Judy, wonderful attitude. When I feel down, I'll read your post again.
WD, as you, my doctor has additional training but he's not an endocrinologist. He is a lot more supportive than the other twit I had before him, who kept saying I was lazy, even if I was able to considerably reduce my A1C. He wanted it under 5. I just couldn't but came quite close. Yeah, I guess I was lazy....... I did go…
Thank you! I keep saying to myself hey! You've been through worse. You're a tough cookie. Do you guys feel like beating the crap out of diabetes? I'll hold stupid d down, and you all kick with everything you have ;) ... I think lots of people would volunteer too. Judy, a person can have a stroke in their eye??! I had no…
Bulk Barn. Great! I plan to go tomorrow so I'll have a look. Thank you!!
I would go with you!!!!! :) I am sure you will do fine. Remember, when travelling, we are more active. Lots of walking when sight seeing :)
Never heard of black bean pasta. I will have to check this out :)
Yes! Diabetes is stupid like that!!! Fickle and half!! I could eat pizza without a problem and now, just to see the box is enough to send my sugars into orbit. Ugh. I'm glad I can still have my Java and sugars stay put.
Emily.... To be honest, I never saw a difference when using the alcohol wipes. Best way to practice moderation is by sharing a plate with someone :) I envy you! You'll have to tell us how everything went. Have fun!!!
I lived in England for 8 years. We travelled a lot while over there, throughout Europe. Never had problems with testing. On either side of the "puddle", I find some people may dislike or feel uncomfortable with testing my sugars because they don't want to see blood when they eat. They don't want bloody fingerprints all…
Had the best espresso this afternoon.......... Oh la la!!!!
92.4 ... Lowest since I've been on a diet :)
Judy..... You have all my admiration! How on earth were you able to go from 22 or more to just two...??! Was it hard? Did you have a headache the size of a bus? I'd be happy with 4 a day. I can never stick to just 4.
My heart goes out to you.... My oldest son lives in Scotland with his wife and new baby. My first grand baby! I live in Canada. This distance is so challenging, isn't it? A big hug to you. May I suggest you don't even think about how much you need to lose but just set yourself a weekly goal perhaps? Even a daily goal!…
Judy, my doctor is extremely demanding. It's never enough. I've been putting off blood work for that very reason. I know. It's stupid.
Feeding the birdies is an amazing idea!!!!! Was able to tame a couple of blue jays in my backyard last summer. They would take their peanuts from my hand. I love birds! :) Have a great wonderful Easter!
Judy, I was a long while not testing. Perhaps stupid but I started to hate my meter. With a passion! But then I realized it was a TOOL How does the saying goes? "Out of sight, out of mind" or something like that. Was very true in my case. It actually helps when I keep an eye (or two) on my numbers. All the times I fell off…
In Ottawa! :)
Wrap them up for your grand-daughters quick!!!! :) Or just throw them out. I don't know what they put in those mini eggs. Crack cocaine??! If I have ONE... I fall off the wagon really hard. I think they should be illegal. Banned from the planet Earth!! Take good care!
This is great news!! When you are on the right medication for you, and you have a really good doctor, you're in business! :) Amazing feeling to see fasting numbers drop, isn't it? Congrats! And here's to you and good health :)
Judy, thank you! Will talk to my doctor about those Canadian Diabetes Association goals. Those I can achieve! Maybe he has his "own" goals??!?
5.8 mmol/L so 104 mg/dl for you guys :) I started my diet Monday and I've been plagued with headaches. Really struggling today. It's a pounding in my head which woke me up this morning but I wasn't low.
Judy, I was told under 6 is the goal. Last year I achieved 6... And was told still not good enough. I had worked SO hard! So that's when I let things slide. I was so discouraged you know? Those are the levels I am expected to reach: Fasting sugars : under 5 mmol/L Before a meal : 6 or under A1C : 5.9 or less This morning,…
Hi there! 52, Type 2, and eyes of blue. Just kidding. Eyes of blue made it rhyme ;) Did very well last year but I got discouraged at one point. I let everything gradually slide. Oh! That slippery slope... I've fallen off the wagon so many times, I'd make a great stunt woman. I'm starting to think it doesn't matter if I…
Beautifully written, full of humour... And quite accurate and true. Thank you! I needed a laugh.
What can I say? Thank you! I just wish doctors and healthcare people in general would be more supportive. Of course a person can strive for even better results... I have this fantasy that one day I'll have an A1C of 5 and no I'm not on drugs :) - But once in a while, the simple recognition you've come a long way and ARE…
I was simply over the moon...!! Can you imagine? *S*I*X* !!!! They really burst my bubble when I was told it still wasn't good enough. I could do better. There were days I'd go to bed hungry. I mean REALLY hungry. That's why I'm so scared to go for yet another A1C. My numbers have crept up. Stupid perhaps but I feel like a…
Terrible what happened to you! Losing weight is hard enough, especially when diabetes has been thrown in the mix, so I can't even imagine when you're dealing with pain on a daily basis on top of that. An uphill battle indeed! Diabetes is stupid really... You can run high when sick, tired, injured or like you, dealing with…
Thank you Rick. Will,check it out.
Sometimes I feel I am fighting two "wars" at the same time. It gets tiring! Ever feel like that? I'm due for yet another A1C test and I'm scared. Last year my A1C went from 9 to 6. I was SO happy but I did work hard for it. My numbers have started to creep up though. I stopped going to the gym. Fasting sugars are my…