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August (2016) Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @mbaker566 - As so many have said, I am so sorry and there just are no words. Glad you have a lot of family and friends who are helping you. We are all here for you too!

    8/1 - 5.1 miles
    8/2 - 4.6 miles with intervals
    8/3 - 4.6 miles + Strength Training
    8/4 - 5.67 miles
    8/5 - 5.1 miles + Strength Training
    8/6 - 43 miles biking
    8/7 - 30 miles biking
    8/8 - 3.1 miles
    8/9 - 18 miles biking
    8/10 - strength training
    8/11 - 5.2 miles
    8/12 - 5.3 miles + strength training
    8/13 - 44 miles biking
    8/14 - 44 miles biking
    8/15 - 4.25 miles
    8/16 - 4.6 miles w/Intervals
    8/17 - strength training
    8/18 - 4.5 miles
    8/19 - 5 miles w/ intervals
    8/20 - 44 miles biking
    8/21 - 58 miles biking
    8/22 - rest day! I didn’t really want to, of course, but I know I needed sleep!
    8/23 - 5 miles
    8/24 - 4 miles
    8/25 rest day
    8/26 -5 miles
    8/27 - 8 miles
    8/28 - 52 miles biking
    8/29 - unplanned rest
    8/30 - 5.2 miles
    8/31 - 5 miles


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @mbaker566 - My deepest sympathy on your loss, and may you find a path to a good life on the other side of your very necessary grief.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    edited August 2016
    8/1 - 2.23 - HS XC Practice
    8/2 - 6.0 - Easy
    8/2 - 4.15 - Easy
    8/3 - 15.03 - Easy
    8/4 - 6.0 - Recovery
    8/5 - 11.06 Easy + 3.47 @ MP XC Practice
    8/6 - 7.0 Easy W/ 10 x 160M Strides
    8/7 - 10.22 MP
    8/8 - 4.38 Recovery
    9/9 - 9.53 Easy
    9/10 - 11.05 VO2Max workout with 6x600 w/ 400 recovery @ 5k pace.
    9/11 - 6.02 Recovery
    8/12 - 12.49 - Easy w/ 6.3 @ MP
    8/13 - 8.5 Easy
    8/14 - 22.01 - Long Run
    8/15 - 3.0 - Recovery
    8/16 -10.06 - Easy
    8/17 - 16.21 - Easy
    8/18 - 5.4 - Recovery
    8/19 - 8.7 - Tempo
    8/20 - 7.0 - Easy
    8/21 - 16.4 - Long Run
    8/22 - Rest
    8/23 - 6.0 - AM Recovery
    8/23 - 5.0 - PM Dreadmill at the Gym.
    8/24 - 9.17 - 6x600 VO2Max Intervals w/ 400 recovery.
    8/25 - 5.01 - Recovery
    8/26 - 14.02 Easy
    8/27 - 6.01 - Recovery
    8/28 - 20.01 Long Run - Last 2 @ MP
    8/29 - Rest
    8/30 - 8.79 - Speedwork - intervals - hills

    Total 279.93 of 285 miles

    Today was scheduled 11 miles with 6x1k @5k pace. We again had thunderstorms in the morning and i realy hate speedwork in the rain. Our XC kids transitioned to afternoon practices this week so i figured I'd stay a little after practice and get the interval side of the workout in. Just as i got to practice it started to rain, just long enough to make the air soup. It was 83 degrees with certainly 100% humidity. I could see steam rising from the black asphalt path as I did 4.25 miles at my goal MP. HR was pushing threshold at 8:45 pace when i finished up. we headed over to a nice man made training hill in the park that is about 100M long. I did 5x sprints with them which absolutely sucked in that heat, max HR on the final was193. I figured there was no way i'd be able to do the 6x1k in these conditions so i headed home at ate with the family before heading to the gym. Figured the dreadmill was the best way to tackle the intervals so I warmed up a bit on the elliptical and stretched. Did .38 miles easy them the .62 at about a 7:30. HR was just peaking a tad over threshold on the first 3 intervals. On the start of the 4th interval my hip and glute were talking to me so after the 4 interval I shut it down. I've got almost 900 miles into this training cycle for my marathon I don't want to do anything to jeopardize getting to the start line, especially on vo2max intervals. Took this morning off and will do my easy paced middle distance run of 15 miles tonight. Fortunately taper is in 3 weeks and I wont have to run 300 miles next month.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    @mbaker566 My father struggled with addiction his entire life and while it ultimately wasn't the cause of his death it took it's toll on our family and his quality of life. I know how hard it is to watch and be apart of that and my sympathies are with you and your family at this time.

