NicoleK31 Member


  • I say move on after the 10 days. Everyone's body has it's strengths and weaknesses. I do the modified pushup still and am halfway through level 2 but the advanced ab moves are too easy for me. Just push yourself and do the hardest level variation you can for each exercise. :smile:
  • This is a great one :)
  • Hiya, I'm using good ole canned black beans. Like you, my arms burn by the end of the video so I don't get hung up on the weight part. We all have our strengths, I cannot do a traditional push up and still do the modified version but I can do super deep squats and advanced ab moves. I think with 30DS the important thing is…
  • @ashleyShades I purchased a Lynx sportsbra about 3 years ago and it's been life changing. I'm a DDD 38. I did TONS of research before purchasing as they are pricey and I'm so happy with my investment. Here's the link best of luck!
  • Nice! How would you cook these indoor? Any suggestions?
  • Can't wait to try this! Sounds amazing for a prepare ahead lunch :)
  • Thanks @supersocks117 & @jbirdy76 I will try walking next month and see if that warmup does me good. :)
  • I highly recommend trying Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Here's why: - it's on youtube so it's FREE - you only need a yoga mat, 2 cans or hand weights (I use black beans) and running shoes - you see and feel a difference in 3 days There are tons of reviews on the program and groups on MFP dedicated to people on it. Try…
  • I'm on my last day of level one. Here are my tips for this level: - Modify the exercises as needed. It's better to modify and keep pushing through then to take breaks - do the push ups! Even if you do them on your knees, push through and you will see a huge difference in this area by day 4 - wear running shoes. I went up…
  • I joined! Looking forward to using the spreadsheet and chatting with you both :)
  • For me, breakfast for dinner is super easy and cheap. You can do healthy banana pancakes or a quick omelet with whatever random veggies you have laying around.
  • I will do this RIGHT NOW. Challenge accepted :smiley:
  • Hi all, I'm new to the group. I have a 10 year old daughter. My current weight is 169lbs and a very sedentary job is not helping that cause. Started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 5 days ago and am already seeing awesome results. I'll add each of you. Let's keep each other accountable!
  • totally agree! Have the bulk of your carbs early in the day so they can power you through and aren't sitting in your stomach come evening time.
  • Some add in that I do to make smoothies more filling are: flax seeds, hemp hearts, Chia seeds, protein powder. This one specifically
  • Wasabi peas are awesome! Carrot and celery sticks with hummus, Unsweetened applesauce, Grapefruit with a bit of cane sugar on top, Strawberries and blueberries on top of a bit of plain frozen yogurt, Some Popsicles are pretty decent too!
  • totally agree!! Cleanup is super fast too.
  • My favourite meal is a tex me salad. I mix spinach and green salad, topped with cubed chicken breast, a couple scoops of black beans sautéed quickly with some garlic, couple of spoons of chunky salsa, guacamole, shredded light cheese, low fat sour cream, cilantro, and enjoy like that. It's super filling and no dressing is…
  • I use this one. I find it has less of that intense "protein powder" taste and is very smooth and chocolately
  • Tomorrow will be day 5 of level 1 for me. A couple of tips: - don't use weights for the first 2-3 days if you are very out of shape - try doing this early on in the day or after a very light meal has digested for a nice energy boost - do 8 minute abs with level one every day or every other day. I find that this level…