Struggling with weight watchers



  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    [quote= But what the heck is in fat free cream cheese? I mean cream cheese is mostly fat.

    Gross - fat free cheese is just gross! I'll use the neufchatel lighter cream cheese, but never fat free.

    OP: I did WW for a years. When they switched to SP, I struggled. I was moody, hungry all the time (while eating healthy, balanced meals in reasonable portions) and I felt like a complete failure. I went over my DPs EVERY SINGLE DAY and I was still miserable. I saw a dietitian to see if there was some food box I wasn't checking (I wasn't). She's the one that had me join MFP so she could review my food diaries and check macros during my visits. I dual-tracked on WW and MFP for 3 weeks. One day when I hit my DPs dead on I went into MFP to finish tracking there and check my calorie limit. I was only at 930 calories! Eating whole grains, lean protein, and 7 F/V servings a day plus 1-2 tsp of olive oil (I still follow the old WW good health goals), I was starving myself by following WW limits. That's the day I decided I'd learned all I could from them and quit. A short time later I was diagnosed with insulin resistance (the reason I'd been struggling to lose despite a healthy lifestyle). That diagnosis requires that I measure my carb and sugar intake in grams every day, and I cannot do that on WW anyway. WW taught me to eat healthy, which is why my dietitian didn't have any changes to recommend and stopped seeing me after 4 visits, but at some point, their system is a more complicated, more expensive way to do what you can do here for free. Some people get enough out of the meetings to make it worthwhile, and there have been times I needed someone else on the other end of the scale to keep myself accountable, but I am past that.

    Figure out what works for you, and if it isn't WW, maybe just come back to MFP with a bit more discipline in tracking, weighing, & measuring. Good luck!
  • 1TheQueenB
    1TheQueenB Posts: 377 Member
    I re-joined Weight Watchers in March 2015 and had real success with Points Plus. there's a correlation between Points Plus and calories, when I double tracked here and at WW I could see the relationship.

    I was there in December 2015 when Smart Points was introduced. I liked the holistic concept, the idea of viewing the member as a whole person, not just as a person trying to lose weight. But I lasted about 3 weeks. All of my "go-to" foods were suddenly too high in points, there was no correlation between points and calories. I was literally in tears at my last meeting, and the leader had nothing useful to offer me.

    I tried calorie counting, and it worked, but I got sloppy about food choices. So I downloaded iTrackBites, and I'm doing Points Plus again. A little more structured, but it helps me make better food choices. If I'm staying within my points budget, I'm also hitting the target on calories and macros.

