August (2016) Running Challenge



  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member

    2Aug - 7m
    4Aug - 8m
    6Aug - 5m
    7Aug - 6.4m
    9Aug - 4.8m
    11Aug - 7m
    13Aug - 8m
    14Aug - 6.2
    17Aug - 5m


    I could not drag myself out of bed early and it was hot yesterday evening so I put off my run until today. Again I failed to rise early so faced the heat. Started fine but each mile got slower and slower. Temp forecast to be lower again tomorrow so should be fine.

    I totally agree with @Elise4270 if you are ill, don't push too hard. If you are just sluggish then try walking or cross training to get your mojo back.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »

    @Elise4270 :smiley: Been there, done that, ran out of brain bleach to try and forget it! :smiley:

    Bwahaahaa! Cracking up at the "brain bleach" comment. I could definitely use more of that! @Elise4270 I think you should go somewhere with year-round beautiful running/ swimming humidity, mosquitos, polar there an actual place like this on Earth? Definitely avoid Chicago area/ midwest US in general...

    I half looked for a job this morning. Nothing looked promising. It has to be somewhere with a refinery, idk or something I can do without a pay cut.. Maybe Washington state or Oregon where Oiselle is. Wait. Aren't there bears that way? Alabama and Florida are absolutely out too. What about Tennessee? Lol!

    DH is in recovery. Brain bleach sounds great (margarita style). So I may have to sneak around like a teen. :blush:

    @luluinca You're here. You're a runner :wink:

    Come on, you would love Alabama. Well northern Alabama. We are 90 minutes from Nashville. So kind of Tennesee. Actually if I drive north for 20 minutes, I cross into the Tennesee border. But running is big here. Very fun and supportive environment. You could join a race within driving distance just about every weekend if you wanted to. Heck, most of them I could run to. LOL

    We have no bears around that I am aware of, but there were a few coyote sightings. :open_mouth:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited August 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    When does this get easier? More enjoyable (as in, at all enjoyable)? Today's run/ walk in the park sucked but I stuck it out. Temps were ok, but humidity was high & my breathing was tough despite the advair, nose spray, albuterol...ugh... My thoughts went from "why the *kitten* am I doing this again?" to "this sucks. I'm not a runner, who am I kidding?" to "I guess I can stick it out..." to "*kitten*-it, no I can't" to "whew. Finished." I try to push out all the negative thoughts, and I feel good (physically & emotionally) for having done it, but man. If I stick with it, at some point it won't feel torturous-to-tolerable and I'll actually enjoy running...right?

    You are in the stage we call, "Embrace the suck!". Keep at it, and it will no longer suck, but then you stop improving.

    Which is where I invented the mantra, "Invent new ways to make it suck."
    I know that if I want to Boston Qualify some day and continue to improve, then if it's easy and enjoyable, I am not doing enough to get to Boston. But that's just how I am wired, I am very goal orientated. If's it's not a challenge to me then I get bored and I go do something else.

    For you it's a BQ, for me it's my current quest for a sub 2:00 HM. For me running is all about embracing the suck, and find different ways to make it suck. Currently it's increasing the duration of my Steady State runs.

    @cljoe7 running can always kind of suck. It's sometimes about becoming a masochist so you can enjoy it.

    On the topic of of animals, we have bears, wolves and cougars up here.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2016
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »

    @Elise4270 :smiley: Been there, done that, ran out of brain bleach to try and forget it! :smiley:

    Bwahaahaa! Cracking up at the "brain bleach" comment. I could definitely use more of that! @Elise4270 I think you should go somewhere with year-round beautiful running/ swimming humidity, mosquitos, polar there an actual place like this on Earth? Definitely avoid Chicago area/ midwest US in general...

    I half looked for a job this morning. Nothing looked promising. It has to be somewhere with a refinery, idk or something I can do without a pay cut.. Maybe Washington state or Oregon where Oiselle is. Wait. Aren't there bears that way? Alabama and Florida are absolutely out too. What about Tennessee? Lol!

    DH is in recovery. Brain bleach sounds great (margarita style). So I may have to sneak around like a teen. :blush:

    @luluinca You're here. You're a runner :wink:

    Come on, you would love Alabama. Well northern Alabama. We are 90 minutes from Nashville. So kind of Tennesee. Actually if I drive north for 20 minutes, I cross into the Tennesee border. But running is big here. Very fun and supportive environment. You could join a race within driving distance just about every weekend if you wanted to. Heck, most of them I could run to. LOL

    We have no bears around that I am aware of, but there were a few coyote sightings. :open_mouth:

    Well, I did a job search and there are opportunities. Makes me regret not finishing that Masters degree in chemistry. I'm making ~90k with a B.S. (hard to walk away from. That's dumb luck, I'm not that smart. Okay yes I am). It does sound like an ideal area. I bookmarked a few jobs.. DH is over being mad at me for the moment... I really could use a running community. We have coyotes here too. They don't bother me. My dad's family is in Alabama.... So tempted.

