mandyrene21 Member


  • I'm also low sodium (stay under 2000mg daily) for a medical reason. I struggle with protein the most, but usually I can get it in if I plan my meals out. No more eating out :( There are tons of low sodium or sodium free spices to switch things up with different meats too. I'll be honest I eat a lot of chicken lol. Just be…
  • I prefer to lift during my period. It helps with the cramps and moodiness for me. Cardio is not my friend those few days so I keep that lighter. I also let myself eat at maintenance if I'm feeling super hungry.
  • Agree with above. Sleep is most important so of you can't exercise because you need to go to bed so be it. It will help you to make better food choices. Good luck! Hope the kiddos start sleeping better for you soon!
  • I love this! I've had some health issues this past year and I'm mostly over the hump now. I've started already but making sure I am taking care of myself. Mentally and physically. I want to live in the present more. I'm a planner and sometimes I find that I spend so much time thinking about what's next that I don't enjoy…
  • I am also watching sodium (possible intracranial hypertension) per my doctor. She says to stay at or under 2000mg sodium daily. I believe the recommendation currently is at or under 2300, so not far from that. I'm actually finding it quite easy to stay under. Well, I should rephrase...if I stay away from anything fast…
  • Awesome!! You can do this!
  • I have a goal to reach 155 late next spring/early summer. I'm 177 now (started at 188). I made mini goals...lost 10 lbs by the end of the year, another 10 by St. Patrick's Day, and goal after that. Right now I am 9 lbs down! I've still got a little time to lose the last pound but I won't be upset if I don't hit it. I'm…
  • Thanks for all of your suggestions! I am backing off from lifting for a bit longer. I really don't want to make things worse! I did see my Dr yesterday and she suggested PT, I'm just waiting to hear back on when they can get me scheduled. I'm so sorry all of you have had to deal with this too in some form or other! I hope…
  • I've been on it for about 3 weeks at a low dosage for the same issue. So far I have seen positive results on the frequency of migraines and overall anxiety. I've not been on it long enough to see a difference in weight loss. I've not gained at all so that's good. I just started lifting again last week after several months…
  • Thank you everyone for your kind of! You all have given a lot of great advice and I appreciate it! I do not currently know my triggers, so far nothing stands out beyond my cycle (I use migraine buddy). But since I get them weekly now I'm not sure it is my only trigger. I was switched to the mini pill earlier this year and…
  • I found a cardio kickboxing video on YouTube through popsugar fitness. It was challenging but I enjoyed it. According to my fitbit, I burned 450 calories (it is a 45 min video). You'll have to do your own stretches after since they don't do much in the video.
  • First off, congratulations on beating cancer! You must be one strong lady :smile: I was on medications known for weight gain for a short time. I definitely put on weight, about 5-10 lbs. I was so tired all the time so drank soda for the caffeine (I dislike coffee). I would grab a handful of chocolate for a snack. The worst…
  • I'm going through this right now. I was so pumped for my workouts this week and bam, migraine. Anyway, I'd get to your doctor to see what treatment is available for you. Also, I agree with everyone else, a couple missed workouts per month won't harm your efforts too much. Get the rest you need when you need it. Hope you…
  • I'm training for my first 5K. :smile:
  • I work out in the mornings before work. My gym is within walking distance to my work so I park and walk over, get my workout in (about an hour or so), shower, then walk back to work. I usually have a banana before working out then have Greek yogurt or boiled eggs after. I also pack my lunch so I just throw extra for…
  • I love an ice cold glass of coke. It's one of my favorite things. However, there really isn't much good with soda and you are better off not having all those empty I cut myself off. I can still have it on occasion but I try really hard to make it an exception or else I crave it a lot. When I haven't had it…
    in Soda Comment by mandyrene21 January 2016
  • I agree with the posters that recommend getting half (or however much you deem appropriate) boxed straight from the beginning. I used to feel like I had to eat everything all the time as well. I was raised to *never* waste food. It took a lot of training on my part to stop that habit. So if you go out to eat, plan to only…
  • I've been doing 30 min of running after SL. I just started combining them last week (I had done 2 weeks of just SL prior) and while I'm definitely more tired overall it has so far been working well. I chose this method because I work full time, take classes part time, and have a small child so it's better for my schedule…
  • Me! I'm 5'7" and 162. My first weight loss goal is 150 and will go from there. I'm doing stronglifts and a running program similar to C25K. I've been lifting for 3 weeks and started running this week. We can do this!!
  • I dislike throwing food away if I can avoid it so I tend to put it in a cupboard to have small portions as a treat here and there. If I have a lot, like more than I can handle, I take it to work to share with coworkers (or have my husband share with his coworkers). In your situation I would do as another poster suggested,…
  • I required about 750 extra calories while daughter nursed a lot lol. I still lost weight, actually dropped lower than pre-pregnancy within a couple months with no exercise. I'd play around with it and see how you feel. I was way more hungry then than when I was pregnant!
  • Working mom to a 2 year old...I go to the gym around 6:30am 3 days/week to get my workout before work. I also go on my lunch break some days. It's tough but we can do it :smile:
  • I was advised by my doctor to use my rescue inhaler right before working out as a preventative measure. If I'm doing something high intensity then I may need it during the workout as well. After a short rest (a couple minutes) I'm usually okay to start again. I was very scared at first too, mine is also adult onset so it's…
  • Thanks everyone! It feels amazing and I'm so excited for next week!
  • I have depression/anxiety. I have found that making an exercise plan and sticking to it helps tremendously. I also do my workouts straight away in the morning before I go to makes me feel so accomplished right from the get go. You can do this! :smile:
  • @cherrybomb333 thanks! I get so excited the night before my lifts because I look to see what weight I'll be doing :smile: it's crazy to think how strong we'll all be!
  • I just started this week...I love it so far! I'm so excited to see how I progress with the program :smile: For now I'm just doing the lifts and taking real rest days. I don't want to overdo it when I first start.
  • Late joining in but I'll aim for 2 lbs by Christmas! It's not much but gotta start somewhere :smile:
  • Hi! I'm new here but want to set some goals for myself. 1. Get my gym membership set up this week and tour the facilities. 2. Start SL next week with planned workout days MWF. 3. Figure out what cardio I'd like to do TThS. The gym I'll be signing up with has group exercise classes and several indoor pools I'd like to take…
  • Good luck! I'm so excited to get started :smile: I will also be lifting MWF and doing some form of cardio TThS...just haven't decided on the cardio yet! Might mix it up to keep it interesting.