brittnichol Member


  • Just curious are yall waiting a month to weigh in? I saw she said weekly but no ones posted and it would of been a week yesterday for most of the posters.
  • I never really log it tbh but when I do I just scan the barcode and log it I only log if its eggs or just enough for 1 meal other than that I dont pay too much attention
  • If I could delete this I would. Lol I thought this was 10 weeks. I obviously wasnt paying much attention.
  • I'm in!! Reason: summer is close and I have lots of family I'll be seeing soon Start weight: 245.2
  • @wendyron3 . So sorry you have to deal with that. swimming is great. Its easy on your joints. Thank you so much and good luck to you! I often wonder how Im going to do it when I have kids. I have no upper strength what so ever. I definately have a lot to work on.
  • @carmen412 I cannot stand licorice do you think it tastes a lot like it or just a bit? Maybe I could mix it with another tea. I will definitely look on there. I want to go kind of cheaper at first since Ive never used one. And see if it will help. So thats a great price.
  • Currently making a list of all the suggestions y'all made. Lots of things Ive never heard of or thought of trying or stopped doing and I need to start again. Thank you all so so much. :)
  • @carmen412 oh no thats horrible. I hope you get relief. Thanks for suggesting cutting out sugar I need to try this I eat lots of sugar. I was in PT for 6 months and it didn't help much.
  • 247 focusing on just getting under 200 but I have 100 to lose!!
  • @runningkel Thanks so much Im going to look for that. Sounds very useful.
  • @YvetteK2015 man that is horrible for something thats supposed to help pain ends up causing more. I need to use heat and ice more I honestly never really have . Thanks for mentioning that, Im going to look into it now. Can you let me know where you got yours and brand, cost estimate?
  • @zcb94 oh no Im so sorry! I hope you have some relief from that soon!
  • @YvetteK2015 I moved a year ago from my hometown. It used to have a walking trail and i walked daily I miss it so much your right the more you move the less pain there is. I have a treadmill but I dont even use ot because I also have a lower back problem and it agfects that. Im terrified of dogs so I never have tried to…
  • @Pandora_and_her_box that's a good idea to build muscle. I deal with horrible pain daily and found stretching helps. The last few years Ive gained a lot of weight and can tell its so much worse than it was so Im trying to get my weight back down. I can't take pills I used to have some but they made me sick so I rely on…
  • I do take it in the morning 8 oz water lots of ice a little apple juice, honey, or fake sugar. But I know it doesn't help with weight. It helps me to go to the bathroom. That about it.
  • @jayv85 yes stretching is a necessity! When I was first diagnosed my dr recommended putting a tennis ball on the ground and laying on it and moving around with my legs up on a couch and it helped with pain sometimes. Or just standing against a wall but if you have deep pain its better to lay on floor.
  • @roboliciousbob wow you are doing great. has some free routines. Also youtube. Sorry im not much help but maybe google free routines and see what pops up. Cross fit is also something to look into
  • @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld thank you so much! @jayv85 ah man any curve can be so painful. Has your dr/chiropractor recommended anything to keep it from getting worse or to ease the pain? @zcb94 yes that's a good idea. I dont know what my dr was thinking I was just 15 I was still growing! My spine was going into my lung though. Same…
  • Female 5'4 Highest-260 Lowest-160 Current-247
  • I just posted about friends to. Feel free to add me! Looking for support.
  • I need friends! Ive been on here forever but only had a few family members. Id love to have some people to talk to and help motivate or get advice from :#
  • Mrs dash is great I have 4 or 5 of them and they taste amazing. I use them on everything!
  • This is such a good idea. EVERYONE whos lost weight and not feeling or seeing a change should do this. I rememeber when I lost 40 pounds and my grandma said to go to the dog food aisle next time im at walmart. I did and I was amazed. Every pound lost is getting you closer and closer to your goal. And just think of how much…
  • This is interesting and I cant believe Ive never thought of this. How many calories do you "bank" a day. What do you eat on a "normal" day and then what do you eat on days you bank?
  • At supper are you splurging evey night? Eating what everyone else is eating and snacking after supper? I did have this problem same as you losing and gaining over and over what i noticed that helped me is I started using a smaller plate "kid size" I eat a small amount of what everyone else is eating or I try and make it…
  • Yes like gamerbabe14 said you want to do something thats attainable. Shakes are more like a "quick fix" of course everyones different and if you think you will do shakes forever than thats great! Just make sure your getting enough calories and at a deficit and you'll lose that weight. From personal experience I lowered my…
  • I relied on my fitbit everyday for 2 ish years I haven't touched mine in a year and so glad I stopped using it. Ive noticed a lot of people worry too much to get ther 10,000 steps but food intake was on the back burner. I remember feeling like I had to get my steps in. Id workout like 30 day shred or something and see I…
  • As someone said before a workout video isn't going to help you lose much weight. Weight loss is mostly about your diet. But with diet and exercise that will help with the full effect of weight loss. Ive done it a few times and lost my typical 10 ish pounds in a month.
  • That can be hard I understand that very well what I would recommend is not to restrict too much or youll eventually de-rail and wont stop yourself after the weekend. Maybe once a week treat yourself to a 1 serving sweet from a local bakery or restuarant so then you dont have the option to eat the entire thing but you still…