    Think I'll make sure my resume is updated in case something comes along I can't pass up. Or until dh gets mad at me again :wink:
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    ereck44 wrote: »
    Long run planned today....going to slow it waaay down at 70% max heart rate, hopefully 10 miles today...still very hot at Naptown....84 degrees, 91HI, and 52% humidity. Will check in later.

    Achieved goal of 10 miles.....but unable to slow to 70% all. First mile, averaged 75%, then next 6 miles at 80-82%; Felt good, breathing well, focused on posture, arm placement and slowing my steps. Then legs and feet became very sore and I felt like I had to pick up the pace to stretch out my hips...and I noticed that my heart rate decreased by 3%. Co-incidence? It happened on 3 other occasions in the last couple of miles...I really tried to focus on keeping the heart rate down, still at 79-83%. After completing mile 9.25, sprinted the last 3/4 mile...ended with 96% heart rate, but not really breathing hard or bent over trying to catch my breath like I usually am when going full out. took forever (nearly 2.5 hours for 10 miles)....but going to try it again in a couple of weeks. Not sore at all. Even cut my recovery walk (jumping jacks, high knees, etc) short due to my husband needing me to help with the yard.

    August 1---poison day
    August 2....;poison day
    August 3....dr.'s visit for the poison ivy....put on again
    August 4....4 miles....
    August 5....husband's 65th birthday....celebration with friends.
    August 6.....10 miles
    August 7....still with poison day...actually I work the night shift.
    August 8th...weight lifting, Spinning class...then 3.87 miles on the treadmill.
    August 9th.....6 miles...
    August day....lots of walking at the Indiana State Fair.
    August 11th...weight lifting....treadmill (rolling hills)....3.89 miles. Worked in some sprints, otherwise running at slower pace...averaged 11:45 minute pace. Drenched in sweat afterward. Last day of Prednisone.

    4 pages of posts that I haven't read guys are killing me. :smile:

    The prednisone taper was rough. Didn't feel like working out today at all. Slept hard last night 5 hours and then another 3 plus 2 extra in the of 10 hours. Legs today feel heavy esp. around the knees. I don't think that my legs are more sore today than normal but that Prednisone masked my muscle soreness for a week, and I am now feeling it. Skipping my long run this week. Also have a long stretch of work nights ahead....5 out of the next 6.

    August 11th....3.89 miles to add to the total of 23.89.....27.76. Still trying to achieve 85 miles this month.

    August 16th...4 miles....finally got a run in between my work nights....worked 5 out of 6 this stretch. Light drizzle...very humid...the weather is trying to break here...I'll take it over what Louisiana is dealing with. Anyway, pace was 10:45 minute miles...not really pushing myself that hard, probably 88% max heart rate..the first time I have run sub 11 minute miles... total is 31.76
    Sooooo behind with regard to reading posts....about 12 pages.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited August 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »

    @Elise4270 :smiley: Been there, done that, ran out of brain bleach to try and forget it! :smiley:

    Bwahaahaa! Cracking up at the "brain bleach" comment. I could definitely use more of that! @Elise4270 I think you should go somewhere with year-round beautiful running/ swimming humidity, mosquitos, polar there an actual place like this on Earth? Definitely avoid Chicago area/ midwest US in general...

    I half looked for a job this morning. Nothing looked promising. It has to be somewhere with a refinery, idk or something I can do without a pay cut.. Maybe Washington state or Oregon where Oiselle is. Wait. Aren't there bears that way? Alabama and Florida are absolutely out too. What about Tennessee? Lol!

    DH is in recovery. Brain bleach sounds great (margarita style). So I may have to sneak around like a teen. :blush:

    @luluinca You're here. You're a runner :wink:

    Come on, you would love Alabama. Well northern Alabama. We are 90 minutes from Nashville. So kind of Tennesee. Actually if I drive north for 20 minutes, I cross into the Tennesee border. But running is big here. Very fun and supportive environment. You could join a race within driving distance just about every weekend if you wanted to. Heck, most of them I could run to. LOL

    We have no bears around that I am aware of, but there were a few coyote sightings. :open_mouth:

    Well, I did a job search and there are opportunities. Makes me regret not finishing that Masters degree in chemistry. I'm making ~90k with a B.S. (hard to walk away from. That's dumb luck, I'm not that smart. Okay yes I am). It does sound like an ideal area. I bookmarked a few jobs.. DH is over being mad at me for the moment... I really could use a running community. We have coyotes here too. They don't bother me. My dad's family is in Alabama.... So tempted.

