Help a vegetable hater

Recently I was told I need to lay off the sugars. I've been eating sugars my entire life though. Most diets I hear about is the low carbs and etc.. Well that basically means staying away from sugars... But that also means I have to eat vegetables. And that simply is not going to happen.

Fair Warning!!! Do not waste your time or breath telling me how important it is for me to have a "balanced" meal that contains vegetables in my diet. I will not EVER in a million years force myself to eat vegetables not even if it was the only thing to eat on this planet. I'd rather cut my fingers off and eat them instead. Even if it was life or death situation.. I'd die first. They make vitamins for people like me!

Without further delay, please, someone.. Tell me what else can I eat other than meats, fish, eggs, soups...


  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    If it was your doctor who said avoid sugar, ask if that means "added sugar". If it does, then you can eat fruit. I also eat yogurt, granola, protein bars, hummus and cheese. Oatmeal also...because low sugar isn't always low carb.

    And vegetables...not because I like them, but because I need them. You don't have to, but you'll be healthier if you do.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Ok I know you don't want advice on how to eat vegetables and would rather die than eat them...BUT: the word 'vegetable' covers a huge spectrum of foods. I am sceptical than you can truly dislike them all.
    Do you eat potatoes for instance?
  • brandnew222
    brandnew222 Posts: 42 Member
    edited April 2016
    How can you even hate ALL the vegetables? So many different flavours and ways to cook them.
  • paulajobelle
    paulajobelle Posts: 23 Member
    Beans are great and very versatile, nuts in moderation.
  • eeejer
    eeejer Posts: 339 Member
    I dislike vegetables as well, that is why I make a protein shake and put in spinach, broccoli, whatever and just blend it all then slam it back. Tastes like vanilla. I also eat a large salad but with plenty of feta, olives, good olive oil, apple cider vinegar and anything else to make it taste good. There are ways to get them down.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I agree with the post from eeejer. Smoothies seem like a good answer for you if you don't add sugar to it. Fruits are good; however, some of them are very high in sugar. I have figured out how to make some veggies taste pretty good. Do you truly hate ALL veggies? I'm asking because sometimes there are recipes that we could share that actually are surprisingly good. Example: butternut squash and carrots really make good naturally sweet dishes that taste really yummy. I have made a great butternut squash souffle and carrot souffle as well.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Fruits would be it, but....they have alot of natural sugar and if you use them to replace veggies, you'd wind up eating alot. I don't know how old you are, but sometimes a man's gotta do--what a man's gotta do. This means doing things you don't want to and eating things you don't like. I work alot with picky eaters (3 sons in their 20's) and it's amazing what I can hide from them. Any problem can be solved if you put your mind to it.
  • shadowmanlocal
    shadowmanlocal Posts: 15 Member
    I used to buy veg and not use it - repeatedly !! Then I found if I steamed or roasted veg - not overdone just crisp and fresh and added a lightweight sauce eg Ina Parmaan cheese sauce lo cal ready made ( 100 cals will do the job basically half a sachet ) it makes the veg completely palatable at least to my taste - with some eg chopped lean ham added in plus herbs etc they're even very tasty !!!! You can also have fruit in sensible portions , lo fat /zero fat yoghurt , salads try sundried tomatoes , bottled artichokes with the oil removed with lemon juice spray and Italian bottled antipasti mixed peppers etc again with the oil removed - they taste great - really !!!

    So withsomeculinary invention you may just avoid adding insult to injury by eating your fingers post removal !!!

    Best of luck !!!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Who told you to "lay off the sugars", why, and what does it mean?

    Vegetables is a very broad category. It's so broad that I believe it's all in your head. Are you sure you don't eat potatoes? French fries? Ketchup? Pickles? Baked beans? Fresh parsley?

    Vitamin pills are a poor substitute for real food. They are supposed to be a supplement to diet, not an alternative.

    In addition to meat, fish, eggs, soup (what's in those soups? are there soups without vegetables?), you can eat bread, pasta, rice, butter, seafood, fruit, berries, cheese, oatmeal, yogurt, nuts, herbs and spices.
  • mrprater1
    mrprater1 Posts: 22 Member
    edited April 2016
    I appreciate everyone's effort to encourage me to try "this one or that one." Or to keep insisting that I can't hate "all" of them. When in fact, I hate them all and I will never try to eat one more vegetable as long as I live.

