julie_bee_123 Member


  • I'm 4 pounds away from being at the "healthy weight" on the BMI calculator. So I'll be at that goal in 4-6 weeks!! After that, I'm going to go into maintenance until after the holiday season because this time of year is when I always fall off the wagon and give up entirely. Eating at maintenance means that I'll get to…
  • I have never liked diet sodas. I'd rather have the non diet version, even if it means I can't have a lot of it. I buy Pepsi Mini cans, and have one (or two, sometimes) a day. Each can is 100 calories and it is the perfect amount for me.
  • I think it's mostly your posture. It looks like the way you hold your shoulders and your hips.
  • I get discouraged every single month, because I always have a mini plateau where I lose nothing and sometimes "gain" 2-3 pounds for about 2 weeks. This just happened to me, and I wanted to give up, but I didn't. Three days ago I "lost" the extra 2-3 pounds and now I've lost an additional 2.5 pounds in two days. Weight loss…
  • I had to convert everything to pounds, but I'm also 5'7" and I am planning to be somewhere between 130-140. (I have no firm plans, just will check and see how I look and feel.) I was 135 for years, and I didn't look too thin. It was a great weight for me. I was 125 all through high school which was still okay, but I have…
  • Yeah, I need to stop with fast food. It fits into my calories and I'm still losing weight with the occasional fast food visit, but it hurts my stomach so badly. It's not a new feeling, it's just that I felt so terrible so often before and just didn't realize it. Dammit I just love it so much though. :tongue:
  • I always get really annoyed because about a week before and during my period, I "gain" several pounds. But then for about two-four days after it's over, I drop all of the "gain" plus an extra pound or two super quick, and that extra pound or two stays off. Even though I know it's going to happen, it's still disappointing…
  • Kansas - Chili and cinnamon rolls! I didn't realize until the last year or two that was a midwestern thing, and other people are confused by it. It was a school lunch staple when I was a kid. Now that I know it's special to my area I appreciate it even more.
  • If I just want to eat to eat, (not because I'm starving) I like the 100 calorie bags of popcorn, especially the Kettle Corn flavor. And for my nightly "dessert" I buy the Chobani flip yogurts. I like the s'mores, cookies and cream, and mint chocolate chip flavors.
  • I did not like them at all. I could eat my weight in rainier cherries, though. :P
  • My guess is that they were whispering about something they didn't want an adult to hear, and you were a grown up in the area. They were probably up to something shady or just teenage-boy ornery, and didn't want to get caught. They were probably checking to see if you could hear them, and once they saw you looking at them,…
  • I go really small on breakfast and lunch on the weekends, and no snacks, so that I can go out to eat or have a great home cooked meal without having to stop myself from eating my favorite foods. I find it much easier to feel a little hungry in the morning and noon time than it is to feel hungry at dinner. And I like to…
  • The week before my period I lose nothing and stick there for about two weeks, and then generally drop several pounds as soon as my period is over. If you averaged it over the month, it would be like losing one pound a month, but instead it's more like I lose 4 pounds the day after my period is over, and nothing the rest of…
  • I think your body is fabulous, and is the type of body I find most attractive on a woman.
  • I wish that something fun happened when you hit a mini goal, like at least a picture of the location or something!
  • It's been sooooo hot here that I am not as hungry as usual. I didn't hit 1200 today because it's like ten billion degrees. Normally I have no trouble.
  • I want to be the weight my driver's license says I am. It's...sliiiiightly off. (I haven't updated the weight since I was 15. It's been 20 years.)
  • I want to wear shorts again. I haven't worn shorts in years because my legs are so large and flabby and bumpy, and I feel like my bottom half doesn't match my top half. I also want my face to look better in pictures. I always feel like I look nice, then I catch myself in a picture and think, "Yeesh. Fat face."
  • What is "it?" What did they have?
  • It's ridiculously hot and humid right now where I am, so I find it very hard to get motivated to be outside in 100 degree temperatures with 76% humidity. (Plus the mosquitoes.) In general, I loooove to be outside, but July where I live is hard to love. If it's like that where you are, maybe swimming or other water…
  • I suspect you are right. Plus, I've fought against everyone trying to sell it to me for so long I can't possibly give in and try it now. :P
  • Practically everyone on my Facebook friends list is hawking this stuff, and I can't tell whether it is good stuff that works well, or a trendy fad that they are just trying to make money on. I'm curious, but mostly annoyed that it is every third post on my feed.
  • Thank you all! I was leaning toward that being the answer, but it helps to have back up! I will keep in mind that slowly adding in calories next time would be better. Yes, I weigh all food that needs to be weighed (ie, is not prepackaged.) and I am pretty sure that I am eating the 1500 calories. I will wait it out! I am…
  • I was 164 when I started (I'm 5'8") and I'm now at 144. Nine more pounds to my goal! I didn't exercise because, well, I hate it, and I didn't eat anything special. I just ate my calorie amounts and that was it. I started the first part of August, so it really hasn't even taken that long or been THAT hard. It was very hard…