Struggling with weight watchers

So I decided to join Weight Watchers online...maybe Oprah got to me, I don't know. I have been in a funk for a while and have put on weight and needed to do something. I have been on MFP forever but felt I needed a different jump start. However.. I am finding WW extremely difficult. I am not eating bad food and am not eating a lot, yet I am almost out of points by dinner every day. I did some dual tracking with MFP and I'm not over my calories here. Has anyone else had similar issues with WW?


  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Oprah said no bread, so she lost me there.
    It really depends on what program you're using. There have been many threads that echo what @Ready2Rock206 said, that the new one is highly restrictive. Some people stay on the older programs because that's what they're used to (tried and true, too).
    When you were not on WW were you watching your intake (ie weighing, measuring, etc) and meeting your deficit, or is that why you need the 'jumpstart'? I don't mean this in a bad way, just if using it is making it feel like you are not succeeding, it may be better from a mental standpoint to not follow it, or find the older versions.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Oh yeah. The newest program is super restrictive. Basically if you're not eating chicken and veggies you're being penalized. Demonizing food that doesn't need to be by assigning super high points. I liked the previous programs they've had but the latest just is not for me at all.

    Many years ago I used the 1-2-3 Success program and I really liked it. The weight came off pretty slowly, but it was steady and I didn't feel as if it was too restrictive. I could save points for the weekend and use my exercise points on beer. But I've had a look at the later progams and they're quite frankly awful. I would be so hangry after a week if I was doing the latest one.
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    Afura wrote: »
    Oprah said no bread, so she lost me there.
    It really depends on what program you're using. There have been many threads that echo what @Ready2Rock206 said, that the new one is highly restrictive. Some people stay on the older programs because that's what they're used to (tried and true, too).
    When you were not on WW were you watching your intake (ie weighing, measuring, etc) and meeting your deficit, or is that why you need the 'jumpstart'? I don't mean this in a bad way, just if using it is making it feel like you are not succeeding, it may be better from a mental standpoint to not follow it, or find the older versions.

    Oh I wasn't tracking anything at all. I really think I was going through a bit of a depression and have just kinda given up for like 5 months. I thought maybe if I started anew with something new it would be a good way to start. Plus, on the surface this new WW program sounds good. Eating cleaner, better for you foods and reducing sugar. However, when a Keurig mocha k-cup is 4 points, adding that to your breakfast and you are already off to a bad start. Or like someone mentioned, I don't want to be penalized for eating a square of dark chocolate. I only signed up for a month so I think I will try it and see how it goes but then I might just come back here.
  • Zborni4
    Zborni4 Posts: 38 Member
    One interesting thing is that their recipes they suggest actually don't look that bad. However, they use a lot of reduced fat cheese and I'm kind of iffy on anything "light". It seems to me like those products are more processed.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Zborni4 wrote: »
    One interesting thing is that their recipes they suggest actually don't look that bad. However, they use a lot of reduced fat cheese and I'm kind of iffy on anything "light". It seems to me like those products are more processed.

    There's reduced fat as in taking fat out....period. Reduced fat milk is a staple for me. But then there is reduced fat (or fat free) with junk added for creaminess or whatever.

    I'm okay with 2% cheese. But what the heck is in fat free cream cheese? I mean cream cheese is mostly fat.

  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Most store bought foods are processed... I use 2%/low fat cheese, dairy products in recipes. The fat free options are just not the right texture/consistency.
    Zborni4 wrote: »
    One interesting thing is that their recipes they suggest actually don't look that bad. However, they use a lot of reduced fat cheese and I'm kind of iffy on anything "light". It seems to me like those products are more processed.

  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    They lost me with whatever program came after Points Plus... I was a huge WW fan back in the day and lost the weight after both babies on the program.

    The new Points are harder to calculate on the fly and the free fruit doesn't work for me. I also quickly grew tired of having to buy new materials or re-learn a new program. I was frustrated trying to learn a new program while the old one was working, leaving me scratching my head.

    Then... I stumbled on MFP. Free!!! Better!! :)
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I lost weight on points plus, then stopped caring (thanks, depression!), and then though I'd join back up because it worked last time. I hate the new program.

    If I eat 100 calories of jelly beans, I should have to use 2x as many points as 100 calories of chicken breast.

    It's too restrictive for me. I wish I hadn't wasted the money.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Reduced fat cheese doesn't really taste any different to me. I recently accidentally bought some reduced-fat cheddar cheese sticks for lunches. I didn't even know about it until the package was empty and I took a closer look as I was throwing it out. I'd been logging them as if they were the regular version. Totally fat-free dairy products are kinda blah, though. For instance, 1% is OK, 2% is good, but skim milk is horrendous. Same with cheese, IMO.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I joined ww Feb used online only for 1 week it's so restrictive now
    I did it last year for 12 weeks and didn't lose anymore than I did calorie counting

    I think a lifestyle cash he has to be something we are happy with and if ww is too restrictive just start afresh in here reassess your calories and eat different foods log 10000000% honestly all the picked extras sauces sugar and weigh measure everything plus make sure you find the relight amount calories to lose weight with a good calculator
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited March 2017
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    I lost weight on points plus, then stopped caring (thanks, depression!), and then though I'd join back up because it worked last time. I hate the new program.

    If I eat 100 calories of jelly beans, I should have to use 2x as many points as 100 calories of chicken breast.

    It's too restrictive for me. I wish I hadn't wasted the money.

    I think they kinda have to make things complicated, because a lot of people feel like a program is more legit, like they're getting their money's worth, if it's mysterious and/or complicated. Plus, if they made it too simple, like having 100 calories = 100 calories no matter what type of food you're eating, then people might figure out that they don't actually need WW. They could figure it out on their own. You know, why would you pay for something you can do for free on your own?

    This is exactly what WW is , it's a business they change it every January so people thinks it works better infact it doesn't pre late 1990s it was a great plan based in calories now they are in the carb band wagon like making out a jacket potatoe is really unhealthy as natural sugars ????

  • itsfuntobedevilinabluedress
    So, when I want to drop water weight, have more regular BMs and get back on track with my eating habits, I use the point program circa 2003 (using an app called iWatchbites). I dual track and it's roughly 1,000-1,200 calories a day plus whatever I eat in vegetables (I aim for 200 calories of veg). I usually do it for 2-3 weeks because I am really not trying to lose a ton of weight but adjust my food habits away from high sodium, low fiber, low nutrients choices. Which I can get carried away with on MFP because they fit easier into my higher calorie goal and I am sometime bad at paying attention to macros. This forces mindfulness.

    I'm actually doing this right now and will transition back to mfp in another week. I looked into the new program and lolno'd it. Not that I would actually join (I don't have more than 10 pounds to lose anyway) but what they are doing looks so restrictive and miserable.