    @MobyCarp Congrats on your mic drop moment speech. It's amazing how many of my colleagues in their 40's are up to their eyeball in debt still. I wish the schools would do a better job of teaching on savings and investing. There is not a better feeling than knowing you are going to be ahead of the curve and be able to retire before the vast majority of your friends because you have the knowledge and discipline to stick to the plan and invest in your future before investing in that new car payment, fancy vacation or bigger house.

    @ariceroni That sucks about the fracture. You might ask your DR about doing limited weight training to keep your fitness. I had a rod & pins put in my leg from a hockey injury a few years ago. I was able to use an Alter-G treadmill and do jogging at 8-10 weeks at 25% body weight. If you have one of these treadmills in the area it's well worth the cost being able to get a workout in a few times a week. I ran a half marathon a little over 5 months after the injury because I was able to still do some training without any or limited impact.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @mbaker566 I'm so sorry for your loss! you have my condolences!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    8/1- 4.01
    8/1- 9.02<---Daily Double. If it isn't thunderstorming in the morning, I will not be happy.
    8/2- REST <- Recovering from the INSANE daily double
    8/4- 7.82
    8/5- 4
    8/6- 13.11
    8/7- REST
    8/8- REST <- beginning of cutback week
    8/9: 5.01
    8/11- 7.02
    8/12- REST
    8/13- 9.08
    8/14- REST
    8/15- 4.08
    8/16- 9.0
    8/17- Forced rest day<- 25 minutes of Kayaking for XT
    8/18- 9.01
    8/19- 4.05
    8/20- 10.83
    8/20- 2.4
    8/21- Rest
    8/22- Rest (unscheduled, ankle and calf still sore)
    8/23 REST- Un scheduled, up starting at 0230 because little man is sick.
    8/24- 4.01
    8/25- 6.01
    8/26- 4.01
    8/27- 7.75
    8/28- REST
    8/29- 4.0
    8/30- 9.01
    8/31- 4.10

    Total: 146.63/125

    Today's notes: Nice easy recovery run to end the month.

    Great job this month everyone!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    hi all
    stopping by to say hey, and i don't planning on finishing my goal. My husband passed away suddenly Friday so i haven't been eating well enough to go for a run. passed in his sleep. toxicology won't be back for a while but he was fighting addictions at the time.

    i did go to the running store and get new shoes and a memorial bracelet. Hope to get back on the wagon in the next few days. my appetite is slowly coming back.

