Runner mom of 4 looking for some friends

Hi everyone!

I've been in this losing weight journey of mine for the past 9mos now & have dropped 33lbs prior to joining mfp. I stopped losing weight so started tracking things through here this past wk to stay on track because I still have about 65lbs to lose. I currently only have 2 friends on here one being my sister & would love to meet some new friends through here that are motivated & will be supportive & give encouragement & of course I could offer this in return. If you are looking for a new fit friend please add me :)


  • runsonrabbitfood
    runsonrabbitfood Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there!
    Sounds like you're doing awesome already, 33lbs is no joke! You must be an awesome mom, I have so much respect for fit mom's who set that awesome example for kids.

    I've been running for about 2.5 years yet still have much to learn and improve on (sooooo slooow lol). I'm always open to friends whom I can trade encouragement and support. Especially fitness enthused individuals whom I can find inspiration and motivation in. :]
  • SaleemahR
    SaleemahR Posts: 32 Member
    Congratulations on your weight lose! I'm actually looking to loose weight so I can starting having children of my own. Wood definitely love to have a new friend.