omigawwwwwwd i hate squats



  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,690 Member
    I pulled a hamstring a couple weeks ago pulling heavy doubles on deadlift day. Took a week completely leg-free, today I felt good enough to test my hamstring by doing some light (50%) squats. Felt WONDERFUL to be able to move freely once again. Glad I didn't go heavier this week as I could just start to feel my hamstring objecting, but next week I'll do 60%, and so on until I'm back to normal.

    LOVE the squat! It's heavier than my deadlift, and my heaviest bench press is less than my WARMUP for squat.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    How is OP being offensive? Criminy, can't people even complain creatively anymore without the PC police finding out? If you are humor impaired, I feel for you, but please allow the rest of us to laugh a bit.

    I *kitten* HATE squats. But they are giving me thigh definition and lifting my sagging middle aged *kitten* right up, so I do them.

    How is the op being offensive? Hmm, let's consider the specific form of abuse she decided to try and compare squats to. It's being belittled over the slightest, smallest perceived error. It's being gas lighted until that person can tell you the sky is green and you'll agree with them because you no longer trust your own senses. It's slowly losing your identity as you give up everything that makes you, you, in an effort to appease them.

    It's getting isolated from your friends and family. Dealing with the constant, non stop projecting of their issues onto you. Falling for that sweet honeymoon phase again and again, and each time it's over, being that much more broken. It's abuse so subtle that it's essentially undocumentable.

    When you seek help out to get out of the situation, you get told again and again how devestated they are that you're being abused, but the resources simply aren't there to help you. Unless you can force an escalation into physical abuse the resources just aren't there.

    So yes, the op was being highly offensive.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,690 Member
    Is that what was covered by the "spoiler-show" button? Because all I see is "great big long rant full of swear words". I haven't clicked the button, and if that's what's revealed, I don't wanna.
  • Lizarking
    Lizarking Posts: 507 Member
    But they are giving me thigh definition and lifting my sagging middle aged *kitten* right up, so I do them.

    I do love the MFP swear filter.

  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    Don't like squats? Then it's simple. Don't do them. Find a program that doesn't include them.

    I just don't find anything even slightly humorous about comparing them to an anusive partner.

    I don't squat for this reason. I do DL's, BBHT's, lunges, reverse extensions, good mornings, quadrupled hip extension instead.

    There is no holy grail that says you HAVE to squat.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How is OP being offensive? Criminy, can't people even complain creatively anymore without the PC police finding out? If you are humor impaired, I feel for you, but please allow the rest of us to laugh a bit.

    I *kitten* HATE squats. But they are giving me thigh definition and lifting my sagging middle aged *kitten* right up, so I do them.

    @Willbenchforcupcakes did an excellent job explaining this but the short version

    It's making light of an extremely sensitive subject over something that's COMPLETELY in their power to STOP doing. It's like saying your paper cut hurts as bad as cancer.

    Go ahead- tell your cancer surviving friends that and see how funny they think it is.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited September 2016
    JoRocka wrote: »
    It's making light of an extremely sensitive subject

    you make a good point, which tbh simply didn't occur to me. i'm not sure i'm prepared to apologize for the fact that it didn't, since i was speaking from direct personal experience without intending to reference other people's. fact is, the hope-despair-keep-trying-where's-the-love-never-know-if-i'm-going-to-get-hurt experience that is me dealing with squats does remind me very precisely of what it was like living with someone who had borderline personality disorder, and trying really hard to make it work. in nature, not in seriousness. i have enough distance to find that parallel in my own processes funny, and i do think that's my prerogative when i'm just talking with respect to a piece of my own history.

    but i worded it badly by making it sound general instead of specific to my own associations, so that it sounded as if i was applying it globally and trivializing everyone else's experiences with the same thing. if i'd said 'they remind me of this guy i once knew' it would have been a more sensitive call. i guess that's a sorry-not-sorry, kind of. but it's as accurate as i can make it about what i actually think.
    over something that's COMPLETELY in their power to STOP doing. It's like saying your paper cut hurts as bad as cancer.

