Ladies who get bad headaches, migraines, and/or cramps before their period

I have recently (in the last week) started going to the gym. However, today I came down with a migraine and I know it's because my period is due. I had to skip the gym today which I don't like because I haven't even got a routine down. How do you overcome these issues during this time of the month?


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    For me it's too much estrogen normally that dips then, and the big drop causes the migraines. I take Prometrium progesterone to help it, and drinking a lot of soy those days before can help some, too.

    I can't workout with a migraine, so that's out lots of times. But I used to do kicks in the women's locker room jacuzzi. It was really big and quiet, lol. A quiet walk works, too, if the sun isn't too bright and with cramps you can walk with (I take Rx painkillers for mine).
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    I take painkillers and go anyway. I nearly always feel better after exercising.
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    I had a pms headache while working out today. It went away about 5 minutes post workout. But if it was a REAL migraine, I would skip it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I feel very fatigued just before my period, and pretty weak (muscle weak), so I skip the more "jumpy/peppy" stuff and go for something slow, like Pilates and a nice walk.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    I've had hormonal migraines for years. Last month, I had a strange experience. My car mechanic had an acupuncturist/Chinese medicine practitioner giving free shoulder massages while I was waiting for my car (they have something every week for "ladies day"). While waiting, my monthly migraine hit. I decided to get the massage in the hopes that it would make things bearable until I could get home to a dark room and some painkillers. I told the woman I'd just been struck with a migraine.

    She asked which side it was on (the left), then grabbed the top of my left ear and started massaging/rubbing/pulling it really hard. In a few minutes, my headache and blurred vision were completely gone and did not return. I'm almost looking forward to this months' migraine so I can see if that works again or if it was just some strange fluke. You might want to try it and see what happens.
  • Jericha1992
    Jericha1992 Posts: 80 Member
    My periods are killer, sometimes debilitating. If I feel like I can't get out of bed, then I don't. I'll just eat less to maintain my deficit. If it's not as bad, I'll usually do the recumbent bike. I can sit down so my back doesn't hurt as bad. All things considered, a couple of missed workouts a month won't undo all my progress.
  • EricaABarnes
    EricaABarnes Posts: 20 Member
    I get horrible migraines like a week before my period and they last until my period is done. usually if I take advil at the very first sign of it I can keep it dulled for the most part so that its not unbearable. my doctor put me on a birth control where I only get three periods a year. it didn't stop my migraines from coming but now I only get them three times a year so its way better
  • ddavenport63
    ddavenport63 Posts: 74 Member
    hi i am on the contreceptive pill and i have suffered for years with realy bad headaches every month sometimes the pain would stay for the whole period , until a chemist got me taking magnesium , 1 capsule everyday and its made a massive difference. Now i just get an accational headache on the day before i am due on . magnesium is a natural anti imflamatory. good luck
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    I've had hormonal migraines for years. Last month, I had a strange experience. My car mechanic had an acupuncturist/Chinese medicine practitioner giving free shoulder massages while I was waiting for my car (they have something every week for "ladies day"). While waiting, my monthly migraine hit. I decided to get the massage in the hopes that it would make things bearable until I could get home to a dark room and some painkillers. I told the woman I'd just been struck with a migraine.

    She asked which side it was on (the left), then grabbed the top of my left ear and started massaging/rubbing/pulling it really hard. In a few minutes, my headache and blurred vision were completely gone and did not return. I'm almost looking forward to this months' migraine so I can see if that works again or if it was just some strange fluke. You might want to try it and see what happens.

    Mine always hit on the left side.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    sirenjo wrote: »
    see your doctor, sometimes just taking a contraceptive pill can sort that out for you or they may be able to help with migraine medication?

    This. Migraines suck. I've been getting them since I was 3, but only recently started seeing a neurologist. Mine weren't hormonal, but I was on the pill and then Mirena most of my adult life for other reasons (to not get pregnant! lol). After I got my tubes tied and went off BC, I ended up with headaches every day and since September until I started on Topamax last month, I have had a migraine to some degree 24/7 with no relief no matter what.

    I've been lucky to not have aura or light/sound sensitivity and sometimes only have nausea and little head pain, but it still interferes with life. But there are lots of different treatments now, so get yourself checked out.
  • hh07
    hh07 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with ddavenport63 about the magnesium supplement. I also take 5HTP as well which helps with serotonin production. Those coupled with the progesterone mini-pill have kept me sane.

    Once you get into a routine, you'll hopefully be allowing yourself rest days. For me it's usually a case of swapping my rest days around if something comes up that prevents a workout (health or otherwise).
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I get period migraines - when the period starts, not before. Like cafeaulait7, it's from the very sharp drop in progesterone at the time of the period. Mirena IUD has done a lot to ease these, fewer periods and if a migraine comes it's usually less intense. I didn't actually know that was possible, had only ever had the ones so intense that they caused visions and vomiting, the idea of weak migraine was incomprehensible, but they have weakened in general with this IUD, with the exception of two epic headaches in the 5 years I have had it.

    Other than that, skipping a couple of workouts a month to rest for your period is not going to harm your body. Rest and then start again when you feel better. Feel lucky that you have the time to rest - workouts you can skip, some people don't have that leisure.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I don't get headaches or migraines, but do get terrible cramps which can start up to 4 days before my period. Several doctors have told me to take 800mg ibuprofen every 6 hours starting 2 days before my period and continuing for the first 3 days once it starts. Due to fears for my liver, I don't actually take that much in advance, but do take 600-800 as needed when suffering cramps. I often skip exercise since I not only feel awful, but the extra movement upsets my stomach. The exception I have found is swimming. The cold water actually provides a lot of relief.
  • RUNucbar
    RUNucbar Posts: 160 Member
    Yoga is my go-to, at home. I feel better for having done something, even if it's not my usual thing. I started with Jillian Michaels yoga meltdown as I can't afford the gym so use workout DVDS, but, as I knew it well enough, skipped the cardio intervals and just did the poses, holding them for longer. Amazon will have a host of DVDs, and youtube probably has a bunch of stuff too.
  • mandyrene21
    mandyrene21 Posts: 215 Member
    I'm going through this right now. I was so pumped for my workouts this week and bam, migraine. Anyway, I'd get to your doctor to see what treatment is available for you.

    Also, I agree with everyone else, a couple missed workouts per month won't harm your efforts too much. Get the rest you need when you need it.

    Hope you get it figured out soon!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I don't get headaches, migraines, and/or cramps before or during my period.

    I do take Prometrium progesterone and magnesium. I exercise regularly. I avoid ultra processed food and fast food.
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions!
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I get terrible cramps and migraines, and have since my first period at 11 1/2 years old. However, the last year has been absolutely relatively wonderful. I was put on indomethacin to control inflammation for my lupus & arthritis. A very lovely side-effect has been suppression of both migraines and cramps. They aren't gone, but my bad days are (mostly) a lot better than they were, and certainly fewer in number. I should note that I have specific antibodies in my blood that show that my immune system likes to attack my blood vessels, which was probably the origin of the headaches (though they were clearly exacerbated by hormonal swings).
  • Hunter2224
    Hunter2224 Posts: 71 Member
    I get headaches the week before my period, now that I've started eating more protein before my period I don't have that problem anymore.