kirstie1978 Member


  • @RalfLott no I take no medication except the pill. It's more the stiffness but all over and then I get cramps as well.
  • Thanks. I have added magnesium malate to order tonight! I am hoping this will help with fatigue and muscle cramps. Thanks everyone, fingers crossed!
  • Thanks yeah I have read that. Just seems to be a new thing which is what has confused me. Thanks I'll go ahead and try the supplements
  • Thanks. I appreciate the replies. I am aware how in accurate MFP is but wondered about increasing calories/intake on these days or not... But I do also agree about following hunger, although as some might have seen from a previous post I am frequently hungry despite my 20grams of carbs and keeping the other macros within…
  • Maths was never my forte, but it looked like a plus 0.56 on my webpage viewer which might explain why I struggled! Will revisit. Thanks!
  • Interesting article though I can't get the maths to work! Using his example as well I can not get 65g as an answer! Haha!
  • Thanks @sunny_bunny_ Yes I have always had issues with it, but have never had any issues with it on tests, I've had a few blood tests due to the fact I suffer with chronic fatigue and low vitamin levels and know my fasting glucose has always been fine, although my body tries to tell me otherwise, I am going to start…
  • Thanks. Yeah it's definitely hunger, I have always suffered with the shakes when my body is hungry, aside from the other signals, I've been good with distraction and my job is super busy so I don't get a chance for boredom! So it's definitely proper hunger, but I am wondering if maybe it is slightly my body being used to…
  • @samanthaluangphixay Thanks for the replies. yeah I'm eating bacon eggs and cream/cream cheese for breakfast, that's the best time of day for less hunger as I go 4 hours without feeling hungry. it's after lunch (which usually has a high fat content) that's the worst, I've upped my calories and fat intake and am hitting my…
  • Great one. Well done! I am truly hungry by 10:30 and no amount of water can help! Then again by 12:30 and 3:30/4 and by dinner time. So I am desperate to find a way to cut back. I tried BPC and failed I was hungry an hour later! I know I need to cut out 30g nuts and my small cheese portion during the day but I am properly…
  • I'm over hitting them that's the problem. I usually exercise more so it wouldn't be a problem but due to a hip injury am unable to so want to stick to the 75grams. I am 5ft 7 and that was the suggested macro with 1400cals for my height/weight
  • What about gelatine? I believe that's mainly protein.... And would be easy to swallow?
  • I thought I'd posted my helpful recipe but appears not! Last time I did low cab I used jelly a lot for a sweet fix (sugar free of course!) but another thing I used to do was make it into gummy sweets so I would have small amounts. I mixed the packet with half the required amount of water and depending how hard you want…
  • I've just made a chia pudding thing for easy breakfasts. It's amazing (although I haven't had it once it's completely set.... But really scrum my and I'm sure it wouldn't turn many heads!
  • I'm a nurse and the diabetic nurse at work heard me talking to my colleague about me being on a low carb diet and eating less than 20grams of carbs a day.... She went crazy at me! Especially about the fat and how it's a recipe for a heart attack.... I diplomatically reminded her that I dance (when my hip permits!) and so…
  • Haha as a nurse there are plenty of interesting things I have seen that can be put down to boredom related activities! Scary! Editing as most of my post was deleted! It's definitely hunger not thirst or boredom etc.... That's the weird thing as I don't get like it normally! I'm not sure it's TOM as I'm week 2 of my…
  • I have bought capsules from the health food shop... Much easier!
  • Thanks. That's what I've weight loss since and no ketones except after dance but I'm usually quite dehydrated then... I'm sticking to circa 20g no more than that so yeah hopefully will all sort soon! If that doesn't work then I'll have to cut back more on things but from what I'm reading it should be working!…
  • Thanks @michelle172415 I tried to but can't see it. Quite new to the additional features from 6 years ago!
  • Thanks I have checked and am eating that level and above plus having sparkling water which contains potassium etc. Perhaps I'm just expecting more losses after the big one after the first couple of days and a bit apprehensive with not having ketostick changing couloir. I will see how it is in a couple of days and if the…
  • Thanks. Appreciate that. Think I'm just concerned I've got something wrong.... Was worried maybe too much protein or something. Have made some "fudge" stuff which is high in fat so hopefully that will help as some people say that adds to helping. Appreciate the comments. Suppose I just expected a ketostick change having…
  • Thanks. I'll check those out. I am taking supplenets and the salt intake is quite high given the bacon etc I am eating. I'll try find the launch pad sticky post. Really appreciate the help. Thanks