    OMG!! I am so so sorry.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for August
    8/1 9 miles - 9
    8/1 4.5 miles - 13.5 << Daily Double
    8/2 9 miles - 22.5
    8/2 4 miles - 26.5 << Daily Double
    8/3 5 miles - 31.5
    8/4 9 miles - 40.5
    8/4 4 miles - 44.5 << Daily Double
    8/5 5.25 miles - 49.75
    8/6 20.97 miles - 70.72
    8/7 REST DAY
    8/8 7 miles - 77.72
    8/8 4 miles - 81.72 << Daily Double
    8/9 9 miles - 90.72
    8/9 5 miles - 95.72 << Daily Double
    8/10 5 miles - 100.72
    8/11 9 miles - 109.72
    8/11 5 miles - 114.72 << Daily Double
    8/12 5 miles - One Hundred Nineteen, point seventy two
    8/13 16 miles - 135.72
    8/14 REST DAY
    8/15 8 miles - 143.72
    8/16 8 miles - 151.72
    8/17 5 miles - 156.72
    8/18 9.5 miles - 166.22
    8/19 5 miles - 171.22
    8/20 13.1 miles - 184.32
    8/21 REST DAY
    8/22 10 miles - 194.32
    8/22 4 miles - 198.32 << Daily Double
    8/23 9 miles - 207.32
    8/23 4 miles - 211.32 << Daily Double
    8/24 5 miles - 216.32
    8/25 8 miles - 224.32
    8/26 5 miles - 229.32
    8/27 17 miles - 246.32 miles 5-8, 17 at GMP
    8/28 REST DAY
    8/29 10 miles - 256.32 GOAL+
    8/29 5 miles - 261.32 << Daily Double
    8/30 8 miles - 269.32
    8/30 5 miles - 274.32 << Daily Double
    8/31 5 miles - 279.32


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Huntsville Half Marathon - 11/12
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @mbaker566- Sometimes there really aren't any words. Just know that we are all sending you lots of cyber hugs and positive vibes in your direction. Take care of yourself, hon.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    End of month thoughts:
    I was thinking about this while I was out for my Sunday run on the Prairie Path.


    1. Itchy legs
    2. Itchy bum
    3. Itchy crotch
    4. Walkers who walk 3-4 abreast and won’t move out of the way when I want to pass, forcing me to run on the grass
    5. Casual bikers who weave all over the path
    6. Dogs
    7. Women who can run in nothing but a sports bra and short shorts, and here I have to be in two bras, a sweaty tank top and long shorts. It’s not fair. (Before you say I can run in a sports bra and short shorts if I want to, trust me, NO ONE wants to see me like that, especially me.)
    8. Puddles that I can’t maneuver around
    9. Itchy ankles
    10 .Itchy feet
    11. Geese
    12. Poop from said geese
    13. Bikers who come from seemingly out of nowhere and scare the kitten out of me
    14. Cars who won’t stop for the pedestrians (me) crossing the street like the law says
    15. Itchy boobs
    16. Itchy ANYTHING
    17. Other runners who pass me, making me feel like a slow old fart (you are a slow old fart, Laura, get over it)
    18. How much I’m going to miss running outside when the winter gets here

    Miss running outside in the winter??? Oh no you run outside in the winter.

    Not the way they take care of our streets and sidewalks. Running outside in the winter in my area is asking for a broken leg.

    Two words. Trail shoes. Where I live snow and bad roads are a way of life. Just gotta think about as Trail running bit road running.

    Vouch for the trail shoes in the winter. In my first half marathon training program, the pace leader told me to get trail shoes for snow on the roads. I did so, and it opened neighborhood roads that had been previously closed for the winter to me. Worth. Every. Penny.

    I can't believe we are even talking about this now. LOL It's still summer for crying out loud.
    OK! I always post this every year (usually in like November tho). Screw shoes. So keep those retired shoes (at least one pair) off to the side for now. And then this winter make screw shoes out of them.