    very true, but i don't see a parallel in cancer myself. you don't get to quit on cancer, and cancer isn't a thing i'd joke about unless it was mine and i wanted to. fwiw, the reason why i did see a parallel here was precisely because the door is half-open, in theory. in theory you could "just quit" squatting; you could "just quit" a horrible relationship. in practice it's still that thing of never knowing when is the right time to cut line . . . or whether you 'should'. where i was terribly wrong was that i was only thinking of one personal situation. ditching squats doesn't threaten your life or your safety, and in the situation i was thinking about that was the case too. so it seemed to me like a parallel, but that's my fault, because again i wasn't considering the global context. and for that i am fully sorry.

    to the people who just thought i was over the top: well, yeah :p struggling with squats is a pretty first-world kind of problem even if you only measure it against the yardstick of other first-world problems. but eh. squats have been awful for me for two years in spite of all that i've tried to do to fix them and i like to throw a good, hyperbolic, ridiculously-extreme tantrum sometimes when something's really getting me down. it helps me to sulk my way back to good humour again, but that's me.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You can quit squatting. not cancer.
    that's what I was talking about.

    And I can't for the life of me understand at all how you can at ALL parallel the feelings of an emotional abusive relationship to a dislike of squatting.

    I'm sorry- I cannot comprehend that- it's like apples to paper cuts. it just doesn't make sense.

    I'm sorry you're struggling- and I'm glad you're vent was cathartic for you- and I hope you see some sort of improvements on your squats if you continue to pursue them.

    honestly lifting is extremely technical- and you constantly balance strength with technique.
    You never "arrive"

    I have been lifting all my life- and lifting technically for almost 20 years.

    I still work on my squat- and I have good days and bad days. you never just "arrive" you have to learn to become comfortable with and even to love "the grind".

    Otherwise- you'll constantly be disappointed.
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    I used to hate squats with a passion but it was because I had bad mobility and not the greatest of form. Now that I have worked hard on those two things, squats are a lot more fun. Still a ton of work and hard as can be but at least it is hard in the right way and not painful or hard just to get down to the right position.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Good chance you're doing them wrong if they're causing that much displeasure.

    Agree with this. I find squats to be some of the most pleasurable exercises I do and, since I don't have a gym to go to, I actually miss being able to do back squats. I miss those days when I used to gradually add on weight, because my goal was two 45-pound plates on each side, just because it looks so cool. Think of the benefits! My butt actually looks better, even when I've got a good bit of fat going! The burn you get all day long from seriously working your largest muscle groups!

    You've got to learn to love squats. Those, dead-lifts, lunges, step-ups, these are the best for overall fitness and lifetime fitness, at least in my opinion.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    How is OP being offensive? Criminy, can't people even complain creatively anymore without the PC police finding out? If you are humor impaired, I feel for you, but please allow the rest of us to laugh a bit.

    I *kitten* HATE squats. But they are giving me thigh definition and lifting my sagging middle aged *kitten* right up, so I do them.

    How is the op being offensive? Hmm, let's consider the specific form of abuse she decided to try and compare squats to. It's being belittled over the slightest, smallest perceived error. It's being gas lighted until that person can tell you the sky is green and you'll agree with them because you no longer trust your own senses. It's slowly losing your identity as you give up everything that makes you, you, in an effort to appease them.

    It's getting isolated from your friends and family. Dealing with the constant, non stop projecting of their issues onto you. Falling for that sweet honeymoon phase again and again, and each time it's over, being that much more broken. It's abuse so subtle that it's essentially undocumentable.

    When you seek help out to get out of the situation, you get told again and again how devestated they are that you're being abused, but the resources simply aren't there to help you. Unless you can force an escalation into physical abuse the resources just aren't there.

    So yes, the op was being highly offensive.

    What? Really? I just thought they were describing an a-hole partner, not someone who is literally abusive. Projecting, are we?
  • Lizarking
    Lizarking Posts: 507 Member
    How is OP being offensive? Criminy, can't people even complain creatively anymore without the PC police finding out? If you are humor impaired, I feel for you, but please allow the rest of us to laugh a bit.

