NEOHgirl Member


  • I agree with the advise that if you track diligently and truly measure for another 2-3 weeks and you are still gaining, see a doctor. Inexplicable weight gain can often be a sign of something wrong. I've never been an athlete, but the only time I every gained more than 5-10# over the course of a few months happened to be…
  • The measurements before and after have nothing to do with each other due to the water it absorbs. You are putting 200g (2 cups in), and splitting it between 7 containers, making the rice calories equivalent to 28.57g of the dry, which is 57.14% of the full serving. I'd select the dry rice option on your tracker, and…
  • A) You have to relearn your sizes every step of the way, because your size 20 years ago at your current weight has zero correlation to today's sizing B ) Your jeans will fit perfectly, then be a little loose, then overnight BAM! They become suddenly unwearable, so always have at least 2 sizes on hand (current plus one,…
  • @trooworld - I did sleep well, thanks. I usually do, I just don't always get to bed as early as I should. Intuitive eating isn't intuitive when we've had decades of social and cultural programming aka brainwashing. You have to relearn to listen to your body's signals. Have you checked out the anti-diet blog on…
  • @theslightedge – 15 minutes is better than nothing. WTG for the loss! @trooworld – please don’t think that’s destiny. If I recall, you had a very stressful month, yes? It’s a good time for you to BAM – breathe, accept, & move on. You CAN be healthy, and it doesn’t have to be a chore. Think about what you did RIGHT this…
  • Hi all - sorry I've been MIA. Last week I was on vacation and this week has been crazy stressful. Things are going to be this way for at least another week or two, but I am managing. I lost .1 since my last WI 2 weeks ago, and since I was not in my own house and ate hotel/restaurant food for almost 6 days straight I am…
  • [quote= But what the heck is in fat free cream cheese? I mean cream cheese is mostly fat. [/quote] Gross - fat free cheese is just gross! I'll use the neufchatel lighter cream cheese, but never fat free. OP: I did WW for a years. When they switched to SP, I struggled. I was moody, hungry all the time (while eating healthy,…
  • Agree with all of the posts above as to why it is not only possible, but probable. I will add that no one can see the size tag while you are wearing the item, so a) always bring at least 2 sizes to try on into the fitting room with you, at least within the same brand, and b) make sure you buy what looks good and feels good…
  • I drink my coffee black so I don't have to worry about calories. As a result, I go for light to medium roasts. Dark roasts are dark because they are roasted longer, and basically get kind of burnt, hence the reason they sometimes be too bitter. If I am out somewhere and their coffee is bitter, I will add just a little bit…
  • I agree to build as much movement in as possible throughout the day. Walk in place, do kneebends, or do the twist for a minute or two every time you go to the ladies room. Walk while you brush your teeth. Get up and walk in place during tv commericals. If the treadmill bores you, get a tv or listen to music/podcasts and…
  • You could probably just add a little bit of fresh lemon zest for minimal calories to get the extra lemon flavor.
  • I'd also go back and verify the nutritional data on the items you selected. Most foods have multiple listings, and many of them are wrong. Sometimes they are wrong because the original poster is lazy, and some are wrong because the manufacturer has tweaked either the recipe or serving size so small changes are needed to…
  • It's been a successful WW-week. I saw a decent loss. My sleep is getting earlier like I want, and I'm hitting my activity goals most days. My goal for the next week is to lose .5; My WI next week will be Wednesday instead of Friday because we're traveling for a long weekend. I am going to bring my workout clothes and hit…
  • You inspire me every day to keep going, and you make the world a better place *_*
  • I love Mexican food, and as others have stated, it can be very healthy. It even works for my gluten-free and low-carb friends, so it's a great way to do a group meal or outing when people with diet restrictions are included. My boyfriend and I will often split a fajita dinner for two. Everything on the entree platter is…
  • @HappyBride917: I did WW off and from the age of 19 until the age of 44. It helped me learn healthy eating, and lots of strategies to deal with tough situations. After several weeks of dual tracking on WW and MFP, and after struggling with their new program, I gave up WW and I’ve never looked back. At some point they…
  • We don't have ShopRite's here in OH; I will keep looking though. Thanks!
  • I am saying this in all seriousness - if you can, find another doctor. If she has diagnosed you with anemia, there are treatments. Does she have you on any supplements? I was able to treat mine with OTC iron and B-complex supplements, but a friend's elderly mom had to get a prescription-level iron supplement to treat her…
  • If you eat at a slightly smaller deficit for the next week or two, you will eventually offset whatever overeating you did yesterday; after all, it was one day I woudn't do anything too drastic though, it might inspire another binge if you are feeling constantly hungry. Maybe just try to come in 100-150 calories below your…
  • I've recently tried Thrive butter pecan ice cream - it was a good flavor, and the nutrients were fantastic, but now I cannot remember where I bought it and the large grocery store didn't have any yesterday. I will have to keep looking.
  • Hello all - here is a quick check-in while I should be working. It's been a crazy, hectic, somewhat stressful couple of work days. I am managing though. Hit my step count yesterday, came in under my calories for the past 2 days, and will do so again today. Got my semi-annual thyroid blood work done this morning, so we'll…
  • I need to add some things to my short list - cottage cheese (never even occurred to me because the texture makes me gag & it's been blocked from my vocabulary), bleu cheese, and macaroni & cheese (texture thing). I am also anti-nutella. I'm not a huge hazelnut fan so I don't understand the devotion to it.
  • Cauliflower & cabbage; i love veggies, and eat plenty but I simply don't like the flavor of these. To each his own.
  • My apologies for not checking in this week - I"m trying to build this as a new habit and this week was crazy at work . Great job to all of your successes, ((HUGS)) to those of you that need them, and happy birthday to @theslightedgeforever . On the plus side, I managed to lose .6 this week (goal was .5), and I have been…
  • As other have said, since it's not listed on the required labels, most foods don't publish it so it doesn't get tracked on MFP. My dietitian told me not to worry about potassium, that if you are eating a good amount of fruits & veggies then you will get enough. Also, there are some majorly nasty side effects, some…
  • @LPflaum - I often do the same thing too, tracking ingredients individually. Sometimes it's the only way, particularly if you are adjusting from the standard prep (no special sauce, for example). I also will often do ingredients for a recipe individually instead of using a pre-saved recipe since each time I make it the…
  • @JennyRATL , I eyeball it the best I can on portion sizes if the nutritional info isn't posted on their website. And if you are estimating, estimate a slightly larger portion. @GummyLionGirl , please do NOT listen to your sister. I'm guessing she isn't a dietitian, nutritionist, or physician. Your journey to better health…
  • I've got an underactive thyroid and I've been able to lose 50+ lbs; as long as your medication is the right dose, you can get to a healthy weight if you live a healthy lifestyle.
  • I am in Cleveland - it is a combo of northeast OH and New England/Ohio, because I grew up in Massachusetts *_*
  • Make sure you are taking body measurements also - sometimes you will lose inches before you start to see it on the scale. And averaging a 1# loss per week sounds like a consistent and safe rate of loss to me - hang in there, it will happen *_*