KHS86 Member


  • I had the same problem.. I'm still struggling with adding weight on the bar, but now they don't hurt. I bought a pair of squat shoes, so the issue for me was ankle mobility. I put the weight on my toes to get in the right position when I sat down. It didn't even feel like I had the weight on my toes, because I was actively…
  • But at 1500 cals /day... It's no wonder you are throwing the weight off. Try another calculator like "If it fits your macros", or "scooby's calculator". But I don't know, if you're happy with the rate you're going, then good job on…
  • It's fine.. You made a big change in your lifestyle, so you're getting big results. It will slow down as you get smaller... Enjoy it. If you're really worried, drop by the doc and get a checkup, but when you're a big guy or girl then you can get away with big weight loss. The only thing I can think of that might become an…
  • This is good advice... A cup of your favorite tea will take your mind off of food, it does for me at least :)
    in Food Addict Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • She will lose weight if she is in a caloric deficit, doesn't matter if she gets 50g of carbs or 150g.
    in Macros Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • I don't know, there is a difference between a weak spine and a real addiction, if you guys really are addicted, then perhaps therapy would be helpful? If not, then man the *kitten* up and stop making excuses for yourself, cook up 2 kilo of broccoli, put 200 gram of sour cream, or fat free greek yoghurt on top and eat until…
    in Food Addict Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • I agree, that is really great work. Keep it up. :)
  • lol! Where do you get these things from? Women's magazines?
    in Macros Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • Non of it is wrong. Most people recommend you to cut down first, and then do a "clean bulk" (small caloric surplus) to avoid gaining fat. But others will argue that it's easier to cut down after you've gained some more muscles, so they will recommend you to start with bulking. I'm an ectomorph myself, and I chose to cut…
  • We all have white rabbits, a white rabbit is the excuses we use to take the easy road... By saying to yourself that "Everything changes when you become a mum", you already opened a door for failure, now you have an excuse to not achieve the goal. The only thing that stands between you and your goal is... How badly do you…
  • That's it man, pre-log your food every day, then save the meals that you use regularly, so pre-logging becomes easy, and then stick to your plan as if your life depended on it! That way you will never worry about things like "What can i eat?", "How many calories is this?", "Will I have enough calories left for dinner?"…
  • He's right though, does it matter how he looks? Go 1g per pound of bodyweight, that is standard recommendation for bodybuilders, you can go even higher if you do roids.. There are studies done that says 0.8g per pound is enough as EzRemake suggests... But there is no downside to eating too many proteins as long as it…
  • If you're appetite is low and you're struggling to meet your minimum try and eat the calorie dense foods... Here's some ideas Cereal Pasta Peanut butter Nutella Cheese Chocolate Nuts Fruits / dried fruits Bacon Beef Donuts Baked beans Potato Salad Rice Coconut
    in Help! Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • The point was eat whatever the *kitten* you want to eat as long as it fits your macros.
  • People make things more complicated than they are... When it comes to losing or gaining weight the only thing that matters in the end is calories out vs calories in. 1g carbs = 4 calories 1g fat = 9 calories 1g protein = 4 calories It doesn't matter if those carbs are from oats or from chocolate, 1g of carbs is still 4…
  • Cook 1kg of broccoli, thats like 350 calories... Put 100gram of low fat greek yoghurt on top as dressing, that's like 400 calories... or do 2kg of brocolli. Just keep stuffing yourself with broccoli until you feel the fulness you're craving. I've done it a few times... Grab the low calorie foods when you feel like you need…
    in Always hungry Comment by KHS86 July 2015
  • chicken
  • Here you go. This is just something to start out with, then you watch your weight over the next 2-4 weeks. See if you go up or down in weight and adjust according to your goals.
  • It doesn't matter as much as you think it does... If you're trying to lose weight then the only thing that matters is: More calories out, than calories in. If you're trying to gain weight then you need to be in a caloric surplus. And last, if you're trying to gain muscle, you need to be in a small caloric surplus and get a…
  • This And definitely this! mmmm peanut butter. Also if you really need some calories, you could eat some brown rice, they are delicious and full of carbs, I would eat them all day if I could. But I don't know, if your appetite is low there is probably better options.
  • Doing 30 min on the elliptical and then going "Oh, now I can eat this delicious white bread with nutella!" is not gonna get you to where you want to go. It's all in your head, you aren't dying just because you did a little exercise, your body is not gonna collapse if you don't eat 'em back. You have a goal to lose weight,…
  • This ^^ Never take on the victim role, you messed up! But EVERY single person in the world does that sometimes, we all mess up, we all fail, but failure is a stepping stone to success if you learn from it. ... "Both winners and losers fail, but the difference between winners and losers is that the winner gets back up and…
  • Here's the answer, more calories out than calories in. If you want to be more specific and count calories, then calculate your TDEE and eat so that you're in a 20% calorie deficit every day. You can also just make it a fixed amount, like 500 calorie deficit. It's a good idea to change your habits and lifestyle and start…
    in Carbs Comment by KHS86 April 2015