    I've tried many over the years, I'm 27.. When I say many I mean A LOT. When you meet a girlfriends parents for dinner and her mom made something green... You can't be mean but you can make a small portion and mix it with something and fight the urge to throw up all over her china set after scarfing it down as fast possible trying not to taste it. Or how about when your grandma invites you over for dinner same thing applies or dinner with the church folks and family gatherings... Or how about because you know greens are healthy and its a good diet so you try them 5 or 6 different times of different kinds of veggies and you instantly gag and spit them out. Or how about when you're a child and your parents say "eat your veggies then you can go play" so you take one bite and hate it, so you feed them to your dog after everyone has left the room, or when you didn't have a dog so you just stared at them for at least an hour before your mom gave in. How about when you make a protein shake with them but you think about it having vegetables in it so you spend the rest of your night nauseous. A couple of my ex's literally tried to hide carrots (diced) and peas in my soup one time and spaghetti the other time... I literally never felt the same way about them after that. The fact that they know I hate vegetables and that they would literally try and force me to do something I don't want to do. I dislike them period. Just the thought of them makes me sick... Just like the thought of eating a deer or any kind of meat makes you sick.

    The nuts is a great idea. So is the beans,

    Do I eat potatoes? No, not even french fries...

    Just to clarify... and REPEAT I do not need vegetables because I take supplements... Just like some of you don't need meats because you have protein shakes...

    Thank you for understanding and not trying to bring me to the dark side. My mom has tried, my ex's have tried, my friends have tried... I assure you, you will lose this battle. I will not eat a vegetable. Lucky that I even eat fruits.

    What makes the veggies so bad to me? Lets see, first, they grow in the dirt.. Where it is sprayed with pesticides (I work in the pesticide business. I know some effects that it has on the plants when a neglectful farmer doesn't mind the way he sprays or over mixes his batch of chemicals.) Some insects live and breed in your vegetables... Fruit flies for example love moist damp areas so a greenhouse is perfect for them... And no you cannot control fruit flies completely in a commercial workplace because the rotten and bad food will get tossed in the same place everyday. Think of a bar.. Ever seen one that didn't have fruit flies? Didn't think so... But anyways, Fruit flies live on nasty foods that are rotten/decomposing. They prefer moist areas... They lay eggs every day. They hatch into larva every day.. They become maggots, and then a fly. Fly's land on your food, poop it out, eat their own poop, (actually they don't eat anything they suck it up through a genetic straw like thing much like a mosquito.) then they puke it up and lay an egg on the puke. Do you know why? Because the larva cannot eat whole foods so they need the liquid puke in order to survive. All of this is done in less than 30 seconds. And this is just one bug that inhabits your vegetables and fruits. I could go on for days about all the farms pests I've been called out to for an "expert opinion" and guess what.. Their food still got sold... Even if it was pooped, puked, and shat on.. Theirs plenty of others pests too... springtails, earwigs, caterpillars, moths, weevils etc... all do some vile nasty things that none of you know about and none of you realize what you're actually eating.
  • mrprater1
    mrprater1 Posts: 22 Member
    Who told you to "lay off the sugars", why, and what does it mean?

    Vegetables is a very broad category. It's so broad that I believe it's all in your head. Are you sure you don't eat potatoes? French fries? Ketchup? Pickles? Baked beans? Fresh parsley?

    Vitamin pills are a poor substitute for real food. They are supposed to be a supplement to diet, not an alternative.

    In addition to meat, fish, eggs, soup (what's in those soups? are there soups without vegetables?), you can eat bread, pasta, rice, butter, seafood, fruit, berries, cheese, oatmeal, yogurt, nuts, herbs and spices.

    Well I have used ketchup but its processed, baked beans no but I have managed to eat them before without issue. Potatoes nope, never... Yes they are soups without vegetables...

    So what you're saying is Protein shakes protein pills are poor substitutes to meat? I just want that clarified because of all the vegetarians/vegan/veggie lovers I'm picking up on in this site. No you didn't say that and I may be flipping your words from veggie pills to protein... But I would like to see some science that backs your statement that suppliments are a poor alternative to real food. Not trying to argue but I like to stay informed.

  • mrprater1
    mrprater1 Posts: 22 Member
    edited April 2016
    eeejer wrote: »
    Supplements do not replace food. It sounds like you need some professional therapy, seriously. The world is made of poo, you drink water that has been poo'd in. This is what your immune system is for.

    Agent Orange is a pesticide. It caused 100s of thousands of people to have birth defects. Leukemia, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, blindness, just to name a few... Pesticides that are being sprayed on vegetables right now have never been tested longer than 3 years. FDA doesn't regulate pesticides. The EPA does... EPA is piss poor in the pesticide department. It took them 50 years to figure out that chloridane was killing people. Just one more reason that I do not trust vegetables... Pesticides have a residual that can last for years. Chloridane is still being found to this day... Termidor a leading product on the market busted in my sprayer a few years back and burnt me...Residuual known to be 7-10 years. yet they spray your yards with it, they put it on your dog for flees.. active ingredient (fipronil) goes in Front Line... I bet after years of use an exposure people will have nerve problems because that is what Fipronil attacks is the nervous system of insects...
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    the dosage makes the poison.
  • agbmom556
    agbmom556 Posts: 694 Member
    I understand your view point. My husband works in cancer research and has strong opinions about certain foods.
    That being said have you tried lentils..?