rolenthegreat Member


  • The BMI chart is a range for a reason. Especially for women. I'm 5'1", 122lbs, BMI of around 23 which is on the higher end of 'normal'. I have a decent amount of muscle mass, I'm a pear shape, and have E cups. My BF% is at most 28-30%. Both Devine & Hamwi put my 'ideal weight' at 105lbs. That would make my BMI a totally…
  • Usually I hit the gym 4-5 times a week, I take classes specifically so I HAVE to be there at a certain time or I would never go. It took me a while to work up to that routine. Lately I've been really busy, planning a wedding, working late & such. So I've only been making it in on Sat & Sun.
  • My BMI is 23 which is normal & I feel normal. Some calculators say that my ideal body-weight is 10-15lbs less, which I do NOT think would be a sustainable healthy weight for me personally.
  • Try taking progression photos of yourself too. I'm mostly here on MFP for recomp even though I haven't changed clothing sizes, I can see a difference in photos.
  • I found it most helpful to start by just logging what I am eating in a 'normal' day. About 5-7 days of that helped me build the habit of logging food, gave me a better base understanding of nutrition, an idea how many calories are in certain things, and what I needed to change to see better results. Because we all have…
  • I record myself as sedentary and turn on the pedometer on my phone and take it with me when I walk. It's not super accurate but it does award me a couple extra calories every day. If you want something better you can get an actual pedometer for like $20. I don't really like the term 'cheat' meal. But once or twice a week I…
  • I'm not sure what your fitness goals really are but it might be time to look into the 'recomp' boards. Also just to reiterate what other people are saying, I'm a 120lb, 5'1" female who works an office job, and my…
  • Yeah, like I said, it isn't going to have an affect on the average consumer. But I HAVE known people who drank more than 100 diet cokes in a week. I may have been there myself until I stopped & counted it up. I worked at a place with a soda machine, refills were free. A big-gulp (I think they were around 40oz) when I got…
  • Does your local grocery have a shopping service? I can place an order online with our local Kroger's and then just pick it up without having to actually 'shop'. I don't use it every time but if grocery shopping is giving you anxieties/where you go wrong it could help remove some temptation.
  • The thing about 'diet' foodstuffs (at least here in America) is that most of them are not truely zero calories. The FDA allows companies to put '0 calories' on the package as long as it has less than 5 calories per serving. So there are usually 1-4 calories in most calorie free things. Which isn't going to have an affect…
  • I have some back pain problems, and it is helped immensely by keeping better form during my workouts. I frequently forget about my stomach muscles, but keeping them properly engaged and not letting my stomach pooch has relieved a LOT of strain from my back. Maybe find yourself a trainer or at least a trusted workout buddy…
  • Haha! I don't think that's exactly what I'm looking for. But maybe I'll put it on my list of songs to try at Karaoke instead ;) I'm not a huge Ed Sheeran fan but this is a really cute song. I do not know this one, I'll put it on the list. BF and I both love Tom Waits, he put 'I Can't Wait to Get Off Work To See My Baby' on…
  • That is really sweet!
  • I'm not a big meat eater, I supplement with protein shakes, but as a snack not really as a meal. Usually it's just powder and almond milk. But when I am feeling fancy I throw in a banana or some Greek yogurt.
  • Thanks! I don't really know either of these, I'll add them to my Youtube playlist to listen to. OMG, I do love this song! Al Green! Classic and I hadn't even looked at him yet!
  • I'm trying to be a daily user. I could use a few more friends. It's great motivation to see other people's progress in my feed.
  • Muscles can hold onto water when they are repairing themselves. While you were killing it at the gym you muscles were tearing down & rebuilding to make you stronger. When you have a couple days (or a week) of rest time your muscles can drop some of that water. Some people refer to it as a 'whoosh'. I don't think everyone…
  • Exercise always makes me bleed a bit heavier. I usually put a 'heavy' tampon and a pantyliner.
  • When I up my protein and lower my carbs I can get a bit backed up, but I attribute my diet being a bit lower in fiber when I eat that way. My heritage is mostly Irish/German not sure where that puts me on the Northern/Southern European scale though.
  • Eat back your exercise calories. And also check yourself on the weekends. I sit at a desk for 8-10 hours five days a week but on the weekends I go out/shopping/am not sedentary. It took me a couple weeks to realize this is part of why I am SO HUNGRY on the weekends.
  • I don't think it's rude to not comment/like things. Especially closed diaries. I almost never read people's food diaries but I do 'like' when they have been completed (regardless of whether or not they went over) because I feel like it's trying that counts. The way I see it even if someone goes way over they are still…
  • I love to get burrito bowls at Qudoba or Chipotle. I usually order the kids portion because it's way less food and temptation to overeat. Also Turkey Sandwiches with a boatload of veggies. Subway and Jimmy John's are my go-tos because they are close to my workplace.
  • I think there's a line. My guy has definitely put on some pounds since we've been together and I've pestered him to try not to binge eat and get some actual exercise because I am concerned about his health not because I find him 'unattractive' now. But I think massive weight changes can frequently come with changes in…
  • I sign up for classes. Having a set time that I HAVE to be there is the only thing that gets me out of the house.
  • Find something low-cal high volume that you enjoy so you can fill up on that. A lot of veggies meet this requirement. For me it's cooked spinach with a bit of cheese and salt sprinkled on top. Spinach is like 20 calories for 100 grams. Baby carrots and canned tuna are also on my list of snacks to always keep in the house.
  • I hate running. But started taking a hula hoop class regularly and it is a KILLER cardio workout.
  • Awesome job! Congrats on the wedding!
  • Are you weighting every day or just once per week? Also have you all been working out more lately? I weight a 2-3 pounds heavier a couple days after hitting the gym really hard. Your muscles can retain extra water when they are repairing themselves.
  • You might be looking for 'recomp'. Try this thread.
  • I stopped dating a guy in high school because of his lazy eye. I mean I KNEW about it when he asked, but he wore corrective lenses to school which helped. But on the date he wanted to look 'good' so he didn't wear his glasses and I genuinely couldn't tell if he was looking at me or not and it weirded me out.