NLA for her Because its good
5 egg whites and protein pancakes
The only thing that ever bothers me is when people get all worked up over a word. If I want to call it a diet that's what I'm going to call it.
I eat 1750! Feel sorry for those eating 1200 cals. Never again.
Saw this and was so happy because they used to be my fave.
I do make sure I have my protein in. One gram (or more) per pound. I don't really care for it but I get around 58 grams a day.
Yeah, but I don't freak out when I see the number.
I don't have cheat days, really. I eat a small portion of what I want everyday. It keeps me sane.
I'm 5ft 7in. My goal is to see my abs. Not really paying attention to how much I weigh (but for the sake of this post it's around 140lbs)
It also depends on where you are in your journey. It could take 3-6 months for you but 1-2 years for me.
Spices and ketchup. Because who wants to do all that??
If I listened to my body when I eat I will forever be fat. Plus, I like to know a good estimate of how much protein, fats, carbs I eat in a day. Counting helps me do that! I don't think it's an eating disorder (though I guess for others it could be if they became crazy about it).
Weird. I stopped eating Quest bars because I thought I didn't like them anymore (I used to find it hard to just eat one a day before..) I had no idea their formula changed! Anyways, since I had to make a switch to a new brand I've found I really like the Pure Protein bars. You can find them at Target/Walmart.
Thanks y'all. I just want to drink more water. A personal goal I guess. Not really for weight loss purposes. I think buying a medium size water bottle and refilling it throughout the day is a great idea! It will be a lot easier to do than the gallon.
Going out with friends was just an example. It's mostly me running errands and being so hungry that I just cave and get food I should be eating (or I can eat... but not multiple times a day). There are many tips you guys have given that I'm definitely using though. Some I can't believe I haven't thought of already.
Nah. I always eat my lunch at work. It's mostly on weekends when I'm never home but don't feel like eating Wendy's 3-4 times a day.
Nope. Just feel like wasting time asking random questions I'm not serious about.
Right. I don't think I'll ever ask a restaurant to heat up food that I brought in since I've worked in a restaurant before and don't want to be 'that person' but I would like to know how people who meal prep do it. They have all their meals ready for the day and I just think it would be such a great help to stay on track.
Oatmeal. Never again.
Every once in a while but I'd rather take pictures
My goal is to see abs. I just want abs.
Maybe that's. Maybe I'm just getting bored with my foods. Any good websites for simple meal ideas?
Well even without the bar or any weight my knees still go over my toes. When I had a trainer he would help me a lot because if I did it the 'right way' then I would fall on my butt lol He said it was due to having a really weak core. But idk.
The only thing with that is that I want to be as precise as possible. I've tried a few website and the difference in number are scary. I don't want the whole 'trial and error' deal. I just want to get to my goals as fast as possible (in a healthy, realistic way).
I love going and am often upset when I cant. Usually my husband is with me so that may be why. We consider it our bonding time before we have to go back to reality (bills, child, messy home, etc).
I guess that's what I was doing and I noticed that I have gained a lot of muscle..but my belly is looking the same which I'm not excited about so I'm trying to see if maybe counting for a few months will do the trick.
Yeah...sorry I didn't realize there was a specific way I had to describe it.