upoffthemat Member


  • That thread really taught me how to use a scale and like it so much more than measuring cups and spoons for the most part. Makes it so much faster and cleaner. I don't even zero it out first because I have always done math in my head easily.
  • I am single, I live in a one bedroom apartment, I am 54 years old, I have a crappy credit score and no savings, I have fairly bad asthma and allergies, I feel trapped in a lifestyle that I don't want to have for the rest of my life. The one thing I have going for me is a fairly decent job and if I can just get healthy…
  • Sometimes, I tend to go through times where I get busy and forget to eat so eat one meal a day. Works well for me on an unintentional basis
    in IF'S Comment by upoffthemat August 2020
  • Hope you find something. That sounds extremely frustrating. At least you aren't gaining and making things worse.
  • I was just looking at this yesterday myself as I did most of my walking after 2 pm and it hadn't updated at all. 9pm at night it still said it was basing my exercise off 1:32 pm. I kept refreshing MFP on my computer as I had just come in from a 3 mile walk and nothing happened, but as soon as I opened the Garmin Connect…
  • 6 months isn't bad for a pair of shoes, especially when you aren't 80 pounds and are walking a lot. It is worth it to keep your feet healthy buying a new pair of shoes twice a year. Did you do the calibration on your Garmin? It does want you to exercise for something like 20 minutes at a heavy exertion if I remember right.…
  • Give him a bigger plate. It is an optical illusion, but at least your plates will look similarly filled. Cook a side you can add some more calorie dense items to on his, sauces, meats, cheese, just before serving.
  • sounds like a nice problem to have to start thinking about though! Keep it going.
  • It doesn't sound like a plateau honestly. You lost 10 kg in 6 months... July and and August are 2 months and you lost 3kg. Sounds like you are pretty consistently losing a kg and a half per month, which isn't actually horrible. If you are not happy about it, the best thing to do is tighten up your tracking. As was…
  • It inspires me because it is people doing the best they can with their bodies and pushing themselves. I am older and some of those things may have passed me by, but it still inspires me. I am really inspires me by people in there 60's 70's and 80's that are out running, dancing, playing because I want to be them when I…
  • No, I am not wrong, it was just plain wrong with HR on. I understand the calories are inclusive of BMR, but there is no way that on a day I walk 3000 steps I can eat 2800 calories and a day I walk 10000 steps I can eat 8500 calories. I would go out and walk a few thousand steps and the calories I could eat would go up…
  • It isn't the steps, it is the Heart rate monitor that is estimating calories. Turn off heart rate edit, Mine was ridiculous too. Like 700 calories for walking 3000 steps and my heartrate was always high because it slips on my wrist a little or it leaves a rash. Read on their support forum to turn of HR monitor
  • I use half greek yogurt at least. Get the creaminess and still some flavor with a lot less calories. I will also add some fresh herbs. For me mayo is more a texture thing anyway and greek yogurt is a good substitute that way
  • Consider it a lesson learned and move on. It is ok, we all do make mistakes, the good news is now you know and are getting better at this tracking calories thing.
  • I think they are a resource that should be used, but still need to do my own research and ask my own questions. GPs can't know everything, a good GP will actually admit that.
  • I can't work out on a full stomach at all. I do much better on a very light snack or nothing to eat before working out.
  • Good riddance to bad rubbish. I don't really worry about the past anymore, I am far more worried about what I can do today and tomorrow. I used to focus on those things until I realized I was letting them have power over me again and they weren't even thinking of me. Now I don't think of them at all. If I do run across…
  • Agree with this 100%. It can really trigger the asthma and even after I move I can feel a grainy feeling in my throat. I would definitely say something to the staff.
  • I was asked once and that was my answer. My doctor was fine with the answer
  • Bigger bodies with more muscle tend to burn more calories at rest, so in that way it makes it easier to obtain a deficit. However, you mention eating low carb, low sugars, but don't mention calories. It is good to eat healthy, but for losing weight, calories are the only thing that are going to matter. Too much healthy…
  • I include my exercise in 10k, but on exercise days I want to see more than 10k. I have a desk job too and long days. If the weather isn't good 10k is a tough goal to hit. This weekend was great, sunshine and cool, got out and hit it easy and was actually surprised how good I felt after a really confining winter.
  • It depends on how I feel. If I am going to bed soon I won't eat much and will keep it light or I won't sleep.
  • Last line of OP was "I don't feel any fitter" This whole thing has gone off on a tangent, some of it is somewhat relevant because losing weight will certainly help to being fitter, but seven weeks of training certainly should show some progress if the training was intense enough. One thing I see a lot at the gym is people…
  • Diet articles, woo peddlers, shows like The Biggest Loser showing people exercising til they puke. The healthy way to lose weight doesn't make for good episodic TV or news articles, it isn't sexy, you can't use words like stunning, shocking, amazing three times in every sentence. At least for what people want to see today.…
  • yep, that would be my answer too. Always that one shot that fools me into thinking I might get better
  • I have been doing that the last few days, but just because it feels really good on a raw throat. It is refreshing tasting. The thing is right now I can't taste hardly anything due to meds and this actually has a good taste. Imagine it will be great when I am off the meds