musicfan68 Member


  • No. The body doesn't work like that. You have to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Period.
  • I have had water weight stick around for a week. Several years ago I was in a physical therapy program and they weighed us every month. I got weighed right after the 4th of July. I had eaten out, gone to parties, for 3 days over that 4th of July weekend. I was up 7 lbs when I weighed in. A week later, I asked to be weighed…
  • It hasn't worked before because you didn't make lifestyle changes that you could stick to. Like someone said above, just start tracking your calories. It will be eye opening, then decide where you can make a substitution or something you can eat less often. Then just keep making small changes and they will eventually…
  • Really, none of the above. I just watch my calories and eat basically what I want in correct portion sizes for me. I do generally intermittent fast because of my schedule, but not for the diet.
  • Eat larger portions of what you are eating. You are severely under eating if you actually are only eating 900 calories.
    in Calories Comment by musicfan68 June 2023
  • Your metabolism isn't "shot". You would be dead if it was. You are most likely eating more than you think you are. That is 99% of the time the reason people gain weight. You lose when you eat less than you expend. Start meticulously tracking your calories and see what you are actually eating. You might be surprised.
  • You are eating way more protein than you need, and you are probably eating way more than 1600 calories. Do you weigh all of your foods on a food scale to verify correct calories? If not, start doing this so you actually know how much you actually are taking in. Bottom line is if you are gaining weight, (aside from the…
  • You've started 4 different threads asking essentially the same thing, but you haven't responded to any of the questions asked. The easiest way to figure the calories you need to lose weight, is to set up MFP to lose .5 lb since you really don't have much to lose. This will give you the calories you need to eat to to lose…
  • No, your body doesn't "figure out" what you are doing and makes you stop losing weight. That's not how it works. Same with zigzagging calories, your body will lose weight when you are in a deficit, not because you are "confusing it" by giving it different calories every day.
  • You don't get motivated, you consciously change habits that make it easier for you to lose weight. Motivation doesn't last. Habits do, if you stick to them long enough.
    in How ? Comment by musicfan68 March 2023
  • It isn't harder at 50, you just haven't developed habits that will help you. Losing weight comes down to eating slightly below what your maintenance calories are. If you set up MFP correctly, and put a reasonable weight loss like 1 lb per week, then MFP gives you the calories you need to eat up to to lose weight. Track…
  • A digital scale is a lot easier and far more accurate than a bunch of "tubs" you have to wash.
  • Says who? My mother was diabetic, she needed to eat 3 times a day. I eat one meal a day. That doesn't work for everyone, but it works for me.
  • If I were to guess, it is your calorie counting that is off. You are probably eating more calories than you think you are. And you aren't in "starvation mode" eating 1700 calories, unless your calorie needs are like 3500 calories or some really high number.
  • Water doesn't have calories, so if you are draining water, you aren't losing any calories from the food. The food still has the calories. If it is milk, I guess you could measure what you pour out and subtract it from the total calories before you drain. Personally, I wouldn't get that specific.
  • I lost about 50 lbs about 10 years ago and have kept it off. I don't even think about it now, I just naturally eat less. I think eating 1 meal a day helps, for me. I'm always aware of the general number of calories I eat but don't specifically count anymore, as I developed habits when losing weight that I have kept up with.
  • That's not really how it works. Walking, or any activity, burns calories - calories from anything you eat whether it is protein, carbs or fat. You don't just burn carbs.
  • I agree with Ninerbuff - it isn't an addiction. It is a habit, it may be due to having the temptation around, and subpar diet overall. I don't have any sweets in the house, ever. I don't miss it if it isn't there. Others have also given good advice about substituting with fruit and not being too restrictive during the week.
  • No, she just needs to be patient and make sure her calorie tracking is accurate.
  • I eat what I want within the calories I need to lose weight.
  • I agree. Something is very off. If you are doing as much activity as you say and you are only eating 1200 calories, you should feel very tired, light headed, etc. I'm shorter than you and I can't function on 1200 calories, and I don't do nearly the amount of activity you do.
  • IBS and lactose intolerance are two different things. I have IBS and have had since I was a little kid. I tried taking Lactaid thinking maybe it was a lactose intolerance, and it made no difference.
  • 1750 isn't your BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate. Your BMR is the number of calories you need to stay alive in a coma or bedridden. 1750 is probably the number of calories you can eat to lose weight before exercise. Anything you do over that as far as exercise is added to calories you can eat. Most people start by eating about…
  • Don't keep the stuff that you can't control eating, in the house. I don't keep any chips, cookies or any snack food really, otherwise I would just mindlessly eat them.
  • I regularly eat around 7-8 pm, and am losing weight. It doesn't make me more hungry. If I ate at 5 however, I would probably be hungry again by 9 pm. These small studies don't prove much.
  • I'm physically disabled (walk with crutches), and have been told all my life to not do too much physically. I gained a lot of weight, and about 12 years ago I decided not to listen to the doctors, and started walking, 1/4 mile to start, every other day, and lost over 50 lbs. I need to keep up my strength so I can continue…
  • I have found that steak and baked potato at a restaurant is a lot less calories than pretty much anything. I would look up what the average calories for the kind of risotto you will have is, and compare it to ribeye.
  • That's easy. Quit fasting. It obviously doesn't work for you.