ceciliaslater Member


  • @Orphia , the shorts are oiselle brand, roga toolbelt model.
  • Finally caught up reading all the posts from the weekend. Sorry to hear about your DNF, @mobycarp . I know it must have been disappointing, being so close to the finish line. I'm glad you were able to make the call to pack it in, though! Always best to be safe. Congrats to all you other racers out there. I saw some pretty…
  • @_nikkiwolf_ - Your mention of Udderly Smooth made me wonder about Bag Balm. I have a big jar of it that I use on my horse on the rare occasion that she gets a small injury (keeps it sealed up, clean, and the flies away). A Google search tells me it might be useful for preventing blisters, so I'm going to give it a try.…
  • Just got my first oiselle shorts in. They're the toolbelt rogas. Can't wait to try them out tomorrow! I put them on today just to see how much crap i could stuff in the pockets... Phone plus two huma gels in the big one, 2 gus in one small one, one huma gel in the other small one. That left the inside key pocket and the…
  • Gah...I have blisters on both feet again. I even wore my super wide Altras and my Balega Blister Resist socks. They're on the inside of both feet, right next to the base of my big toes. I'm not sure why I always seem to blister there, regardless of what shoes I wear. I may just start putting liquid bandage on that spot…
  • Got in four miles today. After power hour class yesterday, my legs were super sore. Mostly the inner area where the knee and thigh connect. Too many squats! Running has loosened that all up, but I'm sure I'll be regretting it after sitting at my desk the next few hours. No pain today. Think maybe it's the shoes. Wore my…
  • @mom3over40 - I take mag citrate, as well. Only of an evening, and typically only one pill (not sure on dose--100mg, maybe). I find it helps with leg cramps and also helps me sleep better. There are a few different magnesium supplement options. Some are known to be more treacherous than others. I also really like epsom…
  • Fell way behind on reading over the weekend, and have not gotten any running in. We went to a concert with my parents in Lawrence, KS, on Thursday night. I worked a half day, then drove the 3 hours to Lawrence that afternoon. The show was good, but after 5+ hours of driving that day, I was just exhausted. Friday, we drove…
  • @RespectTheKitty -Clip off whatever is loose, if it isn't painful to do so. Definitely wrap it in a bandage so you don't catch the loose bits on anything. You don't want to rip off the part that's still attached if it's not ready to come off! @WhatMeRunning - Nice consistency on your runs. Sounds like they might be getting…
  • Taking a rest day today. I'm going to hit the gym over lunch instead and get in a Power Hour class. I need to get back into my weightlifting routine. Feeling a bit flabby lately--probably all the pizza and twizzlers I ate while sidelined. And all the crap food I've been eating while busy with moving...
  • @Elise4270 - The pain is in the front, but is in combination with a tight calf muscle. I'm sure the two are related, though which is cause and which is effect is up for debate. Agree that PT might be in order. Seems like my right side is having trouble adjusting to my left side being normal--it's been compensating for way…
  • Schedule called for speed work today. I said screw that and did 3 easy miles instead. I know it's better to stick with the slow stuff if I'm not getting in all my miles each week. I think I'm having shin splints in my right leg. My right calf has been pretty tight, and when I run, my shin starts to burn. I stopped after…
  • Lots to catch up on, so I've skimmed through the last few pages. I got in zero running over the long weekend. Spent all weekend working on building a chicken coop. It's now mostly done, but will probably take a couple more evenings worth of work to get finished. I have been skipping lots of weekend runs lately, as we've…
  • @Elise4270 - Sorry to hear that you're stuck on crutches for another three months. Is it just not healing up as quickly as they expected or are you having other complications? Had you already registered for your fall races? I have held off on registering for the Jenks Half, so if you're registered (and they will allow a…
  • Decided on a rest day today. Partly because I needed a break after 6 days straight of running, but also partly because all my favorite running clothes are dirty. I need to do laundry--or go on a shopping spree... Of course, today is the day that it's only supposed to be 75 degrees when I would normally be running. Stupid…
