before the weight loss
  • Honestly, I do and do not track my calories. I dont weigh my food, I just guess. Unless it is something That already comes weighed out for me, then I know the exact weight of things, or the exact counts. I mainly keep track to make sure I am eating enough, because sometimes I dont because Im just not hungry. And now I keep…
  • I know this feeling! Last night I went to my in laws and we had dinner. They obviously dont conform to my needs, since I am one person. I had a very good pork chop, and then they had cheesecake for dinner. Since I havent had anything like that in a while, I had a small bit. And OMG, it tasted sweet as icing on a cake, and…
  • Honestly, it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. And you would just start to eat more carbs, a little at a time so your body goes back to burning carbs for energy instead of fat. It's not hard to eat more carbs, it's hard to eat less.
  • Some cheese does have carbs, others have low or no carbs at all. If I knew how to paste a picture here I would show you. Infact, you can look at my food diary, if you like. Some of my cheese has 2g of carbs, other cheese has none. And all of my eggs have 0g of carbs. Or, next time you go to the grocery, have a look for…
  • eggs, bacon, most meat (that I buy), depending on the type of cheese, fish (such as talapia), ground turkey, olive oil, some butters.... these are all examples of zero carb food items. It's not hard or impossible. And that's just from looking through my food diary that I found these.
  • Meats, eggs, cheese, pickles, olives, almond milk...and a lot of other things. My grocery bill is fantastic. I save a lot of money, and I have a ton of energry. But really, it's all about preference. I like my LCHF diet. It works for me. Food /is/ fuel, but my body doesnt require carbs for it's fuel. 11.5lbs and almost 20…
  • ^ I was just about to post this Twibbly! It really is the best LC group, IMO. Welcome back!
  • Just whatever you decide on make sure you like the way it's done. I find Keto easy because I really dont have to cut anything out but the carbs (breads, fried food, rice, packaged food), and even then I still eat carbs, just far fewer than before. for example, I get to eat bacon and cream cheese, two things I thought for…
  • It's 19.5 as a total. Not one specific place. Waist, thighs, neck, hips, bust, and stomach (I measure it differently because I have a stomach and and hourglass figure. If I knew how to put pics in comments from my phone I would.
  • Thanks for this Link. Im going to make cream cheese stuffed ribeye steak wrapped in bacon tonight. I am eating later than normal because I have gaming tonight with my friends and I always snack. So I had a light late lunch and am going to prep some of this for a late dinner. Thanks so much!
  • Thanks everyone! I just went out shopping today and spent 131 dollars on food for my house, with excellent deals on ribeye steaks, pork, fish, and ground beef. I am doing pretty good so far, I am normally under 20g of carbs, never over calories, and I am learning how to read those labels on the back of food to see how much…
  • oh, im aware how exaggerated they are, I wear an HRM so i put in the real amount displayed. today I managed a little over 200 deficit. better than the last few days. And I am excited to go food shopping for more variety in my diet. also, what are some snack items that people eat? Nuts? Yogurt? What can we have thats good…