    I *kitten* HATE squats. But they are giving me thigh definition and lifting my sagging middle aged *kitten* right up, so I do them.

    How is the op being offensive? Hmm, let's consider the specific form of abuse she decided to try and compare squats to. It's being belittled over the slightest, smallest perceived error. It's being gas lighted until that person can tell you the sky is green and you'll agree with them because you no longer trust your own senses. It's slowly losing your identity as you give up everything that makes you, you, in an effort to appease them.

    It's getting isolated from your friends and family. Dealing with the constant, non stop projecting of their issues onto you. Falling for that sweet honeymoon phase again and again, and each time it's over, being that much more broken. It's abuse so subtle that it's essentially undocumentable.

    When you seek help out to get out of the situation, you get told again and again how devestated they are that you're being abused, but the resources simply aren't there to help you. Unless you can force an escalation into physical abuse the resources just aren't there.

    So yes, the op was being highly offensive.

    What? Really? I just thought they were describing an a-hole partner, not someone who is literally abusive. Projecting, are we?

    they literally said abusive. So.......

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You can quit squatting. not cancer.

    that's true enough, but i honestly don't get where the cancer got into it. i'm 99.999999% certain that it wasn' t through anything that i said, so you're talking about something i didn't even bring up.
    And I can't for the life of me understand at all how you can at ALL parallel the feelings of an emotional abusive relationship to a dislike of squatting.

    oh well. different people have different experiences, and different ways of processing them on top of that. i'm not going to go into personal detail in front of a bunch of stranger to try and close that gap in your mind, and it would still just be all about me if i did, so there isn't much relevance. you're free to not-get the way i look at it, but i'll remain free to process my own experiences and my perspectives on them any way that i like. i goofed in the way i expressed them, but that's all i'm prepared to apologize for.
    I'm sorry- I cannot comprehend that- it's like apples to paper cuts. it just doesn't make sense.

    fair enough. that's the way i feel about this sudden leap to cancer, so why don't we just leave it there.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    You can quit squatting. not cancer.

    that's true enough, but i honestly don't get where the cancer got into it. i'm 99.999999% certain that it wasn' t through anything that i said, so you're talking about something i didn't even bring up.
    And I can't for the life of me understand at all how you can at ALL parallel the feelings of an emotional abusive relationship to a dislike of squatting.

    oh well. different people have different experiences, and different ways of processing them on top of that. i'm not going to go into personal detail in front of a bunch of stranger to try and close that gap in your mind, and it would still just be all about me if i did, so there isn't much relevance. you're free to not-get the way i look at it, but i'll remain free to process my own experiences and my perspectives on them any way that i like. i goofed in the way i expressed them, but that's all i'm prepared to apologize for.
    I'm sorry- I cannot comprehend that- it's like apples to paper cuts. it just doesn't make sense.

    fair enough. that's the way i feel about this sudden leap to cancer, so why don't we just leave it there.

    I was making an extreme analogy much like you were.

    If you don't see that- well then I absolutely understand now why your original post is the way it is and why you don't see it's issues.

  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Wow, the vomit drama this place spits out...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Wow, the vomit drama this place spits out...

    I don't even understand how we got here honestly.

    squat- don't squat.
    Either suck it up and do it and stop *kitten* whining.
    Or stop doing them.

    This is not a crisis.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    I like squats, squats don't like me.

    I have a bit of a physical limitation, age, strength, and size going against me so I squat with a body bar for form and stability, and leg press for strength.

    Not perfect, but coming to terms with doing what I can do (that took a few months of mind games), not what everyone else can do, or what a programme tells me to do, took a lot of stress out of my gym visits.

    All I am trying to do is retain muscle, bone density, and build strength without injuring myself, not compete with anyone but myself. I may one day be able to squat with the bar, but is no longer a fail because I can't right now.

    Cheers, h.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    My grandma used to say, "if it hurts when you do that, stop doing that!"..

    Let's turn it around, "if you hate doing that, stop doing that"

    eta: I DON'T LO-V-E squats, but I love what they do for me!
  • Riff1970
    Riff1970 Posts: 136 Member
    I see some people need a safe zone when they get online.
