AngryGangrel Member


  • You can reach your goals! As the above poster said, break them down into day by day manageable pieces. One way I find helpful is to make a chart for myself: Write down a goal. Think about one thing you can do every day that will get you closer to it. Write it down. Think about one thing you can do every week that will get…
  • Name: Patsy Height: 5' 4" Heaviest Weight: 440 July Starting Weight: 374.8 July Goal Weight: 365 July 3: 374.8 July 10: 371.2 July 17: 366 July 24: 370.6 July 31: 365.2 Loss for the week: 5.4 Loss for the month: 9.6 Not a perfect round 365 but close enough that I'll take it and consider it success!
  • Name: Patsy Height: 5' 4" Heaviest Weight: 440 July Starting Weight: 374.8 July Goal Weight: 365 July 3: 374.8 July 10: 371.2 July 17: 366 July 24: 370.6 July 31: Loss for the week: +4 Loss for the month: 4.2 I might be coming up on that time of the month. Unfortunately my periods are SO haphazard (and always have been,…
  • Name: Patsy Height: 5' 4" Heaviest Weight: 440 July Starting Weight: 374.8 July Goal Weight: 365 July 3: 374.8 July 10: 371.2 July 17: 366 July 24: July 31: Loss for the week: 3.6 Loss for the month:
  • Welcome! You've made a great first step just by coming here. Feel free to friend me!
  • You've made a great start! Like everyone else said, don't be hating on yourself. Improving your health is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself, so treat your soul accordingly. Forgive yourself for the past and if you start getting into the "I've made bad choices" mindset just tell yourself, "But I'm making…
  • It's heartbreaking, to be searching for work and not getting hired, no matter how hard you try. It's especially hard having to live with parents, even if you get along. These things can make you feel helpless. But you hit the nail on the head--counting calories and making better choices are totally within your power, and…
  • Wow, what an inspiration! Well done!
  • I think this is the heart of the matter. For years we've been bombarded with seemingly contradictory and often downright false information, much of it from the diet industry, and there's widespread confusion (particularly among Americans, I think) about what constitutes a healthy diet. As children we're told "clean your…
  • Keep up with your daily food journal and weigh/measure everything. It's a little harder for women in our 40's, but definitely not impossible! Just maintain a calorie deficit and the pounds will eventually come off. It's very easy to eat more calories than you think you're eating, which is why the journal and accurately…
  • Hello and welcome, Michael! I think you'll find some tremendous support here, whether you have questions or just need a laugh after a hard day. Do you and your boys like Pokemon Go? It can be a fun way to get exercise, walking around together while looking for little digital critters!
  • I just noticed this thread--is it too late to join? I need something to kickstart my July. :) Name: Patsy Height: 5' 4" Heaviest Weight: 440 July Starting Weight: 374.8 July Goal Weight: 365 July 3: 374.8 July 10: 371.2 July 17: July 24: July 31: Loss for the week: 3.6 Loss for the month:
  • Soups, stews, stir-fry, roasted in the oven, raw in salads or in sandwiches/tacos/wraps...the sky's the limit with cabbage. This week I sautéed some chopped cabbage in a little olive oil until it started to wilt...added a few cloves of minced garlic, some frozen chopped spinach, red pepper flakes, curry powder, and just a…
  • Hello Negin! It sounds like you're doing great, so just keep doing it. Do you have any delicious healthy Persian recipes you'd like to share with us? :smiley:
    in Diet Comment by AngryGangrel July 2016
  • Fat doesn't come on overnight, and it won't come off overnight. Give yourself more time! Starting out, any losses you see are far more likely to be mostly fluid. Weigh yourself ONCE a week at the same time and chart your progress over a couple of months. Weighing yourself every day will give you inaccurate results and…
  • This.^^ This is urgent. This should be your number one goal right now. Losing weight will not make you happy; you'll still be the same person on the inside. Getting a girlfriend will not make you happy; you'll constantly wonder why she's with you and if she's looking for something better. Deep down you'll despise her…
  • Indeed, I doubt Harry was trying to correct your metaphor. He simply answered your question in a very blunt fashion. Hey, we've all been there and fallen short of our goals...but it's very empowering to remember that all you need to get back on track (or on the wagon, both expressions apply) is your own determination to do…
  • Lots of good advice in this thread. OP, if you are still paying attention (and assuming this was not a troll post to get folks riled).... Yes, being fat is that bad. As a young adult around 153 lbs., it might not seem so bad right now. But if you do not create healthy habits now (not "go on a diet" but develop healthy…
  • You can do this! To quote a famous fish: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • Hi Melissa, grats on your weight loss so far! Feel free to add me as well. As far as tips go... Walking is GREAT. You don't need to count carbs unless you have a medical condition where you have to regulate your insulin levels. You don't need to cut out bread unless you are allergic to gluten. There's nothing wrong with a…
  • In the end, all carbs get broken down into sugar. It just happens a lot faster with, say, jellybeans, than it does for complex, fiber-dense carb like whole grain toast with some peanut butter. The latter breaks down into sugar a little slower, has more nutritional bang for the calorie buck, and fills you up better. But…
  • Your friend may have absorbed the (sadly common) exercise myth that squats and lunges make a big butt look bigger. This is malarkey. Squats and lunges are some of your best friends. For one thing, by building and strengthening those large lower body muscles, you're going to make your body a better all-over fat burning…
  • You did it before, you can do it again! :)
  • Congratulations on your engagement! While you strive towards fitness and better health, always tell yourself that you are beautiful and you are loved as you are. Remember you are worth all the self-care you can give your body, which that includes fueling it with healthy food, giving it enough calories to thrive and the…
  • Putting in my .02 as someone who has a lot of weight to lose (and succeeding at it so far)... One of the fastest ways to get someone's defenses up, especially if they're fat, is for a thin person to scrutinize what's on their plate and offer unsolicited advice. ANYTHING you say, no matter how well meant, is going to sound…
  • As other people have said, there's no way to spot reduce--anyone who says otherwise is probably selling something. Fat loss happens all over the body. If you weight train to build lean muscle tissue in your legs, though, it will help your thighs look and feel firmer. Jennjenn760 is right, we are our own worst critics. Love…
  • Microwavable, prepackaged diet products are convenient but in the long run they're really not doing you much good. You don't need fancy recipes to be healthy! Organize Yourself Skinny has some terrific prep-ahead ideas, including a plan that preps a week's worth of lunches and dinners in one afternoon:…
  • Life is too short not to have pizza. :) Feel free to add me! I've lost 68 lbs. so far and though I've a long way to go, I feel like I've found a balance that's working and that I can do for the rest of my life.