Pinched sciatic nerve stretches/exercise.



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Once I'm healed & comfortable working out, what are some things you guys do to help prevent it?
    My doctor told me core workouts to help build the muscle & lower back. I asked if a weight lifting belt would help & he said it could.

    I just don't want to stop doing leg workouts or lower back workouts because of this, I just want to be able to do them properly so I can prevent it from happening.

    Yes, mine told me the same, so that's where my priority is (or will be once I'm cleared to exercise). Modifying my program sucked, but being in pain all the time and not being able to work out at all sucks more. This is one of those times you have to put your ego aside and work with your body, not against it.
  • CynoO
    CynoO Posts: 161 Member
    Recently have this it has been 6 weeks I do physio therapy every day and yoga and I am starting to see progress.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Once I'm healed & comfortable working out, what are some things you guys do to help prevent it?
    My doctor told me core workouts to help build the muscle & lower back. I asked if a weight lifting belt would help & he said it could.

    I just don't want to stop doing leg workouts or lower back workouts because of this, I just want to be able to do them properly so I can prevent it from happening.

    Yes, mine told me the same, so that's where my priority is (or will be once I'm cleared to exercise). Modifying my program sucked, but being in pain all the time and not being able to work out at all sucks more. This is one of those times you have to put your ego aside and work with your body, not against it.

    This is an interesting drill from Dan John. Works really nice as a general warm up and is very effective for the core.
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I have chronic sciatic flare-ups due to a car accident 30 years ago. One good sneeze and my back will go out. I swear by stretching exercises. I googled "sciatic stretching" and came up with the same chart (and other good ones) that my physical therapist and orthopedist gave me over 30 years ago. Here's the link:

    One of the key things that I had to change was rather simple but the effect was astounding -- getting out of bed. I used to just sit up in bed, and then swing my legs over the side to get up. WRONG. The correct way for those with sciatic issues is to roll on your side, drop your legs over the side of the bed, and THEN push yourself upright. Just that little change has decreased a tremendous amount of strain.

    Now to cover the long term effects on a weight lifting workouts. There are certain exercises that I've found exacerbate the sciatic issue. Basically, anything that puts a large amount of weight on your shoulders will cause sciatic compression. So, no squats or lunges. This doesn't mean that the legs and glutes won't get worked -- leg presses take their place. Core and back exercises are vital. By strengthening those muscle groups, strain is removed from the spine.

    And finally, (can't stress this one enough) be extra conscious of your form when lifting. If you're not sure of your form, get a workout body or trainer to evaluate it. Every few years, I'll hire a trainer for a few sessions to go over my form, and possibly learn new equipment. My personal rule, I'll try anything at least once, but if I feel the slightest pull/twinge in my lower back, watch your feet, cause I'm dropping weights.

    For now, let your back heal. Feel better soon!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I have had sciatica as well and currently have lower back (butt) pain. I see BOTH a chiropractor 2 days a week and an acupuncturist. My insurance covers my acupuncture (24 sessions a year for $20 a visit). The chiro is $69 for 4 sessions and $10 for each additional session a month. Man it has made a huge difference. I also stretch a lot more before going to bed.
  • rolenthegreat
    rolenthegreat Posts: 78 Member
    Once I'm healed & comfortable working out, what are some things you guys do to help prevent it?
    My doctor told me core workouts to help build the muscle & lower back. I asked if a weight lifting belt would help & he said it could.

    I just don't want to stop doing leg workouts or lower back workouts because of this, I just want to be able to do them properly so I can prevent it from happening.

    I have some back pain problems, and it is helped immensely by keeping better form during my workouts. I frequently forget about my stomach muscles, but keeping them properly engaged and not letting my stomach pooch has relieved a LOT of strain from my back. Maybe find yourself a trainer or at least a trusted workout buddy who will yell at you when you are using bad form.
    As for ab/core workouts (I only really do body-weight workouts) but v-ups, dead bugs with a yoga ball, and I'm not sure if there's a better name for it but leg lifts with straddled legs.
    Superman is one that is good for your lower back that I also enjoy.
    I don't know if any of these can really be done while added weight but even just the body weight movements for a minute each provides a really good challenge, and I think all of them are target muscles better than the dreaded 'crunch'.
    (Obviously like everyone else said check with your doctor before doing these things.)
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    So recently I had a lot of lower back/buttocks/leg pain & I stopped being stubborn thinking it was soreness from the gym & went to the doctors.
    Turned out to be a pinched sciatic nerve. Yay me.
    So I'm on bed rest/taking it easy from work til money. On top of the muscle relaxers & pain killers, my doctor recommended I try some stretches/exercises to help loosen the muscle & what not.
    So, has anyone ever had one of these & did any exercises/stretches to help with recover?

    Unfortunately this says pretty much nothing. Sciatic pain is a symptom of an issue. Assume he didn't say what was causing it. As I mentioned above, please fire the person.

    Sciatic pain can be caused by among other things, a bulging disc, inflammation of the psoas/piriformis, SI joint issues or a myriad of other things (the one mentioned are a few of the more common).

    Do you sit a bunch at work, school, or whatever? Excess sitting is often a major factor in all of these.

    Description of piriformis issues

    A discussion of the psoa:

    Some stuff on the SI joint

    I had sleeping on the floor, crawling to the bathroom back pain for 4 days. Utlimately got to the doctor for xrays and a CT scan. Best neurologist in town looked at everything, said it was SI joint tightness, plus some piriformis inflammation. I asked what caused it, he said I sat too much (even though I lifted, ran and cycled). The 10+ hours at work and 2 hours of commuting was doing it. He prescribed PT and when things settled down more squats and deadlifts.

    Best of luck.