    I downloaded trackbites too- I lost over 80 pounds with points plus a few years ago- I keep trying to get back into counting points but I just haven't been able to stay focused. I know it works but my discipline and motivation is lacking right now. @songbird13291
  • cr_hearn
    cr_hearn Posts: 4 Member
    I joined WW right before Smart Points were introduced, and like many others I find it pretty restrictive, especially because I eat a high-carb, medium-protein diet and feel penalized for it. Since then I've switch back and forth between WW and MFP, finding both to have their pros and cons. Having only a few pounds to lose means I don't get many points or calories to play with. I like that MFP gives me more calories, but WW helps me make good choices and stay on actually helps that I have to pay for it. Right now I have a chart on my fridge, where I put stickers if I've stayed within either my points OR my calorie budget for the day. That way if the points for a day's meals are too hard to figure I can use calories instead, or vice versa.
  • suewood12
    suewood12 Posts: 1 Member
    Weight Watchers...ugh! I had success years ago after my first child when they had they exchange program. I have tried it twice since then. This includes recently, upon my Dr.'s recommendation, and have had zero success. I don't know why they feel like they had to tweak the original program. I think I lost maybe 1/2 pound in 2 weeks and $49.00. I came right back to MyFitness Pal. I have about 30 more pounds to get off. This is after losing 55 pounds using MyFitnessPal and getting derailed by brain surgery, knee surgery, and just being slack. I really think WW is for people who have A LOT of weight to take off, are new to weight loss and dieting, maybe need the motivation of group meetings...I don't know. Counting calories, wearing my Garmin tracker, and exercising (Mixxed Fit dance classes, Pickle Ball, walking 3 miles) EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK is what does it for me. It is a calories in and calories out thing. Oh and weighing myself to stay honest. I weigh at least 3 times a week. I got Taylor digital body mass scales at Walmart. They run about 30 dollars. Not as much as some scales but they are good, accurate scales. No more WW for me unless they go back to the exchange program.
  • lauralee328
    lauralee328 Posts: 21 Member
    I have done WW in the past, but could never stick to it for long. And the last time I tried it, I actually gained weight. I hated the new plan because it was so restricted that all I did was cheat. Needless to say, that didn't go well. And I was paying them $20 a month for the privilege. No thanks. I like MFP way better; it's free, and tracking calories is way better than tracking points anyway. It's more valuable to your lifestyle to know the calories in things. What good does knowing the point value of a chicken breast do you over the long haul?
  • SMKing75
    SMKing75 Posts: 84 Member
    I lost weight when I joined back in 2001, 2004. 45 lbs I think total. I had kept the first 20 off and then when I rejoined I lost another 25. I lost weight on my own through MFP starting in 2013, 55 lbs. My friend asked me to join WW with her last Sept. I did but I still track through here. I have lost an additional 15 lbs since starting there. I like the meetings. I find it helpful and having to weigh in every week gives me a purpose. I am not far off from goal, 28 lbs or so, so I need motivation.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    suewood12 wrote: »
    Weight Watchers...ugh! I had success years ago after my first child when they had they exchange program. I have tried it twice since then. This includes recently, upon my Dr.'s recommendation, and have had zero success. I don't know why they feel like they had to tweak the original program. I think I lost maybe 1/2 pound in 2 weeks and $49.00. I came right back to MyFitness Pal. I have about 30 more pounds to get off. This is after losing 55 pounds using MyFitnessPal and getting derailed by brain surgery, knee surgery, and just being slack. I really think WW is for people who have A LOT of weight to take off, are new to weight loss and dieting, maybe need the motivation of group meetings...I don't know. Counting calories, wearing my Garmin tracker, and exercising (Mixxed Fit dance classes, Pickle Ball, walking 3 miles) EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK is what does it for me. It is a calories in and calories out thing. Oh and weighing myself to stay honest. I weigh at least 3 times a week. I got Taylor digital body mass scales at Walmart. They run about 30 dollars. Not as much as some scales but they are good, accurate scales. No more WW for me unless they go back to the exchange program.

    The Exchange program worked for me, too. Points calculating is just not practical for a life style.
  • Sassafras106
    Sassafras106 Posts: 73 Member
    I stopped taking Weight Watchers seriously the day I had a packet of 80 calorie apple cider mix for breakfast and it took literally all of my points (which most likely would have been used for food with actual nutritional value) away from me and I had to use my extra points. Also, the apple cider packet was gross, but that's neither here nor there
  • Sassafras106
    Sassafras106 Posts: 73 Member
    Zborni4 wrote: »
    One interesting thing is that their recipes they suggest actually don't look that bad. However, they use a lot of reduced fat cheese and I'm kind of iffy on anything "light". It seems to me like those products are more processed.

    I actually like the recipes, but I use foods that are a little "less processed" when I make them. You can find a ton of their recipes on Pinterest
  • dovnkels
    dovnkels Posts: 25 Member
    I had the same experience with WW. Lost great and felt great on the old Points Plus program. The current program was restrictive misery. I love the accountability and support of WW meetings, but calorie counting and exercising feels more empowering and right for me.

    I laugh every time I see the Oprah commercial where she shouts about eating bread. That was the first thing I had to eliminate from my diet on the new WW program. 1 bagel was 12 points and I got 22 points for the whole day, lol.
  • cwagar123
    cwagar123 Posts: 195 Member
    I did WW around 2003 (flex points were just being introduced) I lost weight - about 15 lbs- but was miserable and just felt bad about myself all of the time.
    I developed a really unhealthy relationship with food and ballooned up to 270s.
    Using mfp and just calorie counting I not only have an awesome relationship with food and myself but I am down 80 lbs and it is soooooo much simpler... And free.
    I am definitely a "live and let live" person and don't try to push y experience on others... But when I see my friends and family battling with weight loss or fads I let them know this is a simpler way....
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    I left last week after a major blowout with a receptionist with no tact and a leader who couldn't understand why someone who exercises about 2 hrs per day would need to eat Fitpoints back (exercise calories). A lot of members are adding protein supplements to food to lower the points values. If you eat a 200 calorie dessert, you need to live off of tuna or chicken and veggies for the rest of the day. The list of foods I was avoiding or eliminating was constantly growing. I lost most of my weight on the old Program and it taught me so much about healthy eating. I've been battling the same 7 lbs for a year on the Smartpoints plan.

