Dark as night Sweet as sin Hot as hell
I was always assuming thats it what it means since even the most fatiest of fat cells must contain some water and proteins to be „alive“.
Interesting is that the add says „no single food is fattening unless you eat more calories than you need“
Well most days i have 3000+ cals thanks to around 25-30k steps/day. You bet that some of these are spend for icecream. Well not today, today i hat some nice cheese (150g=550cals) as a treat. And days like yesterday when i am over by 1500 i log still so that i know whats up and also maybe i can something save thru watching…
I am also work shifts, rotating weekly night -> midday -> morning, and i weight myself after sleeping no matter what time it is
Most important is in my opinion: eat only the good, NO, the excellent and exotic food. Anything that is "almost as good as mine / my mothers / neighborhood restaurants" is it just not worth it.
What i always do with mine is; step shirtly on it and see if the displays goes all the Way back to zero, i dont know if this realy helps but every now and then is goes only back to 4kg or something then the second time it goes to zero.
There is a interesting thread in the succes forum about things that might happen.
Think about it that way: You will lose the weight and get fit while he is and will ever be an <kitten>
22 kg lost
Didn't work
'Princesa do Castelo' Is a nice vegetarian restaurant close to the Castelo de Jorge in Lisbon. And you can get nice Sandwiches almost everywhere
Regardless of speed - i guess if i walk there is a different formula? I dont change only the speed in that case but also the gait.
One Day, most likly just after you bought new fitting clothes you will see your reflektion in a window and you will think 'dang, im hot'. But then the next morning you look into your bathroom mirror and you go all arghh im stil as fat as ever :-(
The walking you do does more to your muscles ( atlast in the legs) than the burpees, squats and lounges that you dont do because you dont like them
Walking is the best! (Well for me at last) I lost just fine with a lot of walking and a slight caloric deficit. While other exercises just bore me or kill my knees. Im well aware that some kind of strength training would benefit me its also better to do a kind of sport you like instead of none.
25kg or about 55pound difeerence
I was always wondering why you use so much more energy running when you covering the same distance as when you walk. I mean you moving X mass over Y miles is running so much more ineficient? And if it is why has almost everyone a point where he just switch the gait?
See it a bit different: all inclusive isn't all you can eat (and drink) its a chance to try all the stuff and then eat only the best.
From roughly 115kg to 86kg at 182cm or from Summer 2014 to now
Check out this guy on youtube
When i spend a lazy afternoon with google resarching this i came to the following: all the sites and magazines that are running specific say that running needs more calories and the walking / hiking ones that mile for a mile you use the same amount per distance. Unfortunatly i didn't found a neutral source.
Here the one and only way to eat it. be careful its neither low on calories or fat or carbs. Typical winter dish. Also add mustard for the sausages or even something mixed with the kale on your plate. Also for best taste the kale has to be cut in the morning while its still freezing.…
You see that delicious 6%fat strawberry flavored yoghurt over there? and the one with cherry? Or that nice vanila pudding? and the chocolate one? well guess what? I operate one of the packaging machine for that and you know the easiest way to determine if there is really strawberry under the strawberry lid and not Cherry?…
we have a saying here that translate to: You don´t gain weight between christmas and new year but between new year and christmas
Salads are fine ... and then comes a devil and adds some dressing :(
Hiho i don't know where you all live (americas or Uk) but propably this is something for you. It is from , not necesery low carb but for a musli only 19,3% is pretty low…