    Think I'll make sure my resume is updated in case something comes along I can't pass up. Or until dh gets mad at me again :wink:

    Not sure about the job market on your line of work, but as far as running friendly, I think my neighborhood is pretty nice. We also have a race nearby almost every weekend. But here in San Diego, we do get whinny about weather, we start to say "too hot" before it hits 80F and "too cold" when it gets below 60F :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    mom3over40 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »

    @Elise4270 :smiley: Been there, done that, ran out of brain bleach to try and forget it! :smiley:

    Bwahaahaa! Cracking up at the "brain bleach" comment. I could definitely use more of that! @Elise4270 I think you should go somewhere with year-round beautiful running/ swimming humidity, mosquitos, polar there an actual place like this on Earth? Definitely avoid Chicago area/ midwest US in general...

    I half looked for a job this morning. Nothing looked promising. It has to be somewhere with a refinery, idk or something I can do without a pay cut.. Maybe Washington state or Oregon where Oiselle is. Wait. Aren't there bears that way? Alabama and Florida are absolutely out too. What about Tennessee? Lol!

    DH is in recovery. Brain bleach sounds great (margarita style). So I may have to sneak around like a teen. :blush:

    @luluinca You're here. You're a runner :wink:

    Come on, you would love Alabama. Well northern Alabama. We are 90 minutes from Nashville. So kind of Tennesee. Actually if I drive north for 20 minutes, I cross into the Tennesee border. But running is big here. Very fun and supportive environment. You could join a race within driving distance just about every weekend if you wanted to. Heck, most of them I could run to. LOL

    We have no bears around that I am aware of, but there were a few coyote sightings. :open_mouth:

    Well, I did a job search and there are opportunities. Makes me regret not finishing that Masters degree in chemistry. I'm making ~90k with a B.S. (hard to walk away from. That's dumb luck, I'm not that smart. Okay yes I am). It does sound like an ideal area. I bookmarked a few jobs.. DH is over being mad at me for the moment... I really could use a running community. We have coyotes here too. They don't bother me. My dad's family is in Alabama.... So tempted.

    Think I'll make sure my resume is updated in case something comes along I can't pass up. Or until dh gets mad at me again :wink:

    Not sure about the job market on your line of work, but as far as running friendly, I think my neighborhood is pretty nice. We also have a race nearby almost every weekend. But here in San Diego, we do get whinny about weather, we start to say "too hot" before it hits 80F and "too cold" when it gets below 60F :wink:

    I was born in San Diego! Sounds nice there!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    8/17: 2.42 miles

    Took it very easy tonight. The humidity was way down so even though it was 80 degrees it felt much nicer. My right leg is a bit twingey so I want to take it easy the next couple of days.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    mom3over40 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    cljoe7 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »

    @Elise4270 :smiley: Been there, done that, ran out of brain bleach to try and forget it! :smiley:

    Bwahaahaa! Cracking up at the "brain bleach" comment. I could definitely use more of that! @Elise4270 I think you should go somewhere with year-round beautiful running/ swimming humidity, mosquitos, polar there an actual place like this on Earth? Definitely avoid Chicago area/ midwest US in general...

    I half looked for a job this morning. Nothing looked promising. It has to be somewhere with a refinery, idk or something I can do without a pay cut.. Maybe Washington state or Oregon where Oiselle is. Wait. Aren't there bears that way? Alabama and Florida are absolutely out too. What about Tennessee? Lol!

    DH is in recovery. Brain bleach sounds great (margarita style). So I may have to sneak around like a teen. :blush:

    @luluinca You're here. You're a runner :wink:

    Come on, you would love Alabama. Well northern Alabama. We are 90 minutes from Nashville. So kind of Tennesee. Actually if I drive north for 20 minutes, I cross into the Tennesee border. But running is big here. Very fun and supportive environment. You could join a race within driving distance just about every weekend if you wanted to. Heck, most of them I could run to. LOL

    We have no bears around that I am aware of, but there were a few coyote sightings. :open_mouth:

    Well, I did a job search and there are opportunities. Makes me regret not finishing that Masters degree in chemistry. I'm making ~90k with a B.S. (hard to walk away from. That's dumb luck, I'm not that smart. Okay yes I am). It does sound like an ideal area. I bookmarked a few jobs.. DH is over being mad at me for the moment... I really could use a running community. We have coyotes here too. They don't bother me. My dad's family is in Alabama.... So tempted.

