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Inspiring or Discouraging?

Onedaywriter Posts: 324 Member
Does seeing videos and images of really fit people inspire you or discourage you? How about when they are doing things you know you will Never be able to do?


  • KerrieA87
    KerrieA87 Posts: 167 Member
    I have exercise induced anaphylaxis, there are plenty of things I see other people doing that I know I wouldn’t be able to because it’d probably kill me. So I leave to do them and I do me, I focus on the things I know I can do and work out ways to adapt things I can’t do so they do work for me
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Neither. I think they are mostly fake.
  • RockingWithLJ
    RockingWithLJ Posts: 243 Member
    It's neither encouraging or discouraging because that is their journey and I can't compare myself to where they are at their Fitness level. The only thing that anybody should really focus on is where they are and where they want to go. The only thing stopping you from reaching any goal is your mindset
    Your post made me think of this meme i found and kept.
    Side note: fit Instagram girls who demo moves especially when wearing leggings made me feel like I was wearing my leggings wrong because I wear underwear with mine. Apparently that's not a thing they do
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,429 Member
    Neither. Maybe mostly because I don't see myself watching videos that I think of as being that?

    I watch videos of people who do my sport, and are better at it than I am, in order to learn from them, although I don't expect ever to be as good at the sport as they are for a variety of reasons. I wouldn't say that "inspires" me in the usual sense, but it helps me. If someone like that is coaching me in person, gratitude would be in the picture, too, maybe admiration - in person, something about their character might be inspiring, but I still can't see discouragement.

    If I truly will never be able to do a thing at all, I can't see why I'd watch the video, unless it's just fun or pretty or something as a viewing experience. If that's why I'm watching, "inspire vs. discourage" isn't even relevant.

    Many things I see people do, that I "can't" do, it's more realistic to say that I don't want to invest the energy in training and practice. I could do a lot of things I don't do, either because I'm uninterested in the achievement, or because I'm unwilling to invest the effort.

    I'm inspired by videos of relatable people who are persistent, mentally strong, and overcome obstacles to accomplish their goals, even if I don't share their goals. Offhand, I can't think of any videos I'm discouraged by. Maybe videos of people doing things that *shouldn't* be done?

    Gotta say, the question doesn't totally make sense to me. Maybe I'm misunderstanding it; maybe - as is often the case - I'm just an oddball.

    Are you going to answer your own question?😉
  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    No one except that person really knows all the trials and tribulations that they had to go through to achieve their goals, let alone to maintain them. If they are bettering themselves and their health then I find that inspiring and more power to them!

    And as far as seeing others do things I will never be able to do? Doesn’t affect me. There are a lot of things I will never be able to do, there are a lot of things I will be able to do, that’s life. There are also a lot of things I once truly believed I couldn’t do but accomplished anyway. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d enjoy exercising, much less become a runner, yet it happened. At age 40 I became a runner and after a lifetime of sedentary living found my passion for trail running! They say never say never...
  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    edited August 2020
    How about when they are doing things you know you will Never be able to do?

    🤔 Assuming they're human, that means I can do it too with practice, patience etc. The only limitation is my desire or interest in doing it.

    More importantly, is the antonym of inspiration discouragement? (Runs to check thesaurus...) 🤓

    Edit: It IS! One of them anyway. Don't know why that tickled me so. Carry on...
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I'm inspired by seeing videos of fit people doing the best that they can do because I know that I can do the same at my level, even if I never approach their objective level of strength or speed.

    That's why I like about my particular sport, running. We're not all going to be running elite times, but we can all train hard and race in a way that gets it all out there by our own personal standards (I'm sure this is true for other sports as well, I'm just more familiar with running).

    Training consistently and meeting the commitments we make to ourselves -- these are things that many of us are able to do, we don't need to be among the best in the world for that.
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    It inspires me because it is people doing the best they can with their bodies and pushing themselves. I am older and some of those things may have passed me by, but it still inspires me. I am really inspires me by people in there 60's 70's and 80's that are out running, dancing, playing because I want to be them when I grow up.

    I remember playing golf with a 70+ plus year old couple a few years back.... and his mother when I was added as a fourth at a golf course. She was 95 and played daily. There is a man in Duluth MN that celebrated his 98th birthday by playing hockey... which he does in a league anyway.

    It is easy to find inspiration in the acts of others if you look. I am not jealous I am cheering them on.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    If they are fit people doing fit people stuff then they inspire me. Even if I could never do what they do I can admire their dedication. The first time I saw Cirque du Soleil after starting my fitness efforts I appreciated SO much more just how hard these people work and how skilled they have become.