    Yeah I cancelled mine today after tracking both WW and MFP yesterday and meeting my calorie goal with MFP, as well as the breakdown targets (carbs, fats, etc.), while in WW going 14 points over my daily allowance. I ate very well yesterday. I just thought that was ridiculous.
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    I lost weight on points plus, then stopped caring (thanks, depression!), and then though I'd join back up because it worked last time. I hate the new program.

    If I eat 100 calories of jelly beans, I should have to use 2x as many points as 100 calories of chicken breast.

    It's too restrictive for me. I wish I hadn't wasted the money.

    Depression is so helpful, isn't it?
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    I re-joined Weight Watchers in March 2015 and had real success with Points Plus. there's a correlation between Points Plus and calories, when I double tracked here and at WW I could see the relationship.

    I was there in December 2015 when Smart Points was introduced. I liked the holistic concept, the idea of viewing the member as a whole person, not just as a person trying to lose weight. But I lasted about 3 weeks. All of my "go-to" foods were suddenly too high in points, there was no correlation between points and calories. I was literally in tears at my last meeting, and the leader had nothing useful to offer me.

    I tried calorie counting, and it worked, but I got sloppy about food choices. So I downloaded iTrackBites, and I'm doing Points Plus again. A little more structured, but it helps me make better food choices. If I'm staying within my points budget, I'm also hitting the target on calories and macros.

    This iTrackBites sounds interesting. Do you do both that and MFP?
  • Mugs203
    Mugs203 Posts: 26 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    Oprah said no bread, so she lost me there.
    It really depends on what program you're using. There have been many threads that echo what @Ready2Rock206 said, that the new one is highly restrictive. Some people stay on the older programs because that's what they're used to (tried and true, too).
    When you were not on WW were you watching your intake (ie weighing, measuring, etc) and meeting your deficit, or is that why you need the 'jumpstart'? I don't mean this in a bad way, just if using it is making it feel like you are not succeeding, it may be better from a mental standpoint to not follow it, or find the older versions.

    I thought Oprah's tag line was that she DOES still eat bread - like everyday!
    YES - Oprah said she LOVES bread and eats it everyday.

  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Agree with all of this. I am very close to goal (3 pounds away as of today) and losing an average of .7 a week, which is a great rate for me. I am still double-tracking with MFP and I can tell you from a CICO standpoint, unless you are eating an entire banana stand every day followed by 87 baby carrots and a dozen tomatoes, you should lose if you track servings properly.
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    Can I share my trick? I'm losing 2-3lbs a week.

    1. Track every morsel.
    2. Eat anything you want just stay within your calories.
    3. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
    4. Water, water, water.
    5. I don't eat back my active calories and I don't credit myself garmin given calories.
    6. Eat balanced foods.
    7. Take a daily pic of yourself. I do this and send it to my sis. It's my workout sweaty pic. Holds my accountable.

    About 4 weeks in I was less hungry, had a ton more energy and was so proud of myself I don't want to stop. I hadn't felt proud of myself in so long I actually had forgotten what it felt like.

    A few other things I contacts, bought myself so new clothes and makeup and got my hair done, downloaded every song I could possibly want (which I never do-to workout). I think my confidence is beaming and that is the key. Simply confidence.

    Last thing, first month I worked out hard every single day to prove to myself I could do it. It feels so good!

    Try it!

    I don't believe any diet is a lifetime commitment. Set realistic expectations and work hard at them, eat normal food. No box.

    You can do this!

  • NinaSharp
    NinaSharp Posts: 101 Member
    As someone who did the current WW program and MFP and just reached lifetime, I would say forget their tracking. Track at MFP, but follow WW guidelines for exercise and avoiding food traps. Their way of trying to convince me that all sugar is bad for me didn't really help me at all I tracked everything through MFP (and still do) and just didn't track anything in WW. I lost the weight at a slow level but I just hit lifetime in January. It is possible esp if you need WW kick in the pants for the weekly weigh in to hold you accountable. Hopefully they'll switch their point system again
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    I think they are probably trying to get people to eat more well-rounded (ie nudging them towards meeting adequate protein and fiber instead of just being below calories) while still keeping to an overly-simple system of counting only one thing - which doesn't really work too well and creates what actually winds up being some overly complex bizarre points system.