    Think I'll make sure my resume is updated in case something comes along I can't pass up. Or until dh gets mad at me again :wink:

    Not sure about the job market on your line of work, but as far as running friendly, I think my neighborhood is pretty nice. We also have a race nearby almost every weekend. But here in San Diego, we do get whinny about weather, we start to say "too hot" before it hits 80F and "too cold" when it gets below 60F :wink:

    I was born in San Diego! Sounds nice there!

    I went to college in San Diego, but grew up in Orange County! I love their weather, especially now that I live in the IE! :#
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Had to wait until after work to get in my run. I had trouble sleeping last night, so waking up early was not an option. That's what I get for not taking my Lunesta. Tomorrow is another day...

    Anyway, today's run was great. New 5k PR - 37:21. New 4 mile PR - 48:09. At 4 miles my legs did the autopilot thing again. OMG, I love that feeling. Wound up doing a full hour, 5 miles exactly. I'll do a couple more 5 mile runs before I attempt 6. Thing is, the treadmill only goes an hour at a time, so in order for me to do more than 5 miles, I have to restart the treadmill, LOL. OR... go the *kitten* outside. I have yet to be able to do more than 4 miles outside, because heat. The fall can't get here soon enough.

  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Had to wait until after work to get in my run. I had trouble sleeping last night, so waking up early was not an option. That's what I get for not taking my Lunesta. Tomorrow is another day...

    Anyway, today's run was great. New 5k PR - 37:21. New 4 mile PR - 48:09. At 4 miles my legs did the autopilot thing again. OMG, I love that feeling. Wound up doing a full hour, 5 miles exactly. I'll do a couple more 5 mile runs before I attempt 6. Thing is, the treadmill only goes an hour at a time, so in order for me to do more than 5 miles, I have to restart the treadmill, LOL. OR... go the *kitten* outside. I have yet to be able to do more than 4 miles outside, because heat. The fall can't get here soon enough.


    Fabulous progress and it's so funny to me because I am literally terrified of running on a treadmill, walking is fine, and I totally prefer running outside. You're way ahead of me though time-wise on either. I'm still at a 40 min 5K.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @5512bf I like the way you think.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @5512bf I like the way you think.

    A rebel!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Pats Creek 61:39.25 - 14km with 6 members of the Wednesday Night Hill Climbers. One long Gentle 6km slope. All the way up with no walk breaks. Turn and burn to the bottom. One of the quiet Petite ladies started 10 mins late caught me at km 10 she just disappeared around the corner - Little rocket!!
    Although I am pretty happy with my time for a 14km. Puts me in a good place for my September Roots and Ruts 10km Bushwhacking Trail race . Starts at 1800 and sunset is at 1900 so those that take too long end up running through the bush in the evening twilight.


    08/01 – 0.0 km – 0.0 - 140 km
    08/03 – 9.0 km – 9.0 - 131 km
    08/06 –10.0 km –19.0 - 121 km
    08/09 – 6.0 km – 25.0 - 115 km
    08/11 –12.0 km – 37.0 - 103 km
    08/13 –12.5 km – 49.5 – 90.5 km
    08/14 –7.0 km – 56.5 – 83.5 km
    08/15 –6.0 km – 62.5 – 77.5 km
    08/17 –14.0 km – 76.5 – 63.5 km – YTD 801.7 km

    So many posts we are really growing as a super supportive group. I lurked around the edges for close to a year before joining in.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I was down with what I think might be migraines for a couple days over the weekend. It's just been painfully hot and humid, too. But yesterday I got out for a short evening run (2 miles) and another this morning (another 2). They were quite slow since I brought my kids with me and they're not used to running the whole way yet, but they're getting a little better each time!

    I'm sorry I'm not following along with everyone this month, but I love you guys and wish you well!

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    08/01- 7.2km
    08/02- 3.9km
    08/03- 12.5km
    08/04- Active Rest Day (taking the babies to the zoo)
    08/05- Rest Day
    08/06- Rest Day (wedding)
    08/07- 11km
    08/08- 8.8km
    08/09- 5.8km of dreadmill
    08/10- Rest Day
    08/11- Rest Day
    08/12- 24km
    08/13- Rest Day (Happy Birthday Baby Girl!)
    08/14- 4km
    08/15- 7km
    08/16- Rest Day courtesy of cranky baby
    08/17- 7.9km