    If they are fit people showing off their abs I just think "meh. Good for them."
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    It depends. Sometimes I see someone who is naturally bending into a pretzel shape and I am a bit envious since I know I can never be like that, or if someone get results fast or do something I have been trying to do and they are naturally better. But if I see someone show their progress and where they started that is inspiring.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 324 Member

    Are you going to answer your own question?😉 [/quote]

    Yes. And I’ll also explain why I asked.

    I generally watch videos about some of the weightlifting or gymnastics moves I will be doing. For instance if I’m going to deadlift or box jump I may watch videos on form. Often I also watch record achievements etc as I find these inspiring. I know I’ll never ever hit that weight/height whatever but seeing someone else achieve a PR reminds me that I can too.

    So, the other day I was maybe in a “funk mood” or whatever and I saw my wife’s brother post on Facebook about a PR for deadlift at a really high(in my opinion) weight for a 50 year old. Normally this would inspire me but I was actually discouraged because I don’t think I’ll ever achieve anywhere even near that. I know it doesn’t make sense but I started to think about how he’s been doing these things for 30 years, has a beautiful home gym and blablabla. Makes no sense but that was my feeling. Today is a better day lol!!

    But what got me asking is that when I asked my wife if she saw her brother’s post she said - “oh I always skip past those. They make me feel fat and old and just remind me how out of shape I am.He’s just showing off.”

    My brother in law posts a lot of this or sends it just to me and my wife because he thinks he’s encouraging us. Normally for me - it is encouraging and I am happy for him! But I never thought about how this could easily be taken another way. Wanted to see how others felt.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,429 Member

    Are you going to answer your own question?😉

    Yes. And I’ll also explain why I asked.

    I generally watch videos about some of the weightlifting or gymnastics moves I will be doing. For instance if I’m going to deadlift or box jump I may watch videos on form. Often I also watch record achievements etc as I find these inspiring. I know I’ll never ever hit that weight/height whatever but seeing someone else achieve a PR reminds me that I can too.

    So, the other day I was maybe in a “funk mood” or whatever and I saw my wife’s brother post on Facebook about a PR for deadlift at a really high(in my opinion) weight for a 50 year old. Normally this would inspire me but I was actually discouraged because I don’t think I’ll ever achieve anywhere even near that. I know it doesn’t make sense but I started to think about how he’s been doing these things for 30 years, has a beautiful home gym and blablabla. Makes no sense but that was my feeling. Today is a better day lol!!

    But what got me asking is that when I asked my wife if she saw her brother’s post she said - “oh I always skip past those. They make me feel fat and old and just remind me how out of shape I am.He’s just showing off.”

    My brother in law posts a lot of this or sends it just to me and my wife because he thinks he’s encouraging us. Normally for me - it is encouraging and I am happy for him! But I never thought about how this could easily be taken another way. Wanted to see how others felt. [/quote]

    Great explanation, and a nuanced answer of your own. Thank you!
  • gcminton
    gcminton Posts: 170 Member
    It depends. If I'm in a state of mind where I'm working on improving my health or appearance, then they're inspiring. If I'm feeling low and not working on myself, then it's discouraging.

    Lately? Inspiring. If they're doing something I KNOW I'll never be able to do, I might feel a little sad at missing out on a cool thing, but I try to make a point of not deciding I'll never _____. I have a lot of work to do, but even I don't know how far I'll be able to go.
  • spyro88
    spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
    I find it inspiring if I can relate to them...e.g. if they were originally overweight/ obese, or have something in common with me... I guess if I could see myself eventually being there, or could relate to their journey, it would be inspiring.

    If it's someone doing something I know I'll never be able to do/ am not interested in ever doing, I don't really find it discouraging, I just don't feel all that interested as I can't relate.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,385 Member
    I find it both inspiring and dispiriting - probably depends on my mood! It helps because I can check form and technique, but comparison can be the thief of joy.

    What I do find inspiring is seeing a proficient weightlifter posting all the failed lifts before their successful ones. It makes me feel better when I try unsuccessfully to snatch!
  • Safari_Gal_
    Safari_Gal_ Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited August 2020
    Does seeing videos and images of really fit people inspire you or discourage you? How about when they are doing things you know you will Never be able to do?

    I find it inspiring. If someone is truly fit - that’s a mark of discipline and work. 👍🏻

    I realize I will probably never be a power lifter / but i don’t aspire to lift 500lbs. - it’s still inspiring to watch. Ditto for the gymnast on the uneven bars - I’ll probably never do that / but wow - kudos to them for the dedication to their fitness regime to make that happen. 👏