I love it! I find that by skipping breakfast and morning snacks, The cravings have gone! The unsatisfied feeling after meals and between are gone. I only ate breakfast before not because I was hungry, but because I have been always told to eat a good breakfast and to have morning snacks.
I’m on 1570
🤩that’s fantastic! You are doing great 🤩
I count my calories as well
I get headaches and feel nauseous when I don’t eat every 3 hours. Even then I still feel a bit sick. I have found that if I don’t eat breakfast and just wait until lunchtime I don’t get headaches or feel nauseous. I don’t feel the need to eat every hour or think about eating. Duromine helps me with the headaches and nausea…
The Duromine gives me the energy that I need to keep my body moving and it helps with my headaches and nausea. I have been on it for 2 weeks. In the first week I lost 4kgs and the second I didn’t lose much about .5kgs
Intermittent fast. I fast for 18 hours and eat in the 6 hour window
Hi I’m from wa and on Duromine. I have 37kg to lose. I’m also loving the IF 18:6
Yummy! I haven’t seen the Pepsi max raspberry!
Thanks, I have noticed that the new coke is now 1 calorie
Hi I love to read and eat all if I can too! But I have started to change that by during the day at home I listen to my book with audible. I find it hard to sit and listen😊
I feel sick when ever I cut down my calories. My body takes a few weeks to get use to it. It should past or see your doctor about sugar levels
My doctor told me it was because I am eating less, so there is less to poo!
Low sugar levels. Try eating fruit when this happens. I am the same.
Thanks for this post
I made the best chicken salad last night! Lettuce Tomatoes Cucumbers Red onion Carrot Chicken breast Light sour cream Balsamic Beetroot relish Jalapeño
Mine is simple Vanilla protein Coffee Coffee!
Wow I feel ripped off!!! I am in Perth Western Australia we are a family of 6 and I do menu plans and shopping lists. Our weekly spend is $250 a week not including my husbands lunches. I can't cut anything else out
Add me please!
I get a naked burrito. All the goodness of a burrito, but without the bread
I like to cook in bulk and to get 3 meals out of each one. Here are some of mine cottage pie, Mexican stack, Mexican rice (I add grilled chicken and salad when serving this meal)
Curry egg! There are lots of recipes and different type of curry eggs out there!!
I have a big family and we are on a budget. For our dinner meals I like to cook in bulk and freezes it. Yesterday I made enough cottage pie for 3 dinners. When I serve it up for my self I just serve less for me (what ever my calories count will allow)
We are a family of 6 and on a tight budget too. I just eat less which means I save money by NOT buying foods that my family doesn't need like biscuits, chips and other snack foods.
This is so me! It is also one reason why I have put in the weight and find it hard to lose it. I wasn't always like that, as a kids I wouldn't eat much food and Bam! I started eating every time I could. At the start of this spell I will feel weak, my tummy is like a washing machine, I feel a headache coming on and I feel…
I don't exercise on purpose, but I keep my self busy during the day. I allow myself to have a lunch 40 mins (not including prep time) and two coffee breaks of 15 to 20 minutes. That way my house stays clean and I am not watching to much tv. My house is constantly getting messy
Wow the USA sounds cheap! I am a Big Bidget shopper with meal plans and all, but I only have two supermarkets here and no coupons. For my family of 6 for one week it $250 a week. We eat lots of fruit, vegetables and I don't like to buy snack foods. After reading this post I am going to see if I can cut back on my spending…
You can get iron infusion too.
My family eats chicken all the time. I grill chicken thighs that has a salt season on it. Served with a garden salad. I like to eat mine with sour cream. Simple easy and with a good seasoning it's mouth watering! That's way we eat it 4 times a week!!