SuperNerd42 Member


  • Step it back slowly (very slowly) to avoid the headaches and withdrawal. Buy a bag of decaf and start to mix it in with your regular. If you brew a pot with two scoops of coffee, do a week of a scoop and a half reg and a half a scoop decaf. Then half and half for a while, etc. once you get to all or mostly decaf it will be…
  • Wow! I own easily twice that in just books. Impressive!
  • American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Thoroughly enjoying it- I'm about 3/4 of the way through and will be disappointed when it's done. Next up is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by PKD. It's a classic that I can't believe I haven't read until now.
  • Now you know! It is continually eye opening how many calories are in the different foods (and drinks!) I love. Best advice around is to log what you eat- all of it. Don't skip when you cheat, or fudge the portion sizes, you aren't doing yourself any favors that way!
  • This what I think of anytime I read about juice cleanses :) Haven't done one- although based on what I've heard I'd stock up on tp.
  • Yankees fan ;)
  • Depends on your body, your genetics, and honestly each pregnancy. You do lose a good chunk right away, but not everything. My own recent example- I walked out of the hospital 15 lbs lighter than I walked in. 7 pounds of that was baby, the other 8 was placenta, fluid, etc. I'm still working on the "above and beyond" weight…
  • I'm so glad they aren't rehashing the origin story again. My only fear is that Tony will overpower the story. I feel like Stark can be a good driver for the film, but I hope he doesn't take away from Spidey
  • Congratulations! My littlest is also 7 weeks :) you are ahead of me in that you are already hitting the gym more than I am! Next is just watch the calories and log your food. I've noticed that now that the "easy" weight has dropped off from right after delivery that I've slowed down. I also know that where the weight is…
  • Unless you are a vampire I wouldn't worry about it ;)
  • Zofran is how I survived hyperemesis gravidarum with both my pregnancies. There is a higher risk in the First Tri, but outside of that is considered safe. There are other medications too, like Phenergan or unison + B6.
  • Yesterday I made an "open face egg roll" and it turned out super yummy! I stir fried some broccoli slaw veg, then added in a tsp of each orange juice and low sodium soy sauce. Once that had mostly cooked in I cracked and egg into the pan and scrambled it with the veg. It was 115 calories for a small lunch! Easy to bulk out…
  • I've recently taken to eating more snacks throughout the day. Prelogging and preplanning meals has helped tremendously! Instead of begging myself not to eat the chips I focus on trying to wait a bit longer before eating them. If I get a bad craving for something overly indulgent I'll drink a big glass of ice water and then…
  • You have some great motivations, good for you for taking on the weight! My advice would be to build in calories for take out pizza or a burger here and again. It doesn't have to be a day ruiner! Just plan for your pizza night! Maybe knowing that it's coming will help with the cravings on the other days. Even if you folded…
  • I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself and take care! I don't have any pregnancy weight specific thoughts, other than to plug in your current stats and eat at a deficit.
  • I'm on maternity leave right now, so the snacks are always at hand. It can be a brutal temptation! Silly thing that works for me- when the munchies or a bingey craving comes on I drink a glass of ice water and then go brush my teeth. Nothing tastes good mixed with toothpaste! It almost always gives me time to get over the…
  • It certainly won't hurt anything! While it wasn't the case for us, I've had friends that had an easier time after losing weight. It will definitely make your pregnancy more comfortable!! We suffered Secondary IF will my littlest and it is the freaking pits. I ended up gaining several pounds thanks to fertility meds. If you…
  • Awesome! Small changes are so much more sustainable. Plus I love trying different roasts and blends, without creamers you can really taste the differences!
  • Always looking for mom friends! Oldest is 5, baby is 6 weeks. I just got the ok to work out again, so I'm excited to start again. I never did lose everything from my oldest, and then tacked more on with some meds.
  • I'm hoping someone has the magic answer, because I have terrible luck with this too. The best I've found is to cook the noodles separately and shock them in cold water. Add them to the crock shortly before serving.
  • I love tacos! They can be very healthy or very... not. Depends on how you make them. I skip the cheese and go lite on the sour cream. Cook up black beans with some cilantro and lime, throw in some fresh corn and chopped tomato, maybe sweat some peppers and onions, wrap them in lettuce instead of tortilla, etc. Corn…
  • Did you go cold turkey? It can be so so hard to break a habit like that! Good on you for getting to a week- that's an awesome accomplishment. I agree with others about adding in diet soda if you are really jonesing. Keep it in moderation and slowly wean yourself off that (or keep the diet soda if you like it! No harm if it…
  • Postpartum is tough! Congrats on your sweet boy :) My youngest daughter is 6 weeks, and I was just cleared for exercise so up until now it's just been food logging and being smart about what I eat. I've found that I go for long stretches without eating during the day (usually distracted by baby- not intentionally fasting…
  • Congrats on the loss! 100% on the bike shorts. You will be so glad you got them.
  • Totally depends on your comfort level! Do a quick sun salutation to see if the girls get in your way or bother you. If yes then wear bra, if no then go for it!
  • I'm so so sorry you are dealing with so much stress! I'm glad it sounds like you have a supportive OB and home life. Even in the best of circumstances pregnancy is tough. L&D is especially hard! Have you considered finding a doula? Having someone to support you during pregnancy and labor and have your back when things get…
  • My people! I'm a huge bookworm. I love science fiction and speculative fiction, and I'll throw some fantasy in to balance it out. I'm always on the lookout for the next good book. I'm also passionate about the cinematic and literary worlds of LOTR, HP, Jurassic Park (I would have named this child Grant had it been a boy-…
  • Mom to a 5 yo and a 1 month old. I'm excited to work on getting my body back- at least as much as I can :)
  • Awesome job!! 29 yo mom of a 5 year old and a 1 month old. It can be tricky to balance it all- not to mention sleeping once in a while ;) Feel free to add me!
  • Another one with instant boob loss. Sad, but I had a feeling it was coming. It's just too bad the belly fat doesn't melt away the same way!