Postpartum fitness journey

lilysmom0412 Posts: 4 Member
edited July 2015 in Introduce Yourself
hi everyone! I had a baby three months ago and looking to get my pre-pregnancy body back in shape! Second time around pregnancy was not as kind as first one and I have 30lbs to loose! Would love to find friends with similar goals and help each other to achieve them!


  • BrendaMaldonado1
    BrendaMaldonado1 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello... i had my baby 2 months little one is 10 weeks old... i gained 65 lbs and probably lost 20 right away once i got home from the hospital i was stuck with the extra weight... I started eating healthy right away and started exercising with light walks 3 weeks postpartum (delivered via c-section) and increased my workouts as the weeks passed by & now i have 14 lbs to lose to hit my pre-pregnancy weight... but after i reach my pre-pregnancy weight i want to lose another 15 lbs to be at my healthy BMI so in total about 30 lbs like you... i am committed 100% ...
  • lilysmom0412
    lilysmom0412 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Brenda! Thanks for the reply, yea it's been tough to just be consistent with my workouts and eating habits- I actually only gained 30 lbs with this pregnancy lost 10 immediately, but gained it back already