August (2016) Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ariceroni wrote: »
    Congratulations everyone who met their goal for the month! And everyone who ran this month and stayed injury-free!

    I made it to the orthopedist's this morning and just as I suspected - it's a stress fracture. At least it showed up on the x-ray so I didn’t have to wait a few days and spend a bunch of money on an MRI just to tell me what I already knew -_- I have to take 5-6 weeks off of running, then they doctor recommended I get a gait/biomechanic analysis and PT since I’ve had a lot of issues with injury over the last few years. The point is, the Chicago Marathon is definitely out of the picture, along with three other races that I was registered for in September/October. I just hope I can find the motivation to keep working out (once my shin heals enough that I can bike/elliptical without pain). I’m honestly so devastated right now :cry:

    So sorry to hear that. 5-6 weeks off isn't horrible, right? I agree with Stan, hang out here. It's not all bad when your down- we still get to cherish others accomplishments.

    About 3 weeks after this surgery when I decided to see just what impairment I had on the left. I took the knee brace off and put my foot flat then tried to put weight on it. My hip droped like a stone to the bottom of the ocean along with my heart. I'm 11 weeks post and finally feel some buy in that this is going to get better and I'll run again. You'll heal. You'll be stronger and come back more efficient. Good luck. Sorry about missing Chicago.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    I'll post a final August update later (planning to run at lunch), but just wanted to leave this here, under the category of "best laid plans..."

    The alarm went off at 4:30 as planned, but I decided, "Hey, I'm 30 miles ahead of my (probably too-low) goal, and I can plan to run at lunch (mainly for the step count, but it's Wednesday, which means church-work day and lots of extra steps anyway), so let's just sleep another hour so I can get up and shower before SWMBO has to get up for work."

    4:57 AM - the phone rings. It's the day job - I'm on-call and we have a job down that requires attention.

    Ah well. Those 20-something minutes were...short?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/31 - rest day today

    Ending the month at 139 of 110 miles


    @shanaber I have had months that were 150/160 I need to go back and look, but it's the most I've run in a really long time. Thank you!

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @mbaker566 I don't really know you well, but I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling, but we are all here for you!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    End of month thoughts:
    I was thinking about this while I was out for my Sunday run on the Prairie Path.


    1. Itchy legs
    2. Itchy bum
    3. Itchy crotch
    4. Walkers who walk 3-4 abreast and won’t move out of the way when I want to pass, forcing me to run on the grass
    5. Casual bikers who weave all over the path
    6. Dogs
    7. Women who can run in nothing but a sports bra and short shorts, and here I have to be in two bras, a sweaty tank top and long shorts. It’s not fair. (Before you say I can run in a sports bra and short shorts if I want to, trust me, NO ONE wants to see me like that, especially me.)
    8. Puddles that I can’t maneuver around
    9. Itchy ankles
    10 .Itchy feet
    11. Geese
    12. Poop from said geese
    13. Bikers who come from seemingly out of nowhere and scare the kitten out of me
    14. Cars who won’t stop for the pedestrians (me) crossing the street like the law says
    15. Itchy boobs
    16. Itchy ANYTHING
    17. Other runners who pass me, making me feel like a slow old fart (you are a slow old fart, Laura, get over it)
    18. How much I’m going to miss running outside when the winter gets here

    Miss running outside in the winter??? Oh no you run outside in the winter.

    Not the way they take care of our streets and sidewalks. Running outside in the winter in my area is asking for a broken leg.

    Two words. Trail shoes. Where I live snow and bad roads are a way of life. Just gotta think about as Trail running bit road running.

    Vouch for the trail shoes in the winter. In my first half marathon training program, the pace leader told me to get trail shoes for snow on the roads. I did so, and it opened neighborhood roads that had been previously closed for the winter to me. Worth. Every. Penny.

    I can't believe we are even talking about this now. LOL It's still summer for crying out loud.
    OK! I always post this every year (usually in like November tho). Screw shoes. So keep those retired shoes (at least one pair) off to the side for now. And then this winter make screw shoes out of them.

