RemarkablyUnremarkable Member


  • Two things stand out to me, the hard boiled egg says 1.8 eggs at 136? An egg is typically around 70. Did I miss something? Also the 2 slices 35 calorie bread but your eating a slice and half? I'd ditch the bread/shakeology personally maybe add another egg? I eat eggs for breakfast most days since I have my own chickens, I…
  • Hi there! I can relate to you so much so you're definitely NOT alone! I have a stack of auto immune diseases as well that cause me pain and crazy flare ups etc... Can I offer a tough love bit of advice? It helps me anyways, First I left all my auto immune type groups for my various illnesses. At first I felt support and…
  • I set mini goals as well to keep me motivated. You can do it!
  • Do you mean this poem? My grandfather had a framed version of this... ❤ Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant;…
  • You can do it! Congrats on quitting smoking! That right there proves you have the courage and determination to change your life! Yes, overall weight loss can seem daunting but you just have to keep making mini goals and conquer them one at a time. Just like you have racked up 4 months of being a non smoker, before you know…
  • I think it's helpful! I weigh my food for accuracy for weight loss. But knowing the approximate serving size has helped me with portion control. Having all the tools I can is keeping me on track in any situation. It's not ideal but I am confident that if I am out and cannot use MFP or a scale, I can gauge my portion size a…
  • Due to medical reasons I bring my food with me to gatherings as well. But I know how being out you can sometimes get stuck where you need something quick to eat. I stash a protein bar in my purse at all times just in case. Its not really the best meal but saves me from rash decisions when I am hangry lol!
  • You look awesome! I love that you have mini goals... I do that too to keep motivated. I am about 90 days into my decision to do this right once and for all as well ❤ Keep up the good work!
  • Great job!!! Your body looks really fit but that smile is the best of all! Congrats!
  • Why not just eat healthy portions, I mean after all when we are in maintenance it's going to be something we watch for healthy portions, calories etc. Have a glass of water with dinner, eat until you are full and maybe a sliver of pie, cake etc. Try not to stress, enjoy the holiday with your family. Merry Christmas!!
  • I thought I would use mine more but I don't. I am gluten free so I was thinking it would be good for making veggie pasta. But I opt for spaghetti squash for my "pasta" so no need to spiralize. I do though use my salad shooter like crazy LOL I am a sucker for kitchen gadgets!
  • It might sound cliché but this is one of my favorite quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt “You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” Think about it really, How often do you look at someone and really give what they are doing some deep thought? You probably don't right? If I were…
  • Wow that was incredibly useful and insightful for me, thanks for taking the time out of your 10k journey to school me on my own expectations... :D Just the other day I was at 7960 steps and did an hour of my elliptical trainer but that doesn't register for some reason so it's not counted. But I suppose that's not good…
  • Thank you all so much for taking the time to chime in. I have ditched the idea that I am not moving in a positive direction by not reaching 10k steps. I also realized that I am pretty active while working from home when I am off of my computer but my work area is a whopping 10x15 so I am doing a lot of pivoting from area…
  • I work from home, Maybe I can park at the neighbors down the street LOL! I do the little things though park far in a parking lot, stairs over elevator if I am out running errands etc though <3
  • That's my standard around the house working day. Days I feel really active walking wise its about 5k. The area I work in though is like 10x15 so I am seeing how all my movement doesn't really count in a small area I am pivoting a lot if that makes sense. :)
  • Wow! I am more of a fitness newb that I thought... I was like what the *kitten* is an ectomorph? I was thinking it had something to do with Ghostbusters or the paranormal ROFL! :D :D
  • VERY true!!! I guess all of the commercials selling these trackers subconsciously get some of us ( right in the pocket book) :/ This post was so insightful to see that not everyone is getting "steps" in for their activity! I will keep on with my activities and maybe join the 10k steps a day club when I can run! :p
  • OMG That made me snort out loud! I am dying! Hmmm ceiling fan maybe for the 80k a day? :D :D
  • YES!!! So hung up on 10k, I never seem to hit that! I am going to just try and up it a little each day and compete with myself only so I don't stress out LOL! Is there a tracker that measures spinning/eliptical etc? That would be nice.
  • Good to know, I JUST got a new tracker I think the old one was WAY off... :neutral: I stress too much LOL I can remember literally trying to run laps before midnight trying to hit a goal ROFL! :D :D Well see what my new tracker and today brings. <3
  • That was my goal too, just a little nudge. I mean I am doing something useful when I am on the computer as it's a part of my business but I can definately get sucked in and sit for long periods if I don't have orders to pack or my machines running. I just need to not focus on that actual number I suppose ;) The younger…
  • This is what my goal is, I really want to run! For now though I am on machines, eliptical and bike and alternate with the treadmill. I shouldn't let it get to me but I cant help but feel irked I spin 15 miles and get no credit! :D
  • LOL Oh, some days it's a challenge for sure! I started my business though when she was just a baby so I think she is used to it. We try and have plenty of activities for her to keep her busy when I really need full attention at the computer. I figure I would get more too, Well see. I just bought a new tracker the other…
  • OMG this is hilarious! I'll have to take a peek. It will give me something to read with my morning coffee. Contest? No thanks, just knowing I am not hitting the magical 10k regularly makes me feel like a snail... I often wonder about people's "burn" they post about torching 1000's of calories a session. I guess I am better…
  • Right? Ugh the tracker is taunting me, the 10,000 steps lingering in my head as what's "healthy." I am happy to know not everyone gets in the 10k steps and admits it ROFL!
  • Great points and I can totally rack up "miles" spinning that my tracker doesn't even acknowledge. :/ I guess I am getting to caught up in the numbers. I think I will turn off the move reminder, I mean I am up and down all day everyday between the family and fur family LOL! Thanks for all your input!!!
  • For sure movement is good if not just for the circulation alone. My day is something like work on the computer 30 min to an hour, get up and make food for my daughter, run downstairs start laundry, vacuum, back to the computer and repeat. Housework taking care of her, letting dogs in and out etc. On the upside I have a two…