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Aug 1-Rest Day
    Aug 2- 3.5 miles AM, 7.4 miles PM cruise intervals, 0.7 mile run with puppy
    Aug 3-5.9 miles
    Aug 4- 6 miles easy
    Aug 5- 5.5 miles speed intervals on the treadmill
    Aug 6- 10 miles easy with the group
    Aug 7- 10 miles with speed play
    Aug 8- rest day- Of course it's the nicest day we have had in weeks!
    Aug 9- 5.8 AM miles
    Aug 10- 6.1 AM miles with 4 @tempo+ 4.3 PM miles
    Aug 11-4.3 miles easy
    Aug 12-5.6 miles of treadmill sped intervals
    Aug 13- 13 miles
    Aug 14- Rest/ travel day
    Aug 15- 5 miles beach run
    Aug 16- 9.3 miles
    Aug 17-4.5 miles + 1.1 w/ pup
    Aug 18-6.6 miles
    Aug 19- 1.5 miles with doggie on beach (rest day, but too much fun to run with her!)
    Aug 20-12 miles
    Aug 21-5.7 miles
    Aug 22-5.3 miles
    Aug 23- 5.6 miles
    Aug 24-6.7 miles w/ 4.5 @ tempo pace
    Aug 25- rest day
    Aug 26- 6.4 miles speedwork on treadmill
    Aug 27- 6.4 mils +0.9 miles with Stella
    Aug 28- 14 miles with speed play
    Aug 29- rest day...lots of foam rolling!
    Aug 30- 3.7 miles AM (1 with the doggie)
    Aug 30-8.9 miles cruise intervals PM

    Had a hot and exhausting, but very satisfying cruise interval run last evening. I will spare you all the details. After reading @mbaker566's post, it all seems pretty trivial anyway. Last day of the month. I doubt I will run the 8.3 miles needed to hit 200 miles, but I am happy to have made my goal. Hope everyone had a great month of running. See you in September!

  • Marjael
    Marjael Posts: 111 Member
    4.0 miles this morning to wrap up August.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    ariceroni wrote: »
    Congratulations everyone who met their goal for the month! And everyone who ran this month and stayed injury-free!

    I made it to the orthopedist's this morning and just as I suspected - it's a stress fracture. At least it showed up on the x-ray so I didn’t have to wait a few days and spend a bunch of money on an MRI just to tell me what I already knew -_- I have to take 5-6 weeks off of running, then they doctor recommended I get a gait/biomechanic analysis and PT since I’ve had a lot of issues with injury over the last few years. The point is, the Chicago Marathon is definitely out of the picture, along with three other races that I was registered for in September/October. I just hope I can find the motivation to keep working out (once my shin heals enough that I can bike/elliptical without pain). I’m honestly so devastated right now :cry:

    Oh no. I know that is devastating news. I have been there. I had a stress fracture in my metatarsal two years ago. It seemed like the end of the world at the time. I was also dealing with some other health issues and I remember feeling so low and helpless. I know it's tough, but hang in there. I rode my bike as much as I could (yes, in my boot) and focused on upper body and core work. Truth be told, it probably did me a world of good to take that break from running. When I finally did ease back into it, I made really quick gains and came back stronger than ever. Plus, I was motivated by my frustration and ended up channeling that into a Boston Qualifying marathon. Sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but trust me, it is there. I promise you that, if you keep faith and do what you can, it will all work out. Hugs to you!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - Intended to run 4, but oversleeping and a thunderstorm kept it from happening :-(
    8/2 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class. I may be too uncoordinated for this ab stuff...I feel like a bull in a china shop for sure.
    8/3 - 4.11 miles. Cool but foggy/sticky. Felt like running through a shower.
    8/4 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). The Y was so humid, kinda felt like I was outside anyway.
    8/5 - Bodypump class.
    8/6 - 6.33 miles with HM training group.
    8/7 - Rest Day.
    8/8 - 4.25 miles. Felt good!
    8/9 - Unplanned rest day. Some annoying back pain kept me awake all night, so I "overslept" without actually getting any sleep.
    8/10 - 4.3 miles in 75°, 90% humidity...plus, owl.
    8/11 - 4.95 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Then, some quick upper body weights. Again, humid.
    8/12 - Spin Class...not sure I have ever sweat that much in my life
    8/13 - 6 mile group run with HM training group. Nice pace, cooler temp.
    8/14 - Rest / housework day. Ended day with an unnecessary trip to the ER for my 10 year old. Even Moms that are Pediatric nurses overreact once in a while :smiley:
    8/15 - Slept in due to that ER visit.
    8/16 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class.
    8/17 - 5.04 miles. Started in a pleasant, light rain...ended in humidity.
    8/18 - 4.27 miles. Weather was OK, but felt like a slog. Just one of those days, I guess
    8/19 - Spin Class, followed by upper body weights.
    8/20 - 6.22 miles. Group run. Light rain at start, pretty cool temperature. Loved it!
    8/21 - Yard work / house work / rest day.
    8/22 - 4.0 miles. Cool, comfortable morning.
    8/23 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class (still feel clumsy)
    8/24 - Unplanned rest day...woke up with back pain / spasms that got worse as the day went. Yuck!
    8/25 - 5 miles in cool but humid weather. Back feels tender/weak, but no pain. Wonder if I did something wrong in my abs/core class on Tuesday morning.
    8/26 - Spin class, then upper body weights. If sweating gets rid of toxins, I should be clean as a whistle.
    8/27 - 7.5 miles. Group run. Flat and relatively speedy.
    8/28 - Rest day at amusement park.
    8/29 - 3.41 miles, then a short walk.
    8/30 - 3.1 treadmill miles, then weights and abs.
    8/31 - GOAL! 5 miles to finish at 78.48/75. First time since April I hit my goal for the month.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    @ariceroni - So sorry about the stress fracture. Been there, done that--no fun at all. I know how disappointing it must be to have to miss out on Chicago. I'm sure your time off and PT/gait analysis will get you where you need to be to get back to running and stay injury-free in the future. Good luck!