    Screw shoes? But won't the screws get to my fleshy bits?
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks @luluinca for your kind and inspiring words! I'm glad you were able to discover a love for running; I'm definitely trying to reframe these next weeks in terms of finding another sport that I can love! Or at least tolerate ;)

    @5512bf I had to look up what they are, but those Alter-G treadmills sound pretty awesome; thanks for the suggestion! Fortunately this is nowhere near as serious as rods and pins so I'm hoping I won't lose too much fitness in the coming weeks. Keeping walking to a minimum for now (I'm mostly on crutches), but I suspect I should at least be able to bike and elliptical within the next week or two (Dr said it is ok as long as I can do so pain free!).

    @lporter229 thanks for the commiseration and encouragement! Sadly it is the upper part of my tibia so the Dr said a boot (even a tall one) wouldn't help at all, so I'm stuck on crutches for a few days. Definitely planning to do a lot of biking once I am able to pedal without pain! I think the time off will be good for me too and hopefully I can come back stronger than before (probably not BQ strong like you were, but a girl can dream!)

    @Elise4270 seems like I will be joining you as designated cheerleader/achievement celebrator in the September thread! As you said, 5-6 weeks isn't so bad, especially compared to what some of the other runners on here have gone through. We will both come back stronger and smarter from these injuries!

    Thanks also to @Ohhim @HonuNui @shanaber @AdrianChr92 @Orphia @louubelle16 @ceciliaslater @Stoshew71 and anyone else I missed for your well-wishes, encouragement, and sympathy! It's encouraging (albeit a little troubling) that so many have struggled with and come back from similar injuries. I guess we runners are a hardy lot!

    @mbaker566 I have no words. I read your post last night and my mind keeps going back to you and your loved ones; every time it does, I say a little prayer for strength to get you through the coming days.
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Got in my final three miles for the month, so finishing out with 58 miles--18 miles beyond my 40 mile goal. It's a bit cooler out today (only 83 degrees!), so my easy pace was about a minute faster than it has been @ ~ 11:30/mile. Can't wait to see what I can do when the temps really start to drop (and I get a little more mileage under my belt).
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    @MobyCarp - Congratulations on your retirement!

    @mbaker566 - This is so sad, I'm sorry for your loss.

    @ariceroni - You must be gutted at having to pull out of your planned race.

    I got an ankle x ray on Monday as it wasn't improving and thankfully its not broke but I've tore ligaments. It'll be a week old tomorrow and I'm still hobbling. I sort of fooled myself into thinking it be better by now. Does anyone know roughly how long I can expect this to take to heal. Also I'd need my mouth stapled shut as I can't stop eating - boredom & frustration. At this rate I'll have the 7lbs I managed to lose and more back on . Sorry for moan - I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself.
  • dowelahmed
    dowelahmed Posts: 26 Member
    August sure did go in a flash! For the last day of the month I couldn't do much due to a one day company event, although having to drag a projector around did wonders for my arms! Still, 20 miles above my goal and the last 2 runs of my C25K program left has left me quite satisfied this month. Hopefully we all managed to reach our goals for August, if not there's always September! Stay strong and keep those legs moving! B)

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    We end August with one our favorite topics -Shoe Screwing.. :smiley:

    @AdrianChr92 I'd think the screws would be uncomfortable if you didn't have a thick sole. Mine are minimal shoes, seems like it'd be running on rocks. Who did that last year? I can picture his avatar... I have yak trax Incase we get ice.
  • dowelahmed
    dowelahmed Posts: 26 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    hi all
    stopping by to say hey, and i don't planning on finishing my goal. My husband passed away suddenly Friday so i haven't been eating well enough to go for a run. passed in his sleep. toxicology won't be back for a while but he was fighting addictions at the time.

    i did go to the running store and get new shoes and a memorial bracelet. Hope to get back on the wagon in the next few days. my appetite is slowly coming back.

    My deepest sympathies for your loss, whatever happens you've got our support.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Finished out the month with a very enjoyable run. It was cloudy, so even though it was 87 degrees out, the humidity was only 51%, there was a breeze, and NO SUN ON ME! It felt so nice! Did 3 miles of negative splits and a half mile cooldown run.

    I'm finishing the month at 88 miles vs. my goal of 75, so I'm quite pleased!


