BrendaMaldonado1 Member


  • Hello Amanda I'm not a stay home mom.. I am 26 yrs old I have a 5 1/2 yr old boy, 4 yr old girl, and 5 month baby girl.. I have however felt hopeless before I didn't realize how big I had gotten size 14 in jeans until I saw myself in a picture I saw how fat my face was and my body I was shocked.. I started eating healthy…
  • Same here... my baby girl will be 3 months next week gained 65 lbs in my pregnancy and i have lost 60 lbs already ... im down to the last 5 lbs to hit prepregnancy weight but i want to lose a total of 30 lbs by the end of the yr... i been counting all my calories & working out 5x a week i recently added strength training…
  • Hello... i had my baby 2 months little one is 10 weeks old... i gained 65 lbs and probably lost 20 right away once i got home from the hospital i was stuck with the extra weight... I started eating healthy right away and started exercising with light walks 3 weeks postpartum (delivered via c-section) and increased…
  • I had my baby on April 24th via csection. I gained 65 lbs during pregnancy thanks to my bad eating habits and not exercising... i have lost 50 lbs so far so im down to the last 15 lbs not bad for 10 weeks postpartum... i started eating healthy right away & slowly exercising at 3 weeks post partum. I have a treadm.. i been…
  • I can perfectly understand... in 2013 i went from 216 lbs to 153 lbs... i had tried diets before and i never stuck to them i was too lazy to exercise even though i have a treadmill... what finally did it for me was seeing how fat i looked in pictures i was disgusted with myself for allowing myself to gain that much i had 2…
  • I used to take the special k shakes back in 2013 for breakfast and i went from 216 to 155 but i also exercised a lot and ate healthy... i would buy them at walmart 4 pack for $6... but then i stopped drinking them because its a processed food... i changed it to 1 cup of almond milk sugar free one small banana 1 tbsp of…
  • The goal is not to eat back your exercise calories because not every exercise machine will give you an accurate number of calories burned but the goal is not to starve yourself so you can eat some of them back if you feel hungry... I do not eat exercise calories back but its because i work out late in the day after i have…
  • Losing weight is a challenge you are absolutely right it is easy to put it on and difficult to lose the weight but not impossible... I went from 216 to 155 lbs... i gained 15 lbs back in 8 months (stopped working out and started eating more carbs) got pregnant gained 65 lbs.. my baby is now 10 weeks and i have lost 50 lbs…
  • Hello :) i love this app because it helps me count my calories... i also have 15 lbs left to hiy my pre-pregnancy weight... i gained 65 lbs during pregnany and have lost 50 lbs so far... my baby was born on April 24th so she is around 2 months and a week & i delivered via csection... so when there is a will there is a way…
  • I used to get horrible gall bladder attacks... i started having them when my daughter was less than 2 months old (she is about to turn 4 yrs). I would get shoulder pain and throw up i was so miserable i started getting them more frequent & the attacks lasted for a yr... i decided to eat healthy and i have not had an attack…
  • That is amazing... Congratulations on your weight loss.. in 2013 i went from 216 to 153 I got comfortable at my weight loss and gained 20 back in about 8 months or so got pregnant gained 65 lbs As of tomorrow i will be 8 weeks postpartum and out of those 65 lbs i have lost 45 lbs... I am back on track and looking forward…
  • Hello :) this is my first time using MFP and i love it so far... tomorrow will be a week using it... Feel free to add me I love the support and supporting others Motivation and support goes a long way
  • Hello :) i am almost 8 weeks postpartum with my sweet baby girl & new to MFP. Started using it after my nutritionist suggested it. I gained 65 lbs during pregnancy and have lost 45 lbs so far. I have lost a lot of weight before in 2013 went from 216 to 153 however when i got pregnant i had gained 15 lbs so i am looking…
  • Hello, I am from Bakersfield.... 30 lbs in 5 months is reasonable With dedication you will get there :)
  • Hello i am also the mom to three kids. My newest addition made her arrival almost 8 weeks ago. I am new to MFP and loving it so far... i would love to have more friends who are on the same path as me ...
  • That is awesome great job. 10 lbs are 10 lbs less off your body...I recently had a baby i am almost 8 weeks postpartum delivered via csection. I gained 65 lbs during pregnancy and as of yesterday i have lost 45 lbs so i am definitely seeing results. I just have 20 more lbs to lose before i can be pre-pregnancy weight and…
  • Hello i am a mom of 3 as well. Just delivered my newest bundle of joy on April 24th. I gained 65 lbs during pregnancy and i have lost 45 lbs so far. I am aiming to lose my last 20 lbs... i do love cardio and strength training however im just doing cardio at the moment as i delivered via c-section and im giving my body time…
  • Congratulations on losing so much already.
  • I had my baby on April 24th via c-section. I started doing cardio already. I gained 65 lbs and have lost 45 lbs so far. I am down to the last 20 lbs so my jeans can fit... I am new to this app and so far i love it...
  • I am with you. In 2013 i lost 65 lbs in 2014 i gained 15 lbs back then i got pregnant with my 3rd child and i gained a lot of weight (65 lbs) i am almost 8 weeks postpartum (delivered via c-section) & have lost 45 lbs already. My goal is to lose the 20 lbs i have remaining so i can fit into my jeans & eventually slim back…
  • Congratulations on reaching your goal
  • Congratulations that is amazing
  • I believe any person can lose weight once they set their mind to it... You will reach your goal if you try ☺
  • Hello i had a baby in April... I am almost 8 weeks postpartum & i am trying to lose the weight i gained during pregnancy... Gained 65 lbs & have lost 44 lbs so far ...