    @mbaker566 - I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. Take time to grieve and take care of yourself. I'm glad that you have such supportive family and friends looking out for you. We are here whenever you're ready!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    edited August 2016

    1/8: REST
    2/8: 5.30 km + 20 mins yoga
    3/8: 5.38 km + 20 mins yoga
    4/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga
    5/8: 5.43 km + 20 mins yoga
    6/8: 4.50 km (Walked Colour Vibe due to terrain on course, and it wasn`t even a true 5K)
    7/8: 6.05 km + 20 mins yoga
    8/8: 5.37 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 34:31)
    9/8: REST (early morning meeting; walked all over instead)
    10/8: 5.40 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 33:59)
    11/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga
    12/8: 5.16 km + 20 mins yoga
    13/8: REST
    14/8: LIFE
    15/8: 5.22 km + 20 mins yoga (New PR! 5K in 33:25) + 4.24 km in the evening
    16/8: 5.40 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (tried Strides for the first time, only managed to do 3)
    17/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (1 Stride done)
    18/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training
    19/8: 5.44 km + 20 mins yoga + some strength training (New PR!!! 5K in 33:01)
    20/8: REST
    21/8: LIFE
    22/8: 5.44 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises + 1.67 km in the afternoon
    23/8: 5.61 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    24/8: 5.65 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (New PR!!! 5K in 32:50)
    25/8: 5.76 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises + 4.26 km in the evening
    26/8: 5.60 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    27/8: 4.78km (hike with a friend)
    28/8: REST (38 mins yoga)
    29/8: 5.55 km + 20 mins yoga + 4.32 km in the evening
    30/8: 5.48 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    31/8: 5.42 km + 20 mins yoga

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:17:??


    6/8: Colour Vibe 5K
    24/9: Obstacle Course “Coureur des bois”
    20/10-01/11 : Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run

    Last run of the month, and I'm 11.37 kms away from goal. I truly hope I make it in September. :smiley:

    Congrats to all who made their goals this month!!!!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @mbaker566 I just read about your husband. I am SO sorry for your loss, that must be so hard. Big hugs to you, and please take care of yourself. We are all here for you!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @ariceroni Oh no! I am so sorry. That must be devastating, especially having to miss all those races you signed up for. Come hang with us while you recover. Hopefully you will be ready to get back into it once you recover.