Get Physically Fit Here

Wellness Professional. I came across this sit to utilize for my clients in conjuntion with my BeachBody Program and my AdvoCare supplement line. Its working out great to teach my clients accountability.


  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    I work in the office part of a large recreational facility. Staff and friends who work out are thrilled with this site as well....accountability is HUGE. That is the first thing I tell peole when I mention this's makes you accountable. Seeing the numbers in black and white cannot be ignored.
  • getphysicallyfit
    As a personal trainer, my reality is to give them the bottom line. My equation for success for my clients is simple
    50% eating habits
    30% supplementing what we are removing from the dietary intake due to un needed fillers but then a lack of certain vitamins and minerals
    20% sad to say that is exercise. It does bring it all together though.
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Well you look great....and this site is pretty awesome! I love it so far !
  • getphysicallyfit
    Truth be told I got on here to keep tabs on my clients.. The little buggers are trying to avoid using it to track caloric intake but i'm working on it.
