Oct 18th: Outside my pumpkin shell: Exercise: >:) Carbs: 20g
I started eating grass fed because I care how animals live their lives; however, I have not had a kidney stone since switching (five years now), and I had really bad episodes (including two surgeries) for years before, so I now also consider it a health expense, whether it was a coincidence or not. Our local source has…
Oct 17th: Out of my pumpkin shell: River walk: Carbs: 30g
Oct 16th: Outside my pumpkin shell: >:) Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 37g
October 15th: Outside my pumpkin shell: >:) Deskcycle: 60mins Carbs: 7g
Oct 14th: Out of my pumpkin shell: >:) Deskcycle: >:) Carbs: 55g :| Weight loss (gotta have one pumpkin):
Oct 13th: Out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 29g
October 12th: Out of my pumpkin shell: >:) Not enough to count much Deskcycle: 50mins Carbs: 26g
Oct 11th: Outside my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 11g
Oct 10th: Out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 60mins Carbs: 13g
Oct. 9: Outside my pumpkin shell: Beautiful weather this week forward :) Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 44g
Oct 8: Outside my pumpkin shell: >:) Hurricane Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 69g :|
@Abm4n What's the book title? I'm always struggling with my spouse's hoarding, especially because he keeps proving his response that the scrap of wire, wood, paper, etc., will solve a problem one day :) I do, though, keep him away from collector-type RPGs. Good luck with your decluttering!
@FIT_Goat Glad to hear you are safe and hope your power is returned soon. Fortunately it's not as hot here for Matthew as others. Still have power in Wilmington, but today is supposed to be our worst day. Take care.
Oct 7: Outside my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 17g
Oct 6: Out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: 51g :|
Oct 5: Get out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 30mins Carbs: >:)
Oct 4: Out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 60min Carbs: 34g
My spouse has had success with ACV pills. Braggs with the mother burned his throat, and he started skipping doses, so I switched and he is doing much better.
Oct 3: Out of my pumpkin shell >:) Deskcycle: 40min Carbs: 33g
I take it as a good sign when "targeted" marketing is off the mark, although I know they really do have the data, just are using it poorly.
Oct. 2 Get out of my pumpkin shell: Deskcycle: 60 mins Carbs: Happyfest >:)
I wanted pumpkins this morning. Here's one url to put inside img brackets:
Oct. 1 Out of my pumpkin shell: >:) Deskcycle: 60mins :D Carbs: 23g :D
Dr. Fung writes in The Obesity Code, "The addition of vinegar for sushi rice lowered the glycemic index of white rice by almost 40 percent," but I haven't made any yet and hesitate to test it since I miss rice and don't want to slip up too much.
YMMV = Your mileage may vary; effectiveness varies as bodies do
Stepped up too much and hurt myself. I gave myself time to recover and returned to cycling. DH suggested I should stretch before/after walking so far. I've never been athletic and need to learn these things. Hopefully not in such a painful way next time.
Sept. 3 AM Cycling: 11:30. The next level became easier faster than expected last night, so I'm using it as the easy level, going one higher for PM. Breakfast: 5PM PM Cycling: 5:45 +Walking to the game shop (2 miles) to greet friends and get a scooter ride home with my wizard. Fitbit adds our scooter shaking as steps, so I…
Sept. 2 AM Cycling: 7:30 Breakfast: 3PM PM Cycling: 8:00