The Good, The Bad, The Fat The Skinny of Extensive Cardio

Wanted to address this for the masses based on the post I put up on my status.

Here is a good starting point

Now understand this. As you can see they listed it in a 30min time frame. Here is the deal. When you go past a certain time frame of intense cardio and past your zone, you effectively go from burning fat to burning muscle. Laymen’s term muscle is easier to break down and utilize then fat and when you need energy now it’s going to go for what it can get and fast.

The other flip of the coin that I also see with my climbers is that the body knows that if you’re going long periods of time with cardio, it’s going to need energy to sustain you. Some day climbs can burn off in the upward 5ks in caloric expenditure. The body is then going to ration out that source of energy. Doesn’t mean you’re losing weight in the since of it being body fat. You’ll lose more lean muscle mass then anything.

This is what body builders understand. Not to say that cardio isn’t done by them because those who care about increasing their cardiovascular capabilities to carry that extra poundage of lean muscle implement good cardio. And extensive cardio is not the only way to get a good caloric burn or even a better one (I’ll address this another time).

So, if you’re doing that intense cardio, you need to increase your protein intake to not only replenish your caloric need but to feed your muscle mass as well as your electrolytes. You can try old fashioned eating and water to replace them but it’s not as effective. Plus you end up consuming unwanted calories.. That leaves you with a replacement beverage. I don’t care for the majority of them on the market because they are not made synergistically for the body.

If your active MR is say 1700 and you’re doing caloric deficit (keep in mind a standard rule of thumb, for men= do not go under 1800 calories and for women do not go below 1200 because you’re not able to give your body the required nourishment it requires for optimal health) technically you can do a 500 caloric daily deficit to hit 1200.

Now let’s say you worked out and you burned another 600 calories doing sustained cardio for an extended period of time instead of a combination of callisthenic and or resistance training.. Now you took in 1200 you burned 600 which leaves your body running on 600.. Not good.

This is why I say on days you work out you should increase your caloric intake because your body, from your workout has just depleted the bodies resources. Your electrolytes, damage at the celluar level occurs, tissue needs repairing and good old Cortisol is on the rise running rampant, your energy levels will be low and so on and so on OH not to mention your metabolism will also slow down after the training. WHY because that type of cardio tappers off vs another type of cardio which causes it to rev up after your done.

So be leery Of how you approach your caloric intake and extensive cardio and understand that the body will try its best to preserve your life even when you’re not.


  • mandipandi2010
    Much appreciated! I guess maybe its not the best to not eat ur extra calories when you have had a really hard work out that day. Love the knowledge suga!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    burned a thousand calories doing cardio yesterday and had a lovely time eating tons of protein to make up the difference. yum!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    ITA! And in any case, I never do more than 45 minutes of cardio tops (and even that is rare)!! I hate it! I would much rather weight train or ice skate, ride a bike, etc..
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Great post. I have actually noticed that sometimes after a long intensive cardio workout my sweat smelled of ammonia. When I researched why it was (and there wasn't much info to find) I determined that my body was breaking down muscle for fuel. The ammonia is a by product of protein metabolism and that's why my sweat smelled of ammonia. Now my cardio session are 30min long.
    Interesting though - the weight was coming off very easily when I was just walking and doing yoga (10lbs in a month). Now that I've added running and kettlebells, the weight is not coming off so fast. It's OK because I feel really good and strong so I am keeping up with it.
    FAKECED Posts: 61
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    oh my goodness!! I knew that it wasnt good that I burned 1400 cals but only ate just over that yesterday no wonder i was feeling lethargic later that night!! will make sure that doesnt happen again working out tonight so will keep track of my calories burned aswell as my protien intake and cal intake

    Thnankfor this info your a wee star!! ;-)
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Yes, very good info. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
  • getphysicallyfit
    ITA! And in any case, I never do more than 45 minutes of cardio tops (and even that is rare)!! I hate it! I would much rather weight train or ice skate, ride a bike, etc..

    Try H.I.T.T. training and you'll burn more calories in less physically activity time and then at rest you will burn even more calories.
    You'll also feel like you just ran a marathon lol.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I do HIIT on the elliptical once in a while. When I do cardio, I like to do 20 mins doing something (running) at the beginning of the workout and 20 minutes doing something else (stair climber or elliptical) at the end of the workout. Usually I just do 10 minutes at the beginning, 10 at the end. I really get better results spending more effort on weight training.
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    What is HIITT Training?? would like to give this a try?
  • getphysicallyfit
    What is HIITT Training?? would like to give this a try?

    H.I.I.T. is for High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardio that will allow you to burn a alot calories in a short period of time *smile* and it can be very challenging..

    H.I.T. is for High Intensity Training which will make you throw up the first few times if you have a good P.I.T. Master either from weight lifting or none weight lifting lol.