    South Nyack 10 Miler – 9/11
    Adirondacks Distance Festival ½ Marathon – 9/25
    Sleepy Hollow 10k – 10/22

  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    @mbaker566 I am so sorry! Sending you condolences, positive thoughts, and many *hugs*

    @katharmonic sending you condolences & *hugs* as well. I'm so sorry about your doggie.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    We end August with one our favorite topics -Shoe Screwing.. :smiley:

    @AdrianChr92 I'd think the screws would be uncomfortable if you didn't have a thick sole. Mine are minimal shoes, seems like it'd be running on rocks. Who did that last year? I can picture his avatar... I have yak trax Incase we get ice.

    Was it @indianarunner76 ? No... I hate when I can't remember! It was someone super cool... @vandium? :blush:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited August 2016
    Way behind on logging and keeping up with everyone. The stupid head cold had me sitting on the sidelines for 6 days = 2 or 3 runs lost. Will miss my goal by a whisker because of that.

    Very Humid so wasn't a lot of fun running tonight - many years ago my Dad said that when ever you see Hurricanes/Tropical Storms off the East Coast of the States we will be wet and muggy as the weather systems start to get backed up due to the blocking effect of the big storm. 14 km - 7 km Hill Climb loop up Pats Creek on the old abandoned Highway with a detour through the bush to the 12Ft Davis Memorial on the other side of the Hill and then down the 12ft Davis Hill back to the starting point at the Downtown Recreation center. I ran without coughing up a lung so it felt decent. ;)

    August Running 140km Goal
    08/01 – 0.0 km – 0.0 - 140 km
    08/03 – 9.0 km – 9.0 - 131 km
    08/06 –10.0 km –19.0 - 121 km
    08/09 – 6.0 km – 25.0 - 115 km
    08/11 –12.0 km – 37.0 - 103 km
    08/13 –12.5 km – 49.5 – 90.5 km
    08/14 –7.0 km – 56.5 – 83.5 km
    08/15 –6.0 km – 62.5 – 77.5 km
    08/17 –14.0 km – 76.5 – 63.5 km
    08/20 –11.0 km – 87.5 – 52.5 km - Running 4 days in a row
    08/21 –8.0 km – 95.5 – 44.5 km - probably contributed to my
    08/22 –9.0 km – 104.5 – 35.5 km - head cold. Lesson learned
    08/23- 6.0 km – 110.5 – 29.5 km
    08/30 –8.0 km – 118.5 – 21.5 km
    08/31 –14.0 km –132.5 – 7.5 km YTD 842.7 km


    See Everyone in September - Some of the Trees are already starting to turn color so it may be a very early fall.
  • amandabridges266
    amandabridges266 Posts: 1 Member
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Made the stretch goal!
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Aug  2     5.0      5.0 
    Aug  3     5.8     10.8 
    Aug  4     4.3     15.1 
    Aug  6     5.6     20.7 
    Aug  7     5.1     25.8 
    Aug  9     5.1     30.9 
    Aug 10     6.2     37.1
    Aug 11     4.3     41.4
    Aug 13     6.3     47.7
    Aug 16     5.5     53.2
    Aug 18     5.8     59.0
    Aug 20     5.6     64.6
    Aug 22     5.6     70.2
    Aug 23     4.3     74.5
    Aug 25     5.8     80.3
    Aug 27     8.2     88.5
    Aug 28     5.5     94.0
    Aug 30     4.3     98.3
    Aug 31     3.1    101.4

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member


    August is in the books, with 110 miles completed! This makes my highest running month yet. I averaged 42 minutes of running per day, and 3.55 miles per day.

    8/31 5.25 miles

    Started as a slog, ended triumphantly! I felt really tired and slow to start out, but mentally needed a good run. The weather was not bad, so I set out from my house with a couple of options for shorter vs. longer loops in mind. Even though it didn't feel great, I just kept going until I had committed to the long route. And then it started feeling a bit looser and I got to my hill - the nemesis hill. I planned to walk up it as usual, but I felt stubborn and just kept running (not fast, but running) and made it to the top! There was a couple and their dog walking up that I passed just at the end so I refrained from whooping it up at the top, and also I was out of breath. I stopped for just a bit and caught my breath, had some sips of water and then ran the last miles back home. So a longer than usual base run on a Wednesday with a victory over the hill - really improved the mood for the day!

    See everyone in September!