Have scoliosis/spinal fusion?



  • carmen412
    carmen412 Posts: 8 Member
    If you like licorice, you can try licorice root tea. It helps cut sugar cravings and has a natural sweet flavor. It helped me get through the first week. Also I found a fairly affordable tens type unit on Amazon. It's not as good as the PT office, but it works well with a budget of $25
  • brittnichol
    brittnichol Posts: 42 Member
    @carmen412 I cannot stand licorice do you think it tastes a lot like it or just a bit? Maybe I could mix it with another tea. I will definitely look on there. I want to go kind of cheaper at first since Ive never used one. And see if it will help. So thats a great price.
  • carmen412
    carmen412 Posts: 8 Member
    It tastes like the candy, but not completely. I've had friends who hate licorice enjoy the tea. You might try the licorice spice tea (Stash brand I believe). It might make it more palatable. Licorice tea is also good for PMS, inflamation and bronchitis so even if you don't like it you could keep it on hand for when you have a cold or killer cramps
  • wendyron3
    wendyron3 Posts: 91 Member
    I have scoliosis and was diagnosed as a child. Swimming was what the doctor recommended at the time. I have three children and with each pregnancy the curve got worse. Mine is lower back, my tailbone literally sticks out of my back. My GP told me there was not much I could do- he said it was just deformed. I did do PT though and the stretchs help some. I don't have a day I'm not in some pain. Sitting is uncomfortable as is laying on my back. I have found the more I strengthened my core the better it is. Pilates helps with that. I just keep moving and work through the pain because being active seems to be the best solution. Good luck to you. A back fusion sounds very painful:(
  • brittnichol
    brittnichol Posts: 42 Member
    @wendyron3 . So sorry you have to deal with that. swimming is great. Its easy on your joints. Thank you so much and good luck to you! I often wonder how Im going to do it when I have kids. I have no upper strength what so ever. I definately have a lot to work on.
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    Yep, I need to go back to the Dr. I haven't had mine looked at since before having kids. But even with my mild scoliosis, last night I ran and then before bed did some push-ups and I was in so much pain I had to take Motrin, which helped but didn't work completely. I was debating taking the pain meds I had left from when I had surgery, but I didn't.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Few years ago I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis at 11 degree. It's kind of a struggle sitting down, or lying down on the bed. Stretching helps though. Glad my physical therapist taught me some stretches. It may help with prevention of scoliosis degree progressing too.