paulajobelle Member


  • How others will try to sabotage you or try to turn it from my working on being healthy to it being about "vanity". I refuse to be one of those who hit 50 and then blame being unhealthy on their age.
  • my goal is to stick with my planned out meals for the day and to do 15 push ups vs my usual 10.
  • My only concern is that we are moving away from talking about being healthy for fear of being called "fat haters". I am very worried about the growing numbers of children who are overweight as young as 5 as I know that they can run a higher risk for medical issues later on. No one should be shamed or bullied for their body…
  • log daily (to keep me honest), mixing up my exercise routines (to avoid being bored which is the death knell for me), reminding myself of why I am doing this regularly.
  • I mix it up, exercise in the evenings during the work week and in the mornings on the weekend. Ultimately it does not matter when you exercise as long as you do it consistently and keep challenging yourself. Sometimes I break it into (3) 15 minute mini sessions just so I can try something new (such as 15 min on a stair…
  • Beans are great and very versatile, nuts in moderation.
  • For me it is getting away from the family/house (I love them but after a full day at work I need some me time) and I love how relaxed I feel after even a short walk. I think you will be surprised how even a 15 minute walk will help recharge your batteries (physical and emotional).
  • love anime, sci fi/fantasy and am the proud parent of a 1st grader who looooves Face Off and when all the other little girls were pretty princesses she went as a vampire princess! Always fun to see the other parents go "what?!!!"
  • I love mini light baby bel cheese and red grapes-hits my sweet tooth and my cheese tooth (I have a huge love of cheese) :)
  • take advantage of having kids, go for walks, use the swings or throw a ball with them-you would be amazed how much exercise you get "playing" -I know I was. Be good to yourself and take the time you need to heal.
  • anything that makes me laugh-love the Meghan Trainor videos, the funny Katy Perry or Taylor Swift ones and LMFAO. Oh yeah and Bruno Mars has some fun ones too-love Uptown Funk. The time on the elliptical just flies by but I do like to listen to talk radio when I am on the treadmill or even TED talks if I want something…
  • good for you! so many people see one mistake as a reason to just give up everything-we have all been there.
  • hello, welcome aboard and I hope to see you meeting your goals. This is a great tool and I find it helpful to know that there are others to inspire and challenge me.
  • I stop and picture myself mentally (both where I am now and where I want to be) and allow myself to feel the way I feel! This worked for me when I quit smoking and so far 5 months and still smoke free. I may still have the urge to smoke but I remind myself that the feeling driving it (bored, frustrated, angry, ect) will…
  • I am a nurse and I have seen this alot with people with digestive issues and would recommend that you see a doctor ASAP. I also think (unfortunately) that you have to be pretty aggressive to get your needs met-DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER!!
  • without knowing your age and gender this is hard, I know that despite eating well and exercising I was not seeing any change and my doc told me that some of this could be related to hormonal changes (yep Menopause) and she set me up with a nutritional plan and encouraged me to focus on building lean muscle mass. One of the…
  • good luck!
  • Metabolism! Your body will automatically slow down your metabolism as it thinks it is STARVING and this in the long run sets your body up for all kinds of screwy physical sxs as everyone is talking about above. Better to stick the 1200 calories and ensure you are staying active and creating a deficit between what take you…
  • Everyone seems to have an opinion on weight loss and fitness nowadays. I try to be polite and say "great that that works for you" and then carry on doing what is working for me. I find that most people think that my wanting to eat healthy and exercise is tied to appearance and I can usually shut those up by saying that I…
  • well done and I always tell myself that I did not put the weight on overnight so I cannot expect it to come off fast either! Don't give up and know that you will get where you want to be.
  • You are there at least, that is already a win! Keep going and know that one day it will be you helping someone.
  • thank you all! right now I am getting up at 0300 to exercise (my dog is very confused by this) so I still have time to have coffee and relax before I start the day's routine. I am trying to split up my week with walking and upper body work 3 days a week and cardio/lower body the other 3. Going to give yoga and pilates a…