

  • H.I.I.T. is for High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardio that will allow you to burn a alot calories in a short period of time *smile* and it can be very challenging.. H.I.T. is for High Intensity Training which will make you throw up the first few times if you have a good P.I.T. Master either from weight…
  • Try H.I.T.T. training and you'll burn more calories in less physically activity time and then at rest you will burn even more calories. You'll also feel like you just ran a marathon lol.
  • Don't forget Ground Turkey *smile*... Then again thank your blood type for your ability to process red meat and your genetic code.
  • Hey if your doing CrossFit the numbers here do not apply. Remember that. CrossFit requires more and realistically Paleo eating patterns and lifestyle goes hand in hand with it. So your doing fine. We do a lot with CrossFit training and tweaking the eating habits comes into play.. But your doing great.
  • I love it. I try to have people realize similiar goals...
  • I'll have to take a look. I'm thinking from the sounds of it is like the PaleZone Eating habits of the CrossFit generation.
  • Jill see my post to Jovi.. And your doing great because Mr. Horton is a BEAST at muscle confusion. That is why i love being one of the coaches. My clients nationally are either on or have done P90X and have moved on to Insanity and get the monthly DVD from him. I figured why reinvent the wheel and I hated doing Webcast…
  • Drop me an email and I'll send you a list of foods you should avoid. This will help out a lot. I.E. I have this one client who when we first started was making great lean muscle mass gains. I weighed him weekly with my Tanita BF-350 which integrates into my scale so I'm getting hydration levels, lean muscle mass, BMR, BF%.…
  • Blood type A's can deal with carbs better then O blood types. I wonder which one you are. All carbs are not created equal. Get yourself a nutrient density food list. As long as your energy levels don't crash, reducing your carb intake is fine (just don't reduce it to low) I adjust the amount of Carbs, Protein and Fat I…
  • Well elizamary77 I see where you coming from. Your metabolic rate drops when you're sleeping. You're not burning nearly as many calories as you do during your waking hours. Sort of like a bear hibernating in the winter. :smile: As far as working out goes. You don't need to work out for hours and daily to get results. This…
  • Hey Tess If I was counseling a client on the option of working out late or not working out late at all. In my professional opinion i would suggest them not work out at all. This is based on 2 hours or less before bed time. Let me clarify. Not working out in a stressful manner that would raise thier cortisol. That is the…
  • I must disagree with Tess on this fact. Their exist many studies on this fact as well as to working out to late before going to bed. We humans are not nocturnal in nature. The chemicals our body makes is in direct relation to our environment and strrssors we put on it.
  • Carbs are needed and are your energy source. As said before carbs are not bad. FInd out what your Blood type is. YOu can be eating all the right foods but not right for you. Also look at your sleep patterns and being an over trainer will also cause you to plateau. Over training takes you out of fat burning into muscle…
  • Horton is an ANIMAL. I utilize his video's for my clients to conintue on without me lol. I'm one of the BB coaches and really like his approach to muscle confusion. Once your done and move on to insanity make sure to also get his monthly DVD's sent to you so you can keep mixing it up. If anything i revisit the P90X for the…
  • :happy: A Native New Yorker (city) Who is now residing in Washington State (with a few other states under by belt on the we over here )
  • Hey WannbAHottie Depending on your goal and for the sake of time you are able to get in under 30min a work out that would make you feel ike you just did half a marathon. From working in a Gym environment to having my own work out studio and from personal training of myself and clients i can gurantee you if your working out…
  • Please Step away from the Skinny cow... Now place your hands in the air... and give me 10 burpees for each spoon full you ate and we will call it even. :happy:
  • Jet i'm curious as to what type of routine your doing for almost 2 hours.. If you streamline your work out you will notice amazing things...:smile:
  • As a whole it's not a good idea to work out close to your bed time. You have to think about what your doing to your body when you workout. The stressors and cortisol increase depending on your workout. Also, you need to nourish your body after a workout and general rule of thumb is no eating 2 hours before bed time (usual…
  • Truth be told I got on here to keep tabs on my clients.. The little buggers are trying to avoid using it to track caloric intake but i'm working on it. Thanks
  • Running can be addictive but also cant take a toll on the joints espeically if your only doing aerboic style running. Based on a lot of factor's it is alway best to develop your core and lower extremities to add lean muscle mass around your bones/joints to protect them from the repeitive motion that can wear down…
  • It gives you a base line of your caloric expenditure and is an estimate. What you need know is your Active Metabolic Rate. I have my clients wear a heart rate monitor watch that also gives you your caloric expenditure. Here is a bit of information for you. If your attempting to lose weight you need a deficit in your…
  • I see what your saying but here is the deal in mass production they go by what the first one was and then just replicate the amounts no matter what the serving amount is in the actual container. Now thats dealing with the actual serving content On another note you will always run into a caloric issues if you try this…
  • As a personal trainer, my reality is to give them the bottom line. My equation for success for my clients is simple 50% eating habits 30% supplementing what we are removing from the dietary intake due to un needed fillers but then a lack of certain vitamins and minerals 20% sad to say that is exercise. It does bring it all…