runsonrabbitfood Member


  • I'd also suggest a hydration backpack or waist pack if you like being hands free. dolfinpack has some more minimalistic ones if you like simplicity. Camelbaks and Nathan sports have some good ones as well.
  • Thanks. You're better putting what I'm thinking into words than I am lol. I'll apologize to everyone and @janejellyroll for my poor choice of words. I'm guilty of exactly what I was trying to debate against - lumping a larger category of food under one, simpler single label. Tofu, seitan, etc are 'processed foods' along…
  • Lift away. The benefits to strength training go far beyond the 'calories burned' that can be logged.
  • Anyone can overeat on anything. Calories will be calories regardless of their source. I think most whole foods are more filling than processed, generally speaking and that whole-food source carbs tend to be lumped in with processed carbs when people 'cut carbs' to lose weight is all I was trying to convey. Dunno if I'm…
  • I always assumed it was because of the typical American schedule. Kids go to school and adults go to work. Many don't get a break to eat until a specified lunch time. If those people skipped breakfast, you'd probably be pretty damn hungry by then (I know I would) and more likely to reach for junk. Or maybe because it's the…
  • But carbs do not only encompass breads, pastas, and sugars. I feel like this mindset is way too prevalent in today's dieter. White sugar and processed bread is easy to overeat calories on. Whole-food carb sources (potatoes, rice, quinoa, legumes, etc) are a different story. Cutting out white sugars and breads isn't a bad…
  • Stomach. Despite being on the lower end of "normal" for bmi, I've got squish sitting on top of it. Having a curvy back doesn't help much either and sticks it out even further. What I wouldn't do for one of those sexy flat stomachs. Seriously.
  • Carbs are not the enemy. No more so than other macros so long as they're from a healthy food source. And the whole 'cutting carbs' to lose weight fad really gets to me. You hear it so much, "I need to lose weight, gotta cut out the carbs!" Drives. Me. Nuts. Especially when people go on to say they don't feel great without…
  • Honestly, just try it and be real with yourself about how you feel. Over the course of a few years, I've increased workout intensity/time/mileage/etc at several points and always start to just feel exhausted if I'm doing too much. You'll notice it just going about daily life - being tired, needing a few extra cups of…
  • Man, that sounds intense! I'm running 5x/week and also do a circuit strength training 3x/week. What's been working well for me is a simple Google documents spreadsheet that I mark things off on. If you want reminders, might I suggest a calendar app on your phone? Like Google calendar, for example. You can set it so each…
  • Hey Kat! I'd love to be running friends. I've been at it for about 2.5 years and also have a history of knee struggles (mine are anatomical related - long story, weird x-rays lol). I am addicted to events and all the hype that comes with them. I'd love to encourage you, you can totally do a half!!!
  • Hi there! Sounds like you're doing awesome already, 33lbs is no joke! You must be an awesome mom, I have so much respect for fit mom's who set that awesome example for kids. I've been running for about 2.5 years yet still have much to learn and improve on (sooooo slooow lol). I'm always open to friends whom I can trade…
  • I think the biggest lesson I've learned over the years of health/fitness pursuits is consistency without perfection. I got into a 'perfection' zone for a while where every day had to be 100%. But, I've found a more pleasantly maintainable lifestyle and mindset just realizing that allowing yourself some leisure is okay and,…
  • I think it is very important to address the blind belief issues you're talking about. I personally got sucked into a lot of them. In my years of veganism, I've been 100% raw, starch solution, raw-til-4, etc, etc. I've found comfort in a more balanced approach (for both mind and body) and eat whatever vegan foods I want now…
  • A group would work well I think. I've seen it before at the very least where people check-in daily with their progress for accountability, support, and motivation.
  • I would totally join this. Goes perfectly with a work fitness challenge I've got going on so I'll be held extra accountable.
  • I find the excuses are always there, you just get stronger than them. Most of the time lol. If you'd like another cheerleader, please add me as well - I'm always happy to meet others who are pursuing the healthiest, happiest version of themselves. And, of course, best wishes on your journey.
  • Hey there Mappeal! Couch to 5k apps are awesome. I downloaded one on a whim a little two years ago and gradually fell head over heels with running ever since. Seeing the progress you make in the weeks, months, years to come is very addicting. And don't ever think you're not cut out for it. When I first started, I could…
  • Hey sudiegirl! I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time. It sounds like you're very motivated with all the progress you've made despite the hardships. I'd like to applaud you for recognizing the problems that're creeping up before they blow up - most people don't and lie to themselves ("oh, this 40-calorie salad is…
  • Agree with pondee. It doesn't really matter. Find what works best for you. I personally eat a little snack before - I get too hungry and distracted during if I don't - and a larger meal after. But some people hate working out with food in their stomachs. It just depends on the individual - don't sweat it too much :]
  • I *think* I understand your question. If you're eating anything that is packaged, try using the barcode scanner when you add a food to your diary. Different serving sizes will pop up as a drop-down menu that you can choose from such as 1 can, 1 container, 1 cookie, etc. Then you can select a portion of that - 1/2 can, 1/2…
  • Wow, you sound like the perfect friend for me Kit! I've been vegan for 2 years as of this month - primarily whole-foods based. And I started couch to 5k on a whim 2 1/2 years ago. I've since found a passion in running (albeit slowly lol) and have my 3rd half marathon this weekend. It's become a (healthy) obsession of mine.…
  • Hi Theresa! There are far too many insensitive jerks out there - sorry you ran into one. I am happy, however, to hear that you are determined to pursue a healthier version of yourself. I find that the journey is never over; that you just evolve with your goals. And you'll be amazed at what you're capable of along the way.…