
looking for tips that will help me stay on track as I face the challenge of staying a nonsmoker (6 weeks and counting), hitting that menopausal shift (what happened to my body?!) and still be expected to work full time, be a single mom and take care of elderly parents.....all suggestions welcomed.


  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    my suggestion is to make sure to find time for yourself. :)
  • mstuck08
    mstuck08 Posts: 31 Member
    What exercise do you like to do
  • joybenyah
    joybenyah Posts: 20 Member
    Your biggest challenge in that list is quitting smoking. I'm trying to help my mother to quit, but my suggestion to you would be to journal! Writing is very therapeutic if you're not already doing so. Go for walks if weather or time permits. Just know you don't have to do it alone, but your sanity is important ☺️
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    edited February 2016
    wilkersp wrote: »
    looking for tips that will help me stay on track as I face the challenge of staying a nonsmoker (6 weeks and counting), hitting that menopausal shift (what happened to my body?!) and still be expected to work full time, be a single mom and take care of elderly parents.....all suggestions welcomed.

    Kudos to you (sincerely) for staying a non-smoker and for taking care of your elderly parents. I'm also at that age where the body is doing it's own thing and I'm worried about our parents and our son who is trying to find his way in the world.

    I believe that @lisa9805 hit the nail on the head --> make time/take time for yourself. It sounds like several people are counting on you. You will be taking care of others as you take care of you.
  • paulajobelle
    paulajobelle Posts: 23 Member
    thank you all! right now I am getting up at 0300 to exercise (my dog is very confused by this) so I still have time to have coffee and relax before I start the day's routine. I am trying to split up my week with walking and upper body work 3 days a week and cardio/lower body the other 3. Going to give yoga and pilates a try as well as my best friend swears by how "relaxing" it is.....we will see.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I quit smoking in 2012 after a blood clot in my heart and leg artery. It was time to drop some weight and start exercising. Take it one day at a time. Log everything you eat and drink. It is hard with kids and elderly parents but you will do just fine if you take care of yourself and put your needs first. Good luck!