First week completed.......

nikkirobin9 Posts: 3 Member
edited January 2016 in Getting Started
I promised myself 2016 was going to be the year I finally started to loose weight and its happening!!! I started only a week ago but better later than never!
Myfitnesspal has set my calories at 1,200 per day but for some reason I find it quite hard to consume that much, I am taking in around 550-750 a day and feel totally satisfied with what I'm eating, I haven't got time to make fancy recepies as I have 4 kids and a husband to feed so find myself making several meals a day as it is, I seem to stick to microwavable diet meals, fruit, cereal bars etc...
I have just completed my first week and coming in at 5.5 lb lighter which I am totally thrilled about.
My exercise plan could do with a boost but I am always on the go with a toddler, housework etc
My main achievement for me is I still feel motivated, I have normally had enough by now, cheated or given up but I feel great and really want to do this, my aim is to feel great in a lovely pair of jeans again :)
Myfitnesspal is working great for me, records my food and keeps me on a tight check xxx


  • logjavannah
    logjavannah Posts: 9 Member
    Just watch your cholesterol cause some of those frozen meals have a lot. That was what I was eating for awhile. Last Dr. visit my cholesterol was up.
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    well done, keep at it, what do you have to lose?
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    Please eat more than 700 calories a day.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good on you for leaping in and getting started! Way to go! I have a bit of concern about your intake, though. 550 calories is really unsustainable. Fat and carb load can mask lack of nutrition to your body, making you feel full, when your body isn't getting enough protein and vitamins. Minimum diet, even for someone with very little activity, is in the 1000 calorie range.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    Not sure how you became overweight if you can't eat 1200 calories a day... But once you start eating more, expect the weight to come back. And how are you getting enough nutrients? Great progress, but maybe something a little more sustainable?
  • AngryGangrel
    AngryGangrel Posts: 37 Member
    Microwavable, prepackaged diet products are convenient but in the long run they're really not doing you much good. You don't need fancy recipes to be healthy! Organize Yourself Skinny has some terrific prep-ahead ideas, including a plan that preps a week's worth of lunches and dinners in one afternoon:

    And check this out:

    You're losing weight right now but 550-700 calories a day is almost surely unsustainable for your long-term health. Will you continue to lose weight? Probably. But that lost weight will include muscle and lean body mass, which you do NOT want to lose. Severe calorie restriction also puts your hormones out of whack.

    It's terrific that you feel motivated and positive, and you should be proud of your success so far! Just remember that ultimately this is not a race to get to a certain number on the scale, or a certain size've just begun a marathon that will, hopefully, last for the rest of your life. Are Lean Cuisines really going to cut it?
  • nikkirobin9
    nikkirobin9 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Guys, sorry I haven't been on for a while...dont worry I haven't given up and just to put everyone's mind at rest my calorie intake seems to be between 700-1000 calories a day now and the lower side is only on days I'm so busy that I don't have time to eat.
    I would like to loose 2.5 stone in total and I can say that to today's date I am 3lb short of my first stone loss!
    I never feel hungry and am always full of energy.
    The weight loss has slowed down alot now which is what I expected but I am not due on holiday until June so have plenty of time to loose that little more
    My biggest trouble seems to be the exercise as I am always busy doing something and if I try and do anything during the day when the house is kind of empty then I have my toddler under my feet!
    The weight loss I have achieved so far has gave me such a boost as I thought I'd find it nearly impossible to loose weight as I have an extremely under active thyroid but so far so good!
    I must say I am looking forward to my day of on valentines day when we are going for a classy 3 course meal in a beautiful restaurant and I am hoping to have a new smaller dress to wear!
  • Lo0BLu
    Lo0BLu Posts: 84 Member
    Is there any chance you can take toddler for a walk to the park and walk around whilst they are playing.
    20-30 minutes of walking a day has massive benefits for a start and longer walks give better health gains.
    I do a 7 minute workout. It is a free App on my phone (search JnJ 7 minute workout, it is a red icon with a circle of gold stars) and I just do it at home. I do 3 repeats (so its 21 mins actually) but you can do any number of repeats you like. 10 minutes of exercise a day would give a great boost and everyone has 10 minutes spare. It's just a case of motivation.
    Just trying to think of ways you might be able to get that exercise in that you state is your biggest trouble.
    Keep going, you can do it :)
  • nikkirobin9
    nikkirobin9 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Loo, will defo search up the 7 min workout, sounds great!! Xx