omigawwwwwwd i hate squats

great big long rant full of swear words
i hate them. i hate them in all the ways - upways, downways, sideways, backwards. and if i don't lie awake at night thinking up new ways for them to hurt me, my body goes ahead and invents them for me.

squats are like that abusive dickface partner with the well-disguised mental disorder who's sane and civilized for a few weeks in the year, for no reason that you can really work out. and then just as you're settling down and starting to see a future, they invent new and creative ways to make sure you'll keep hating them.

except you can dump the dickface partner when it's clearly obvious that it just isn't going to work out. probably get at least a potted plant or a few dvds from the deal. with squats you can't even do that.

thank you all. i feel, not exactly better now, but at least i feel purged.



  • Acrawford01
    Acrawford01 Posts: 29 Member
    Nothing is worse than squats!!!!
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Good chance you're doing them wrong if they're causing that much displeasure.
  • Acrawford01
    Acrawford01 Posts: 29 Member
    I love what they do for me, I just hate doing them. It's my problem lol squats are great
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    of course i'm doing them 'wrong'. don't be silly :p

    in my defence, even when i do them 'right' they're still wrong. i've had people whose own form is exquisite compliment me about mine and then ask why i 'never increase in weight'. because up around three figures in weight, they'll arbitrarily start to hurt me somewhere no matter how clean my form is or how careful i was on the way. then i back down to the bar or the goblet form, experiment and tinker around and adjust, and start climbing the ladder again. i've been working on this for two years and have not yet found a form that remains painless for me past a few months and 100 pounds max.

    so just leave me to my moping and hatred, wouldja?
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Things that are uncomfortable and challenging are great for you.. one day you will love them!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Consider finding a different squat variation that you like more. Standard (back) squats are not required unless you intend to compete in them.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Don't get it

    Squats are my favourite

    Tough to do and make me feel powerful when done

    If you hate em don't do em
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I hate them too so I don't do them. I do deadlifts instead. *shrug*
  • GymRatSF
    GymRatSF Posts: 8,903 Member
    Love squats! Did the Corey Gregory squat challenge and did squats 100 days straight. Glad today is legs day!!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Sued0nim wrote: »
    Don't get it

    Squats are my favourite

    Tough to do and make me feel powerful when done

    If you hate em don't do em

    agreed. they are probably my favorite (other than deadlifts or hip thrusts), but there are sooo many other movements you could do besides just squatting if you hate them.
  • 143353326
    143353326 Posts: 14 Member
    It's always very tough and painful to do squats but their results always make me to repeat it. If you don't like to do squats than you can skip it and can found some other effective exercises.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Wow over react much.

    You don't have to like them. But what you've written is extremely excessive and possibly offensive to people.

    If you don't like them that much I'd wager you are doing them wrong or other mind blowing option: find something else.
    Or. Yet still. Suck it up and do the work if it's part of your chosen plan. When you plan ends. Do something less squat centric.
  • KHS86
    KHS86 Posts: 29 Member
    edited September 2016
    of course i'm doing them 'wrong'. don't be silly :p

    in my defence, even when i do them 'right' they're still wrong. i've had people whose own form is exquisite compliment me about mine and then ask why i 'never increase in weight'. because up around three figures in weight, they'll arbitrarily start to hurt me somewhere no matter how clean my form is or how careful i was on the way. then i back down to the bar or the goblet form, experiment and tinker around and adjust, and start climbing the ladder again. i've been working on this for two years and have not yet found a form that remains painless for me past a few months and 100 pounds max.

    so just leave me to my moping and hatred, wouldja?

    I had the same problem.. I'm still struggling with adding weight on the bar, but now they don't hurt.

    I bought a pair of squat shoes, so the issue for me was ankle mobility. I put the weight on my toes to get in the right position when I sat down. It didn't even feel like I had the weight on my toes, because I was actively trying to keep the weight on mid foot, but it just *kitten* up my form. I just know that the shoes have helped a ton, I can now do squats without fearing my back snapping, and having to walk around with permanent back injuries like i did before, always hurting.

    And the weight problem will get solved later when I get even better at my form, I will not give up. You shouldn't either.

    If lifting is a big part of your life, (seeing you've been lifting for 2 years, it probably is) invest in a pair of squat shoes, I promise you, you won't regret it.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    edited September 2016
    WOW, do you play for the Louisville Cardinals? Because this post was hella offensive.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    of course i'm doing them 'wrong'. don't be silly :p

    in my defence, even when i do them 'right' they're still wrong. i've had people whose own form is exquisite compliment me about mine and then ask why i 'never increase in weight'. because up around three figures in weight, they'll arbitrarily start to hurt me somewhere no matter how clean my form is or how careful i was on the way. then i back down to the bar or the goblet form, experiment and tinker around and adjust, and start climbing the ladder again. i've been working on this for two years and have not yet found a form that remains painless for me past a few months and 100 pounds max.

    so just leave me to my moping and hatred, wouldja?

    You should never have pain when lifting. Do other "leg" exercises hurt you? If not either your form is off, you have mobility issues, or both. I would be interested to see a video of your squat.
  • Lizarking
    Lizarking Posts: 507 Member
    LazSommer wrote: »
    oh boy have you considered the extreme benefits of the



    yeah, unnatural loading and movement with none of the full body benefits of the squat.

    Hard pass.