  • Welcome back, @WhatMeRunning ! We've missed you! For once in my life, I have started a month on a non-rest day. Plan called for a 30 minute tempo run. I started out at what I thought was an easy pace, then looked at my watch and it was bouncing around between upper 8s and low 9s for pace. I was convinced that it was just a…
  • @7lenny7 - Welcome! That's quite a lofty goal for a "newbie"! :lol:
  • Got in my final three miles for the month, so finishing out with 58 miles--18 miles beyond my 40 mile goal. It's a bit cooler out today (only 83 degrees!), so my easy pace was about a minute faster than it has been @ ~ 11:30/mile. Can't wait to see what I can do when the temps really start to drop (and I get a little more…
  • My goal for August was 40 miles, which I blew out of the water (counting today's not-yet-completed 3 miler, I'll finish August with 58 miles). As such, I'm going to set my September goal at 75 miles. That's way below what my training plan calls for, and I should be able to hit it no problem, considering that I've only been…
  • @ariceroni - So sorry about the stress fracture. Been there, done that--no fun at all. I know how disappointing it must be to have to miss out on Chicago. I'm sure your time off and PT/gait analysis will get you where you need to be to get back to running and stay injury-free in the future. Good luck! @mbaker566 - I'm so…
  • Today was a hill repeat kind of day. It's currently 90 degrees and sunny (heat index of 99F--that's 32C, heat index of 37C for all you non-Americans out there). I decided to do my repeats at a place called "Crybaby Hill" today. It's part of the Tulsa Tough course (a local bike race) and is notorious for being both…
  • Tacking on another slow 3 miles. Looks like going out at 11am on the dot was the right decision. It was sunny at the beginning of the run, and a little too warm, but the storm clouds were starting to roll in. By the time I finished, it was cloudy with a pretty stiff breeze (to my face in the last half of the run!! see last…
  • Ok, on a computer instead of my phone, so I can easily calculate/see mileage for the month. Strava says I have 48.5 miles so far, so I'm going with that. Goal was 40 miles for the month. So...I have officially exceeded my goal for the first time in the history of this challenge, and with three more runs still on the…
  • @katharmonic I'm so sorry about the loss of your dog. It's so hard to lose a great companion. I didn't update yesterday so here's the last 2 days. Saturday: 3 mile pace run. I managed to eke out 9:50 per mile, with a couple of short rest breaks because i took my dog with me and she likes to stop frequently for potty…
  • Planned rest day for me today. @Ohhim - Sorry to hear about your wreck. Also, I see that your bike made the "better than" list before your body. :lol: "Given the speed of the crash, I'll take a $55 or $200 damage total vs. a broken bike frame/wheels/teeth/bones/etc.."
  • My "plan" called for a 45 minute tempo run today. I followed the 45 minute suggestion, but scrapped the tempo part for various reasons--it's hot, humid and sunny; plus TOM makes anything high intensity super sucky right now. Only managed a whopping 3.5 miles in 45 minutes. But, hey, at least I got out there and did it.…
  • Three slow and easy miles today. My right calf was pretty tight the whole run (it has been for the last couple weeks). It did start to feel like it was loosening up around the 2.5 mile mark, but that's not much help when you're only doing 3! It was warm out today--upper 80s and sunny. The breeze was nice, but was to my…
  • @lporter229 - That's a "she" actually. She's a BLM horse/American Mustang, so she is quite stocky for a mare (I think it's the thicker neck and legs that make them look more masculine). Such a lovely sight to have in my front yard! That's the benefit of having the house a 1/4 mile from the road--the pasture's in front and…
  • Pictures from last night: Hanging out with the neighbors: Checking out the new digs:
  • I skipped my Sunday long run and yesterday's 3 miler. I did 3 miles on Saturday morning (already logged), then spent the rest of the day building fence for my horse. Thank goodness we opted for electric fencing (internal fence only--the whole property perimeter is fenced in barbed wire), as we were able to complete the…