Disappointed in myself

Im having so much trouble staying on track . I can do good all day long, then night comes and I blow it ! Does anyone else have this problem, any suggestions ? I lose 5 pounds and slip and cant get back on track . Then I gain back 10. I have never been this out of control with my weight . I sure am feeling it .


  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    How and why do you "blow it"? Are you feeling hungry or bored? Is it more emotions that make you go towards food?
  • brittnichol
    brittnichol Posts: 42 Member
    At supper are you splurging evey night? Eating what everyone else is eating and snacking after supper? I did have this problem same as you losing and gaining over and over what i noticed that helped me is I started using a smaller plate "kid size" I eat a small amount of what everyone else is eating or I try and make it healthier. For example lastnight I made my husband homemade pizza lods of meats and cheese.. for me I used a pita bread 150 cals and measured out my cheese and tomato sauce and topped it with veggies. Last week I made spagetti for my husband. I used spaghetti squash and lots of mushroons in my sauce. He had typical noodles, meat, cheese and garlic bread.. dont be too hard on yourself. Just make easy swaps or enjoy what you want but smaller portions
  • crystalewhite
    crystalewhite Posts: 422 Member
    I have done this many times as well. What I find helps me from going home and inhaling all the foods is eating a snack between 4 and 5 before I leave for work. Something that takes the edge off like a little bit of Greek yogurt or a protein bar. Also working out right when I get home seems to curb the hunger until I can have a proper dinner.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    If you're blowing it at night, maybe you're not eating enough during the day? Try to space out your meals and snacks to a little later in the day. If it's a matter of you just splurging or eating what every one else is eating just because then it's a matter of discipline and will power. Using a smaller plate as suggested by the person above me helps. Also, try setting out your portions and putting the left overs away before you even begin to eat. After dinner, close the kitchen. I don't know what you are eating but try eating foods that are low calorie but extremely nutrient dense... use a ton of vegetables, they are healthy and filling and low calorie.

    But I also know there is a difference between being full and just having a craving... it's a hard habit to break. You've got to figure out the root cause of you "blowing it". Boredom, stress, tired, thirsty... once you figure that out you'll be able to solve the rest of it.
  • ecthomas327
    ecthomas327 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you be a little more specific when you say "blow it" at night? Brittnichol has some very good points on how to combat some of the issues. One of the biggest issues for me is support from family and friends. Let us know what's you really mean by "slip up" and I bet we all can come up with some solution!!
  • Michigander1956
    Michigander1956 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes Sand 86802 bordom may be it, hubby works night ..I crawl in bed to watch tv and snack.
  • Michigander1956
    Michigander1956 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes I eat what everyone else is eating at dinner and try to protion control everything.Blowing it meaning having a bowl of chips ..or a sandwich at 9-10 at night. Im thinking lots of vegt could be a solution . I find myself saying "Oh I'll get back on track tomorrow " to often. I have been very stressed .I appreciate all the feed back , maybe i just needed some suggestions and a big push. Like I said i can stay in my range all day even with dinner and eating the same as others I do well. I cant exercise alot because of Ra and Lupus I'm always busy cleaning and love to walk .