cs2thecox Member


  • I'm a wash every day girl too... too greasy otherwise. (And yes, I've tried most things.) My go to is Kerastese Discipline sulphate free, and the matching conditioner. If I use Redken NBD No Blow Dry cream then my hair can air dry and still look awesome. And specialist shampoo if I swim to get the chlorine out properly.…
  • I try and log them all, but often after the fact rather than as I go. That said, I've failed at logging Christmas day and New Year's Eve! At this point I'll probably write them off...
  • My arms are kind of big for a girl, but I'm not going to give advice based on that. All I was going to say is that Shaun Stafford often posts his workouts on Instagram, and those are some SERIOUS arms right there!
  • I found the StrongLifts app really helpful and easy to use in the gym. I followed it for about 6 months before I got fed up of my plateaus and went to find a personal trainer for more guidance. I thought it was a great start though.
  • Mostly, yes ;) Although based on my mental image of the top-level pros, and road cycling rather than track (sorry, should have said that bit). Much more of a spread in top level road cycling admittedly, given the variance in specialist disciplines within something like the Tour peleton e.g. Cav compared to Froome. What's…
  • Basically this. The recommendations for weighing every single thing generally come in response to people complaining that they're not losing weight, and the biggest variable that can be controlled is obviously the number of calories that you put in! I for one use a lot of "portion" entries, particularly for breakfast,…
  • I am so lazy I normally guess at the number of servings over and over again until it gives me the grammes I want...
  • Concept2 rowing machine all the way. (WaterRower an acceptable second place ;) ) But I'm biased cause I've been rowing since 1999, primarily on the water, top-level coxing, and now umpiring... It does have a steeper learning curve in terms of doing it right (so, so many people in gyms do it SO BADLY WRONG that it's likely…
  • I find making an effort to get 1.5l during my work day gets me there. I also have some coffee or tea, maybe a diet coke with lunch, and probably a couple of glasses of water at home in the evening, so I come in more like 2.5l or more. But yes, pee colour.
  • I'm a Brit, so I'm mainly about the English breakfast. The water has to be BOILING (hotter than for coffee) or it comes out tasting bad. Let the bag sit to brew and don't poke at it too much, and definitely don't squish it when you take it out the mug or it can get bitter. Semi-skimmed milk is the key - 2% fat - I think…
  • Heavy lifting. I started to finally like my thighs a few months after I started on squats and deadlifts etc. Did WAY more for me than all the years I spent on a cross-trainer...
  • I have days when I don't care, but I generally do try and log afterwards, at least approximately. Some days I just can't remember or can't be bothered (Christmas day, new year's eve...) and never get round to it, but I'm totally ok with logging a deeply naughty day and then getting on with life. I find that logging makes…
  • Home made burgers from the ground venison, maybe with some chopped onion and an egg to bind it. I love to make burgers around a central bit of cheese that goes all melty and amazing when you cook them!
  • Shouldn't really be any difference between a drink in and a takeout. I find... Caffe Nero Regular skinny cap 52 cal Costa Primo skinny cap 60 cal drink in / 70 cal takeaway (the only one who quotes a difference) Starbucks Tall skinny cap 93 cal The Nero one seems kind of low to me, but I don't know how big their cups are!…
  • Grande skinny iced latte for me, sugar free vanilla syrup. Comes in about 60 cals I think. (Lower than hot because half the cup is ice rather than milk!) Still feels enough like a frapp for me, but way lower cal.
  • Also, avoid looking at the macro pie chart in the app! Just focus on the grammes for macros, and if the entries you're using are accurate then the calories will follow. You can get the more detailed screen on the app by turning your phone sideway from the diary page. (Although I tend to use my computer at work for most…
  • Will have to try tomorrow! But Tesco also have the UK exclusive on the Reese's peanut butter creme eggs, so...
  • It may be that 2lb a week is too aggressive based on your starting stats, and you've hit the MFP 1200 health floor... (they won't condone anything lower than that). I'd recommend a week of totally honest tracking of what you eat at the moment first, and see what you're at right now. Dropping your calories by too much too…
  • It is only 6th January, so it could well be normal weight fluctuations anyway. Make sure you're looking at a weight trend rather than stressing about individual data points (there are free apps that help with this - things like Happy Scale I think), and also give it a full month-long cycle to make sure you can factor out…
  • I mostly just like their infographics ;) But I find my personal trainer SUPER helpful in giving me structure and accountability, despite the fact I totally *could* come up with a weights programme on my own. So I guess nutrition coaching could be similar if you're struggling on your own. (If nothing else, it might show you…
  • I kept quizzing my PT on much the same thing. Both low weights/high reps, and heavy weights/low reps can have a place in a varied but progressive lifting plan. Both certainly feature in mine, but I think my highest rep set is a 15 so not, like, CRAZY high reps. One concept I find helpful is "time under tension" and…
  • I lift 3 days a week. I follow a progressive plan set by my PT, which is pretty varied but also includes most of the standard big lifts. It's all I can do without things starting to get worse rather than better over the medium term! I also average over 12,000 steps a day, and do hike sometimes at the weekend as well -…
  • Olive oil spray for me most of the time. But butter for scrambled eggs because YUM. I used coconut oil for a long time, but am really not all that keen on the flavour. I still have a spray to use up unfortunately. And probably a jar at the back of the cupboard but I can always just use that on my skin. Good olive oil or…
  • Regular consumer with no issues. I am careful with what I eat though, so not even anecdotal evidence for whether it makes me hungrier or whatever. My main concern is for my teeth!
  • In scientific terms (using metric units), a calorie is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 millilitre of pure water by 1 degree centigrade (at a pressure of 1 atmosphere). That's it. That's all it is. (NB what we call calories in daily life are actually kilocalories - kcal, 1000 calories.)
  • Totally depends on the kind of machine you're using for leg press! We have two in our gym... - The kind with a fixed seat near the floor that you load up with Olympic plates. We know that the carriage on our one weighs 46kg, so you're always pressing that plus whatever you put on. - The kind with a fixed footplate and a…
  • Probably best to use the "Circuit training, general" entry. The exercise database isn't like the food database with brands and things. It's a bit more generic (and a lot less accurate!).
  • I have to admit I LOVE all my Lululemon kit. It fits me well (apart from some styles of the sports bras), is comfy to wear, looks good, washes well, and lasts for AGES. I haven't had any quality issues. I've had one piece wear out on me so far, but that was a tank that I got off the sale rail in 2012, which I think I threw…
  • That's basically how I feel about it! Mine gives me more pseudo-steps when I drive my not-very-power-steering sports car than my cushy Volvo, but it's definitely harder work, and it only credits me a few tens of steps in general, so I figure it's reasonable enough for my purposes even though I didn't do any actual steps…
  • Seconded on the Model D still being fine. Isn't the E the one that's slightly higher off the floor? That can be handy for people with more limited mobility, but that's about it. Personally, I'm still happy with a Model C, but that's probably just me. Whichever model, oiling the chain, replacing the bungee and hoovering the…