I'm not going to meet my New Year's goal, and that's okay



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    MaybeLed wrote: »
    I put this in a group I'm in, partly because I was reading this before

    I was being a little reflective as I'm heading into my third year of this... I've not met my 1lb a week goal, and that is ok.

    I've just been reversing the winter creep pattern. I lose quite happily (albeit slowly) Jan - Sep, but come October I just maintain, I find it much harder to stick to a deficit... but at least I'm not gaining.

    I think this was mostly how I got fat in the first place, eating a bit too much come winter time, and then maintaining that.

    After my initial whoosh in January, I maintained for a good couple of months before I got a hang of accurate logging and how to manage my deficit. I figure that maintaining is absolutely a win after years of gaining, and I think starting with and keeping up that attitude has made it easier to stick to a deficit for so long - I knew that even if I messed up and didn't lose, I'd still be doing better than I had been.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    This awesome post needs a bump.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    This awesome post needs a bump.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,063 Member
    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among stars!

    WELL DONE! I think you are orbiting the moon and almost there :).

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Dang. 40 lbs. Sweet. Great post!
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    Love this thread! Congrats on your progress 40lbs is a hugh accomplishment.
    I won't hit my goal either but if I can at least get below 180 I'll be happy as heck. I've lost 10% of my starting weight which is huge for me and I'll rocking in the New Year weighing less than I did last January 1st.
    Be proud of yourself for all you've done, I know I am.
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    MaybeLed wrote: »
    I put this in a group I'm in, partly because I was reading this before

    I was being a little reflective as I'm heading into my third year of this... I've not met my 1lb a week goal, and that is ok.

    I've just been reversing the winter creep pattern. I lose quite happily (albeit slowly) Jan - Sep, but come October I just maintain, I find it much harder to stick to a deficit... but at least I'm not gaining.

    I think this was mostly how I got fat in the first place, eating a bit too much come winter time, and then maintaining that.

    After my initial whoosh in January, I maintained for a good couple of months before I got a hang of accurate logging and how to manage my deficit. I figure that maintaining is absolutely a win after years of gaining, and I think starting with and keeping up that attitude has made it easier to stick to a deficit for so long - I knew that even if I messed up and didn't lose, I'd still be doing better than I had been.

    My first couple of weeks I just tracked what I ate with no restrictions, and still lost several pounds. I think I've eaten over maintenance a handful of times, but on reflection I doubt it was that uncommon when I was still gaining.
  • ZigZag_27
    ZigZag_27 Posts: 6 Member
    I appreciate this post so much! It feels so good to see other people in a similar situation who have such a good attitude. Losing weight can be such a mind game sometimes! Even when you think you know better and are usually happy with the loss you've had it's easy to be hard on yourself sometimes. I try not to set time goals for myself on weight loss, but when the trending app is showing that you should be into the overweight category by the end of the year and you don't make it (by like 30 pounds due to a pretty bad illness for several months that had you staying over night at Mayo...) it can be disheartening. Anyway, this came at the right time and I really appreciate it. Happy Holidays and New Year!!
  • Blythmag
    Blythmag Posts: 252 Member
    My goal i set was 12 stone by the summer 2018 , i started late Aug at 13st 11 and i weigh in today 12st 5.6lbs thats 20lbs loss and i feel i am way ahead of schedule, a schedule ive thrown away as i feel im just gonna go with the flow and see where i end up.

    I always claimed that my high end bmi weight of 11st 3 was impossible to acheive for me and my partner agreed but now i think to myself "can i ?" Who knows but im not setting a time scale, this is forever now
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I love hearing about everything everyone’s accomplished this year! I don’t spend much time on the success forum because the images are a little borderline for work, so this is my place to be happy for all that we’ve done in 2017. I hope everyone’s enjoying their holidays and looking forward to another trip around the sun, a little older and wiser and healthier than last year.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    I needed to see this today as I was reflecting on my past year. When I started 2017 I just wanted to not be overweight anymore...which I successfully accomplished in May/June...then I decided to reach high and drop another 10lbs to be back at my lowest pre-baby weight...this I did not accomplish, I've maintained with a slight...very slight loss since June. I have decided to focus on the goal I did accomplish and set new fitness goals for next year, not necessarily focusing on weight loss but more of a recomp to achieve the look I want :)
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    I love this thread .
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Love it!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I had a goal of running 2017 km this year. I will fall short by about 100 km.

    I'm totally fine with that now, because I look back at the list of other goals I've achieved this year, and it's such an awesome list I'm embarrassed to post it, so I will just smile smugly to myself, and give this awesome thread a bump.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I hope everyone is still being kind to themselves after Christmas! I'm on a diet break and have put on a couple of pounds as expected. I'm back into the 170s, which I'd really hoped I'd left behind, but so it goes. Since admitting defeat on my New Year's goal I've been focusing on a new challenge - Fitness Blender's four week body weight program. It's actually a lot of fun, but man do my shoulders ache. That said, I got a big old burn yesterday and had to eat a cheese plate for desert to make up for it. That was a real bummer, let me tell you what...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member